Planets Acceleration and Orbital Decay

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Astrophys Space Sci (2008) 314: 35–39

DOI 10.1007/s10509-007-9731-1


On the planetary acceleration and the rotation of the Earth

Arbab I. Arbab

Received: 12 October 2007 / Accepted: 13 December 2007 / Published online: 22 January 2008
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008

Abstract We have developed a cosmological model for the (Arbab 2005). This system is affected by the perturbation
Earth rotation and planetary acceleration that gives a good due to other planets or the Sun. The cosmic expansion may
account (data) of the Earth astronomical parameters. These show up in raising tides in this system. The influence of
data can be compared with the ones obtained using space- the expansion induces a change in the value of the gravi-
base telescopes. The expansion of the universe has shown to tational constant appearing in Kepler’s third law and New-
have an impact on the rotation of planets, and in particular, ton’s law of gravitation. At any rate, the total cosmic effect
the Earth. The expansion of the universe causes an acceler- is embedded in the effective gravitational constant (Geff. )
ation that is exhibited by all planets. that expresses all gravitational interactions with this system.
For a flat universe, if gravity strengthens, expansion has to
Keywords Planetary acceleration · Variable gravity · increase, in order to maintain a flatness (equilibrium) con-
Universe expansion · Hubble dition. The increase in gravity strength will show up in the
evolution of the rotation of the Earth-Moon system. Astro-
nomical investigations show that the preset Earth’s rotation
1 Introduction is decreasing, so that the length of the day is increasing at a
rate of 2 msec/century. Astronomical analysis could not ac-
It has been understood that the impact of the universe expan- count for the entire rotation of the Earth and one can only
sion on our solar system is negligible. This is however not extrapolate the present rate. If this rate in not linear such an
very true. The consequences of the expansion on the Earth- extrapolation can be dangerous. Laser ranging experiments
Moon system are in the measurable limit. The evolution of (LRE) show that the Moon is receding as it acquires angular
the Earth-Moon system was understood to be mainly due to momentum due to the spin down of the Earth rotation. That
tidal evolution. We have recently shown (Arbab 2003) that is because the total angular momentum of the Earth-Moon
the present acceleration of the universe is due to the ever in- system remains constant during its evolution. Moreover, the
creasing gravity strength. Very recently, we have found that Moon exhibits some kind of an anomalous acceleration, that
the evolution of angular momenta and energy of the Earth- can be measured.
Moon system can be accounted as due to cosmic expansion We however provide in our present study a different ap-
proach. The data we obtained are in good agreement with
geophysical and palaeontological findings. We attribute the
A.I. Arbab () evolution of the Earth-Moon system to the cosmic acceler-
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University
of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321, Khartoum, Sudan
ation. Cosmic effects might appear in different forms, viz.,
e-mail: making tides or other perturbations. Recent findings based
on optical observations in the solar system suggest that all
A.I. Arbab planets might accelerate in their orbits. About thirty years
Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, Faculty
of Applied Sciences and Computer, Omdurman Ahlia University, ago, the first indications of planetary drifts away from their
P.O. Box 786, Omdurman, Sudan predicted ephemerides appeared in the literature, and more
36 Astrophys Space Sci (2008) 314: 35–39

