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Is the DNS protocol involved when a users pings a website name Yes it is involved.

When the user pings the website name, a DNS request packet is sent to the DNS server which would then respond with the IP address of the web server on which the website is hosted. On a network, should the DNS server IP address be configured on the computer or the internet router for users to browse the internet The DNS server IP address should be configured on the computer for the users to browse the internet. In a LAN network should the DNS server be inside the network or can it reside on the internet The DNS server can reside anywhere as long as the computers and devices requiring DNS service have network access to it. How does a computer know to which DNS server it has to sent the request The DNS server IP address is configured on the TCP/IP adapter setting of the computer. With this information, the computer knows the DNS server to which the request has to be sent. How many root DNS servers are available in the world 13 Which port does a DNS Server Use UDP port 53 A user opens the browser and types the IP address of the webserver on which a website is hosted. Is DNS protocol involved during the scenario? The DNS protocol is used to resolve the website name into the corresponding IP address. In this case, since the IP address is already known, DNS protocol is not required and is not involved in the scenario. Name two methods by which DNS can be configured on a computer It can be manually configured on the TCP/IP adapter or by a DHCP server. If a computer is configured with a default gateway address, should the same address be used as the DNS server IP address It is not mandatory. The DNS server IP address can be any value provided the computer has access to it.

What happens when you ping a DNS server IP address A response to the ping is sent by the DNS server IP address.

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