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Relationship b/w Ads & PLC


Comparative Pioneering

Major Decisions in Advertising

Media Terminology
Print Media Publications such as newspapers, magazines, direct mail, outdoor, etc.

Media Vehicle

The specific carrier within a medium category


Number of different audience members exposed at least once in a given time period The potential audience that might receive the message through the vehicle The number of times the receiver is exposed to the media vehicle in a specific time period



Strategic Decisions need to be taken e.g.

Who should be our primary targets? Users/ Non users? Heavy, medium or light users? How many prospects do we need to reach and how many times ? What reaction should we take as a result of media used by competitors ? Use same media mix as competitors ? Allocate same weight as competitors ? Ignore competitors ?

Strategic Decisions need to be taken e.g.

In which markets/regions should the ads appear? What pattern of geographic weighting should we use? What pattern of scheduling ? Continuity / fighting / pulsing ? Does media have to support promotions ? How much of budget for promotional support ? What media mix ?

Size of the INDUSTRY

I. II. III. I. I. Television Current size: Rs 148 billion Projected size by 2010: Rs 427 billion; CAGR: 24% Filmed entertainment :Current size: Rs 68 billion :Projected size by 2010: Rs 153 billion; CAGR: 18% Print Media:Current size: Rs 109 billion :Projected size by 2010: Rs 195 billion; CAGR: 12% All the major cities in India The Indian advertising industry is expected to grow by 13 %in 2010 to Rs 21,145 crore.

Geographical distribution
Output per annum Market Capitalization I. Market cap of around $5 billion

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