recently (Kolesnik 2000) reported that planetary drifts, de- manifest its self in some aspects, e.g., tidal acceleration or
termined from optical observations, may possibly be accel- orbital acceleration. We anticipate the Earth-Sun distance to
erations that are proportional to their motions. change with cosmic time too. This means in the remote past
the planets were at different positions from the Sun when
they were formed.
2 The model The viability of this model will depend on the future as-
tronomical and geological findings that will emerge. The
We have recently developed a model that accounts for the data we have obtained are not extrapolations of present ones,
present cosmic acceleration (Arbab 2003). We have shown but rather emerge originally from using the General Theory
that, in the present epoch, the gravitational constant (G) in- of Relativity (GTR), and therefore are reliable. They rep-
creases with time. However, its exact time dependence is not resent empirical relations that account for the rotation and
well determined form cosmology. One has to resort to other evolution of the Earth-Sun system and similar systems. We
source of information to uncover it. This is found to be the can not by just extrapolating the present data over very dis-
past Earth rotation. tant past understand the full history of the Sun-Earth-Moon
It is known that the Earth rotation is decreasing with time system. A complete understanding requires a full theory. As
since the Earth was formed. Scientists attribute this to the such a theory does not exist at present we can only rely
tide rasing force by the Moon on Earth. Accordingly, the on empirical formulae as those of ours. Bear in mind that
day is lengthening at a rate of about 2 millisecond/century. our model is so far the only model that provides a temporal
Hence, the Earth is losing angular momentum and the Moon evolution of the Earth-Moon-Sun system parameters. We re-
must increase its angular momentum, as due to the angu- mark that the prediction of these formulae is overwhelming.
lar momentum conservation of the Earth-Moon system. This Theoretical prejudice favors that the Earth primordial rota-
fact implies that the Moon must be receding from the Earth. tion is about six hours. Only our model can give this value!
We know that the motion of the Earth around the Sun con- From the angular momentum (L) and the Kepler’s third
serves the angular momentum. One can satisfy this conser- law, one finds
vation by requiring the Earth to accelerate in its orbit around
the Sun. L3 ∝ G2 T , (1)
The scale expanding cosmos (SEC) predicts that the √
L ∝ Gr, (2)
present acceleration of the Earth is about 2.8 arcsec per cen-
tury squared (Kolesnik and Masreliez 2004). However, one and
can attribute the deceleration of the Earth rotation as due
to cosmic expansion. Other effects like the variation of the L ∝ Gv −1 , (3)
length of day is normally thought as due to the tidal dissi-
pation raised by the Moon on the Earth. Other findings at- where T is the length of the year measured in terms of the
tribute this deceleration to the interactions of the Earth core. number of days, v is the orbital velocity of the Earth (planet)
However, in the present scenario we only know the total rotation in its orbit, r is the Earth (planet)-Sun distance, and
contribution to the Earth-Moon system that we trust to be G is the gravitational constant. Since, the angular momen-
a consequence of cosmic expansion. This cosmic expansion tum of the Earth-Sun system is constant, the length of the
is counteracted by a growing gravitational force between ce- year (in seconds) is fixed and hence one finds that
lestial objects (galaxies, stars, planets). Thus a gradual in-
crease in gravity force is the main consequence of the astro- T ∝ G−2 , (4)
nomical phenomena we now come to observe. Geologists
r ∝ G−1 , (5)
observed that the length of the day has not been constant
over the past million years and that the number of days in and
a year, days in a month and the distance between Earth and
Moon are all variable too. These variations can be calculated v ∝ G. (6)
and their corresponding values can then be confronted with
observational data. Equations (4)–(6) imply that as long as G is constant then
We suggest that the cosmic expansion has an influence T , r, and v are constant too. However, there is a possibility
on the Earth-Sun-Moon system and similar systems. For a that G might have been changing appreciably over cosmo-
bound system, like the Earth-Sun, to remain in a bound state logical time. In this case if one knows the way how G varies
despite the cosmic expansion (possibly accelerating), grav- the variation of the distance, r, the orbital velocity, v and
ity strength has to increase to compensate for the cosmic ex- the number of days in a year, T can be calculated. Thus the
pansion consequences. This strengthening of gravity would variation of G could mimic tidal effects (changes) to which
Astrophys Space Sci (2008) 314: 35–39 37

scientists now attribute to. Newton’s gravitational law can Hence, one has
still formally hold even G changes with time. However, the
equivalence principle of general theory of relativity is bro- T0 D0 = T D, (9)
ken. The variation of G may be attributed to an existence of
dark matter coexisting with normal matter in our universe. where the subscript ‘0’ on the quantity denotes its present
Its effect is to make the gravitational coupling (Newton’s value. Our model shows that the day was six hours when the
constant) appear to be increasing. The effect of a little nor- Earth was formed.
mal matter and an increasing gravity in a universe may be The angular velocity of the Earth about the Sun is
equivalent to that of more matter and normal gravity in the ( = 2πT )
universe. We dictate here that Newton’s law of gravitation
(and Kepler’s law) to be applied to an evolving local system,  ∝ G2eff. . (10)
like the planetary system, viz. Earth-Moon-Sun system.
This implies that the Earth is accelerating at a rate of
Our present study relies on a general form for the vari-
ation of G with cosmic time (Arbab 2003). In this sce- ˙
nario a gravitating body interacts with an effective gravita- =2 (11)
tional constant Geff. which differs from the ordinary New-
ton’s constant we know. We have, in particular, an increasing and at the same time the Earth-Sun distance decreases at a
G = Geff. at the present epoch, viz. rate of
t ṙ Ġeff.
Geff. = G0 (7) =− . (12)
t0 r Geff.

