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Name:__________________________________________ Date:_____________________ Hr:__________ Today you will be comparing and contrasting President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson.

Using your notes/textbook/QR codes please complete the following tasks. You may need to download a free QR reader. LOOKS: Please write two sentences describing JFK and his image to the public in the 1960s. Please write two sentences describing LBJ and his image to the public in the 1960s.

PROGRAMS (DOMESTIC): Please write two sentences describing JFK and his programs and goals in the 1960s.

Please write two sentences describing LBJ and his programs and goals in the 1960s.

FOREIGN POLICY Please write two sentences describing JFK and his foreign policy decisions.

Please write two sentences describing LBJ and his foreign policy decisions.

HOMEWORK: Using the back of this sheet draw a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting JFK and LBJ. Please have a minimum of 5 items in each part of the diagram.

EXTRA CREDIT Write a short (5 sentence)summary and who you thought won the 1960 JFK vs. Nixon debate found here-----------------------

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