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Did Anyone Get the Name of That Hacker Who PWNED Me?

Lance Cottrell
Chief Scientist: Ntrepid / Anonymizer

Session ID: BR-F43 Session Classification: Intermediate

When You Are Under Attack You may ask:

Did Anyone Get the Name of That Hacker Who PWNED Me?

As a Defender, You See....

Lat / Long: +54 / -2 Country: UK Ping: 110ms ISP: (AKA server hosting Open Ports: SSH, HTTP

Was That Really the Attacker?

Which is the Real Attacker?

Its Turtles All the Way Down

What If You Could Spot People Hiding

Block Web Access

Redirect to HoneypotAdd Firewall RuleDeny Credit CardFlag in Logs

How Do They Hide?

ProxiesVPNsChained VPNs / TORBotnets / Compromised HostsAdvanced Persistent Threats

How You Can Spot Them

Known Anonymity IPOpen Proxy / VPN PortsInappropriate / Non-consumer IPBulletproof HostHigh Latency vs. PingProtocol Leakage

Track the Computer Itself

Browser Fingerprints

Fingerprint may stand outUnusual OS / BrowserSystem TOO cleanSystem TOO HardenedLying in UserAgent String

Virtualization Makes Your Job Harder

Easy to Clean No Cookies or Super-Cookies Detection as VM Requires Local Execution

Cloned Each Time Too Clean or Outdated Cruft

Can Be Detected as VM

Fortunately (for you), Good OPSEC is

Tools can be slow and cumbersomeMay go direct for innocent activity / reconnaissanceMay forget to use itAccidentally cross the streams of personasCorrelate attacker print with all previous activity

Why Should YOU be Stealthy

Lurk in IRC and ForumsDiscover PlansLearn TechniquesHide your interest & activityBait HoneypotsDrop False Leads and LinksGovernmentHas Other More Aggressive Options

10 Tips for Defender Stealth Part 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Using a known anon IP is good Use only VPN type privacy servicesUse a VM for identity isolation and malware preventionUse a different VM

10 Tips for Defender Stealth Part 2

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Files on the VM are definitionally contaminated

Contact me at: Email: Commercial / Gov: Consumer: Blog: Twitter: @LanceCottrell LinkedIn:

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