where n > 0 is some constant to be determined from exper- If we know how G varies, one can calculate this variation. In
iment and t0 is the age of the universe. Here n determines our cosmological model, we know that the general variation
the properties of the cosmological model proposed. In this of G depends on a parameter n that determines the whole
sense gravity couples, in an expanding universe, with Geff. cosmology. If n is know then the whole cosmological pa-
rather than with G0 . In effect one replaces G in all formulae rameters are known. Our cosmological model could not de-
with Geff. . In an expanding universe the Earth couples with termine n exactly. It places a weaker limit on the value of n.
the rest of the universe with this effective value. Such a cou- However, Wells had found from a palaeontological study the
pling supports the idea of Mach that the inertia of an object is number of days in the year at different geologic times. To re-
influenced by the rest of matter in the universe. In an evolv- produce his result we require the age of the universe to be
ing universe this effective constant induces a cosmological t0 ∼ 11 billion years and n = 1.3 so that
effect on planetary systems that the ordinary constant (G0 )  1.3
does not. This why we observe some cosmic effects exhib- t
Geff. = G0 . (13)
ited in tidal effects, or effects drawn from perturbation by t0
other objects in the solar system. In this context one has a
calculable variation in the strength of gravity resulting from Hence, (4)–(7) become, respectively
the cosmic expansion. This variation can’t be measured di-  2.6
rectly. We present here a new approach of detecting their T = T0 , (14)
variation with cosmic time in the way they affect the dynam- t
ics of the planetary system. An increasing gravitational con-  1.3
stant may mimic an increasing mass of a gravitating body. r = r0 , (15)
Or alternatively, it mimics a dark matter surrounding the t
gravitating body that makes the orbiting object to fall to-  1.3
ward it. A universe with an increasing gravitational constant v = v0 , (16)
may look indistinguishable from the one with dark matter. t0
Hence, if gravity increases for some reason the idea of dark and
matter need not be appealing. Milgrom modified Newton’s  2.6
law to account for the flattening of the rotation curve. In our t
D = D0 . (17)
present case the modification does not change the form of t0
Newton’s law.
If one assumes that the length of the year remains con- Equation (17) follows from (14) by dictating that the length
stant, then the length of the day (D) should scale as of the year (in seconds) remains invariant. We remark here
that there is an astrophysical system (Binary Pulsars) in
D ∝ G2eff. . (8) which the decay of orbit is very prominent and attributed
38 Astrophys Space Sci (2008) 314: 35–39
Table 1 Data obtained from fossil corals and radiometric time by John Wells

Timea 65 136 180 230 280 345 405 500 600

Days/year 371.0 377.0 381.0 385.0 390.0 396.0 402.0 412. 0 424.0

a Time in million years before present

Table 2 Data obtained from our empirical formula in (14) and (17)

Timea 65 136 180 230 280 345 405 500 600

Days/year 370.9 377.2 381.2 385.9 390.6 396.8 402.6 412.2 422.6
Day (hr) 23.6 23.2 23.0 22.7 22.4 22.1 21.7 21.3 20.7
Timea 715 850 900 1200 2000 2500 3000 3560 4500

