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By her thirteenth birthday on 12 June 1942, Anne received a small notebook that was brought to his father in a glass

case a few days earlier. While this is an autograph book, bound in red plaid and black, with a small lock on the front, Ana had already decided that I would use it as a diary. She began writing in it almost immediately, describing herself and her family and their daily life at home and at school. In the absence of a "soul mate" as Anne wrote her diary as if speaking to a friend, called her diary Kitty and used "Dear Kitty" as introductory phrase referring directly to Kathe Zgyedie, a fellow studies who affectionately called "Kitty". Wrote in letters about their results in class, friends, guys I sympathized and preferred places to visit in your neighborhood. While these early writings in his diary show that his life was in many ways typical life of a school, also review the changes to be implemented since the German occupation. Some references appear random and without much emphasis, however in some parts described in detail the oppression that is increasing every day. He wrote about the stars that all Jews were forced to wear in public, and also listed some of the restrictions and persecutions imposed on the daily lives of the Jewish population of Amsterdam. On 5 July 1942, Margot Frank received a notice ordering him to report for deportation a labor camp. Ana was then informed of a plan that Otto had prepared with his most trusted employees, and they knew Edith and Margot from a few days ago. The family would hide in rooms hidden in the company premises on the Prinsengracht, a street on the edge of one of the canals of Amsterdam. On July 9, 1942, the family moved to the hideout and prepared her old apartment was littered to suggest he had been abandoned suddenly, Otto Frank left a note which could infer that had escaped to Switzerland . As Jews were not allowed to use public transport had to walk several kilometers from their home to the shelter, each carrying clothes all they could, since they could not risk being seen with luggage. The achterhuis (Dutch word which means house and achter huis, above), was a three-story space at the back of the building with access to a courtyard behind Opekta offices. On the first level there were two small rooms with an attached bathroom on which was a large room, with a smaller attached. In that small room he climbed into the attic. The achterhuis door was covered with a rack that it could not be seen. Ana will later refer to this space as the secret annex. The main building, located one block from Westerkerk, was a banal building, typical of the western suburbs of Amsterdam. Victor Kugler (older editions named in Kraler), Johannes Kleiman (Koophuis), Miep Gies and Elisabeth "Bep" Voskuijl were the only employees who knew of the hiding place and, along with Jan's husband Voskuijl Gies and Johannes Hendrik, the father of Voskuijl, were those who helped the Frank family to survive for the duration of his confinement. They were the only contact

between the outside and the occupants of the house, and kept them informed of war news and political events. They were also the suppliers of everything needed for the security and survival of the family food supply became increasingly difficult as time passed. Anne wrote about the dedication and efforts to lift their spirits during the most dangerous. They were aware that sheltering Jews at that time were grieved by death. In late July, they were joined by the van Pels family (Van Daan): Hermann, Auguste, and Peter of 16 years, and later in November came Fritz Pfeffer (Albert Dussel), dentist and family friend. Anne wrote about how good it was to have other people to talk to, but tensions quickly occurred in this group of people should share this hiding confined. After sharing her room with Pfeffer, Ana eventually considered unbearable, and he fought with Auguste van Pels, whom he considered out of his mind. Her relationship with her mother became too difficult and Ana wrote that he felt to have little in common with her mother for being too abstracted. Although sometimes argued with Margot, wrote about an unexpected bond that had developed between them, but to whom he felt was closest to his father. Some time later, also began to appreciate the kindness of Peter van Pels and even got to have romantic feelings. Ana spent most of his time reading and studying, while continuing to write in her journal. In addition to outlining the events after, Anne wrote about her feelings, beliefs and ambitions, subjects that did not speak. Feeling more secure about his writing, while growing and maturing, wrote of more abstract subjects such as her belief in God, or how she defined human nature. He wrote regularly until his final entry, on August 1, 1944.

Arrest and life in concentration camps On the morning of August 4, 1944 the Grne Polizei raided the achterhuis on a tip from an informant that was never identificado.1 Led by Sergeant Protection Corps (SS) Karl Silberbauer of Section IVB4 Security Service (SD) , the group included at least three members of the Security Police. Tenants were introduced into trucks and taken for questioning. Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman were jailed, but Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl allowed them to leave. Later return to achterhuis where annotations Ana found scattered on the ground. The collected and several albums of family photos, and Gies was proposed return them to Anne after the war was over. They took the members of the house to a camp in Westerbork. Being apparently a transit camp through which until then had been more than 100,000 Jews, on 2 September the group was deported on what would be his last transport from Westerbork to the Auschwitz concentration camp. After three days' journey they reached their destination, and men and women were

separated according to sex, to avoid going to see more. Of the 1,019 passengers, 549 - including children under age 15 - were selected and sent directly to the gas chambers, which were killed. Anne had turned 15 three months earlier and was fought, and although all the achterhuis survived the selection, Anne believed that his father had been murdered. Along with the other females not selected for immediate death, Anne was forced to remain naked for disinfection, he shaved his head and an identification number tattooed on his arm. During the day women used for forced labor and, at night, huddled in the cold barracks. The diseases they spread quickly and soon ended Ana skin covered with scabs. On October 28, the selection began to relocate women in Bergen-Belsen. More than 8,000 women, Anne Frank, Margot Frank and Auguste van Pels included, were transported, but Edith Frank was left behind. Tents were erected to accommodate the influx of prisoners, including Anne and Margot, and as the population increased the death rate due to disease increased rapidly. Ana could get together for a brief period with two friends, Hanneli Goslar Pick (called "Lies" in the diary) and Nanette Blitz, who survived the war. Ana told how, naked except for a piece of blanket, explained that, infested with lice, had stripped naked. She was described as bald, emaciated and shivering, but despite his illness he said he was more concerned about Margot, whose condition was more serious. Goslar and Blitz failed to see Margot, who remained in his bunk, too weak. Also, Ana told them they were alone, and that his parents had died. In March 1945, an epidemic of typhoid fever spread throughout the countryside, it is estimated that ended the lives of 17,000 prisoners. Witnesses told Margot later, weakened as he was, he fell off his bunk and died as a result of the coup, and a few days later Anne died also. A few weeks before the camp was liberated by British troops on April 15, 1945. After the war, of the approximately 110,000 Jews who were deported from the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation, only 5,000 survived. Of the eight tenants achterhuis, only Anne's father survived. Herman Van Pels, was gassed upon the group's arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, on September 6, 1944. His wife Auguste died between April 9 and May 8, 1945, in Germany or Czechoslovakia. His son Peter died on May 5, 1945 at the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, after being transferred from Auschwitz walk. Dr. Friedrich Pfeffer died on December 20, 1944 at the Neuengamme concentration camp. Anne's mother, Edith Hollander, died on January 6, 1945, in Birkenau. Johannes Kleiman and Victor Kugler, Otto Frank's business partners that helped your previously remained hidden, were arrested for

helping the Frank family. Both were sentenced to Arbeitseinsatz (labor services) in Germany, and survived the war.

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