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One way we to....Another way is to..... The three key words in this lesson were...they link because....

This lesson was about....

To improve my understanding I need to....

I think its important to we can....

I know understand why we need to....when we....

If we....the result is....

At the start of the lesson I didnt know that....

Pass! Ask someone else a question....

1 House Point!! Roll again...

Before the lesson I did not know that....

I need to improve on my....

The most difficult thing to understand today was...because....

I can now explain why....

I will be able to use...when I....

If we...the results are that...because......

I hard to understand because....

One way we to...Another way to is....

I didnt expect that....

I can now explain to someone else that....

The key idea today was...The reasons for this are...

Pass! Ask the teacher a question....

An important question to ask is....

Next, I want to find out....

The one thing I did not understand today was....

I want to know why.....

I want to find out why....

You can also apply what we have learnt today to...

One thing that has not yet been answered is why/ how.... One thing we need to understand more about is....because....

One problem that arose today was....A solution would be ...

I would apply what I have learnt today by.....

Pass! Ask the teacher a question....

I am really proud that the lesson today

There are similarities cause...

Next, I think we will be learning to....

Interactive Plenary !

The Kings School CG 01.13 v1

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