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General Feedback on Psyc945 Assignment 2

1. This went well for the most part, although several folks forgot to give formulas for pseudo-R2 and random effects confidence intervals. Formulas will be easier to understand than text, but the point is that many people will not familiar with these things and so they should be explained explicitly. 2. The reasons why ANOVA wouldnt work here should be described in the context of the current study. In order to explain why either ANOVA wont work, youd want to describe what gets aggregated over to use ANOVA, and why this is a problem. Youd want to note what compromises are required in terms of how predictor effects can be specified, as well as what kinds of research questions ANOVA doesnt address. One might also comment about assumptions regarding missing data within each approach.

3. No big problems here. Make sure to interpret the random effects confidence intervals for the reader, as they are not your typical confidence interval around a point estimate. 4. Everyone got the main effect correct, but make sure to provide effect size (via pseudo-R2) for each effect, indicating which variance it accounted for. Also report the deviance difference test for answer the last question. I had asked for these effects sequentially in order to facilitate computation of effect size, so it will be helpful to all of us if you build the model sequentially as well. 5. Same as #5, except to make sure to include and interpret the effect size of the random slope variance (via a random effect confidence interval). 6. Even though the interaction was non-significant, an effect size is still warranted. In general, this is how you distinguish between situations of low power versus an actual non-practically-significant effect. Please report and interpret the coefficient as well (for practice, at the very least). 7. Make sure to report the deviance difference test for this and clearly identify which variance component expresses this idea, as well as what this result means conceptually. 8. There were a total of 4 IQ effects to be reported, each of which has an effect size. You can add them all at once, but please be clear about which effects were added so that I will know how each should be interpreted (i.e., what is conditional and what is not). These effects target different variance components. If you are not sure which effects target which variance, try adding them one at a time so you can see what happens. Make sure to report and interpret the interactions as well. 9. You are allowed to drop nonsignificant effects that are not needed for proper interpretation to make this part easier. When noting the overall model R2, please explain how this was calculated, as it was done differently than the other pseudo-R2 calculations. 10. The instructions told you what values of the predictors to be plotted, but make sure you remember the predictors are centered (especially IQ). In the text you should describe what low and high IQ actually means, as well as what this plot indicates conceptually (i.e., what is the pattern in English). Hope that helps! As always, please come see me or email me to go over any questions you have. Lesa

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