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Technology and Applied Studies 2013 Stage 5

Design Process Revision

There are 4 steps in the design process 1. 2. 3. 4. Investigating Designing Producing Evaluating

Name: Vicky Feng PC: 9B

Working with two (2) other students, discuss each of these steps and develop a brief definition for each. Type your response in the text boxes 1. Investigating Investigating is when you look for information about the task you received it could be looking up some materials that might be good to use to make your product or how to use a certain type of material.

2. Designing Designing is when you put your ideas that you have onto paper and come up with different and unique designs. Designing is where you get to expand your creativity and come up with designs that you think are suitable for the aim of focus area of the topic.

3. Producing Producing is when make and create your designs with materials and make them three dimensional. It is when your designs come to life and see your creative designs right in front of you to see and touch.

4. Evaluating Evaluating comes at the very end where you evaluate or criticise yourself on your finished product and what you think of your final product, is it how you wanted your final product to turn out.

Design Procedure
You have invented a new product - a motorised skateboard. It can go at any speed and all you have to do is ride! It is operated by a remote control device. Tick the correct box to show which activity belongs with which step in the design process. The first one is done for you.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 j11 12

You ask if your friends would be interested in a motorised skateboard. You find out if anyone else has invented one by searching on the internet and asking at shops that sell skateboards. You do internet research to find out about small motors and whether they would be powerful enough to drive a skateboard and hold a person. You find an engineer and ask her about how motors work and about remote control devices. You identify a new type of small motor that would be perfect and you find out how much it costs. You sketch a drawing of your design. You purchase the parts - you need a motor, cables, new wheels for your skateboard, electronic parts and a remote control. You work for hours in your garage putting the prototype together. You give the skateboard a test drive. It doesnt work. You ask your Technology teacher to help you with the design and production of your skateboard, and she helps you after school. The skateboard works! You evaluate its performance. It doesnt go up hill but it does hold your weight and the remote control works. You demonstrate to your friends and ask their opinion about ways to improve it.






Rapping The Design Process

To be a good rapper, you need to be able to use words that rhyme, e.g. cat, hat, sat. Write as many words as you can think of which rhyme with:
Said School Heart Week Top Bed, fled, bred, bread, fed, dread, head, thread, lead, led, read, pled Cool, cruel, tool, rule, pool, mule, Cart, art, start, tart, part, smart, chart Beak, Sneak, weak, Greek, speak, cheek Stop, cop, mop, flop, drop, shop, swap, hop, crop, po

Now, use your rhyming skills and finish off these raps! The words you need are in the box at the bottom of the page.

Heres some advice before you


Resources Good Investigate Design Implementation

There are a few things you should take to heart. Clarify the problem, and identify the So your design will be
Fine Resources Need

indeed. and skill

Work out what you need for But you cant You
Investigate Relax

Relax Need Plan Solution Fine

or take a rest until and research on the net


So your ideas will be as

as they can get.


Get your thoughts together then decide on a To find the


! Yes, you can!


Then follow out your plan -


Use your tools and resources in creative ways. Now youve done it! Youve made a great While following the process all of the time. Finally you have to think and
Evaluate Plan

Whether your design was poor, average or great!

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