Days/year 435.0 450.2 456 493.2 615.4 714.0 835.9 1009.5 1434
Day (hr) 20.1 19.5 19.2 17.7 14.2 12.3 10.5 8.7 6.1

a Time in million years before present

to the emission of gravitational waves. Can we assume here since

that there is a similar effect? Alternatively, may one suggest
that the decay of orbit in the former system is due to cos- = 1.18 H. (21)
mic expansion in the manner we have identified above? This Geff.
is quite plausible if the apparent acceleration of planetary We see that the gravitational force increases as
system is the direct cause.
It is worth to mention that Wells could not go far beyond Geff.
the Precambrian (600 million years back). Our model gives F= F0 , (22)
a formula that determines the number of days in a year and
the length of day at any time in the past. These data ob- and upon using (7), it becomes
tained from this formula are in full agreement with those  4
obtained by different methods (see Arbab 2004 and refer- t
F= F0 . (23)
ences therein). The correctness of the formula entitle us to t0
say that our initial proposition that the expansion of the uni-
We notice that the Newton’s and Kepler’s laws of gravitation
verse affects our solar system is correct. If that is true, one
do still work well, even in an expanding universe, with only
can calculate the present acceleration of the Earth (and other
a minor generalization that takes care of cosmic evolution.
planets) and the rate at which their orbit decreases. For the
The increase of the gravitational forces is such that to coun-
Earth orbital motion one finds that the present acceleration
teract the present universal expansion (acceleration) so that
amounts to
  the universe remains in equilibrium (flat). The gravitational
0 = 0 , ˙ 0 = 3.05 arcsec/cy2 . (18) force between our Earth and the Sun 4.5 billion years ago
t0 has been 12% less than now. The luminosity of the Sun is
At the same time the Earth-Sun distance decreases at a rate also affected by the variation of the gravitational constant.
of We thus see that the variation of the Earth parameters
  is entirely due to the universe expansion. We have found
1.3 the present Hubble constant to be H0 = 10−10 y−1 so that
ṙ0 = − r0 , ṙ0 = −17.7 m/year. (19)
t0 ( Ġ −10 y−1 . This analysis imposes a new
Geff. )0 = 1.18 × 10

One can also write the above equations in terms of Hubble limit on Geff. and H which can be tested with observational
constant, as data. There is only few models that deal with increasing G.
However, models in which G decreases with time lead to
= 2.36 H, = −1.18 H, serious difficulties when confronted with observations. Our
 r model predicts a universal acceleration of all gravitating
v̇ Ḋ bodies. For instance, we found that Mercury accelerates at a
= 1.18 H, = 2.36 H rate of 12.6 arcsec/cy2 , Venus at a rate of 4.95 arcsec/cy2 ,
v D
Astrophys Space Sci (2008) 314: 35–39 39

Earth at a rate of 3.05 arcsec/cy2 and Mars at a rate of show up in different forms some of them are understood as
1.6 arcsec/cy2 . We remark that the formulae pertaining to due to tidal effects. We anticipate that the future observa-
the planets motion are in good agreement with observation. tions will bring many puzzles and surprises with it.
We should also await the emergence of new data to test their
applicability to these systems. We see from (19) that the day Acknowledgements I would like to thank the University of Khar-
toum for providing research support for this work.
(D) lengthens by 1.95 msec/cy. According to scale expand-
ing cosmos (SEC) all planets spin down. If all of these data
are found to be in accordance with observation, then our hy-
pothesis that the cause of the present acceleration is due to References
gravity increase would be inevitable!
Arbab, A.I.: Class. Quantum Gravit. 23, 23 (2003)
Arbab, A.I.: Acta Geod. Geophys. Hung. 39, 27 (2004)
Arbab, A.I.: Acta Geod. Geophys. Hung. 40, 33 (2005)
3 Concluding remarks Kolesnik, Y.B.: In: Proceedings of the IAU (2000)
Kolesnik, Y.B., Masreliez, C.J.: Astrophys. J. 128, 878 (2004)
Masreliez, C.J.: Apeiron 11, 1 (2004)
We have shown in this paper that the present cosmic acceler-
Milgrom, M.: Astrophys. J. 270, 365 (1983)
ation shows its effect on our Earth-Moon-Sun system. This Wells, J.W.: Nature 197, 948 (1963)
is apparent in the magnitude of the variation of the length of
day, year, distance, angular velocity, etc, which are all pro-
portional to the Hubble parameter. The cosmological effects

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