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HS Day Two Summary: Students will be introduced to the ideal of conflict and ways in which they can tie that into their writings Main Curriculum Tie: Theatre: Foundation IV-Script Writing, Construct Meaning Reading: CCR anchor standards-Craft and structure, Integration of knowledge and Ideas Writing: CCR anchor standards-Text types and purposes, Range of writing Materials: Scenarios cut out Jar to draw out of Before You Teach: Teachers should have typed out scenarios, printed them out and cut into strips. Teacher then should have placed them in a jar ready to go at the start of class Intended Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to create appropriate character dialogue and physical attributes. They will be able to create plot structures wherein conflict occurs. Students will begin to develop critical thinking skills to generate meaning through various scenarios. Students will gain the ability to analyze situations and articulate, in writing, experiences. Students will be able to connect personal experiences with dramatic presentation and use self-assessment in achieving their objectives. Instructional Procedures: 1. Guest teachers will introduce the idea of conflict 2. Students will be broken into pairs and given a scenario 3. Students will then act out the scenarios 4. Students will be asked to reverse the roles and repeat the scenario 5. Students will then be asked to discuss what made the second performance different from the first etc. Homework: Students will write a story about their two characters previously created coming into conflict one with another. Assessment Plan: The Guest teachers will assess student performance based on the discussion after scenarios have been performed. Students will also be assessed based on how clearly they articulate their conflicts in their written homework assignment.

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