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Business Trends

Prepared by; Done Danga

Process control controlling process used to produce a product or provide service is the best way of preventing problems and non conformities. Inspection and testing procedure should be designed for early detection of non conformities. Control of Inspection, measuring, and test equipment inspection and testing method are of little value of equipment used for these procedures is not functioning properly. Inspection and test status a product condition must be identified throughout the production. Control of non conforming product - it maybe rework to meet the specified requirement. Accepted without repaired by agreement of the customer regarded for alternative use or scrapped. Corrective and preventive action corrective action begins with the detection of any non-conformance and ends in taking the appropriate action to correct the deficiency and prevent its recurrence. Handling - handled with manner to ensure their protection from damage and deterioration. Storage Storage area should provide physical security environmental controls and rotation of stock to avoid loss due to age. Packaging provide protection against damage, deterioration, or contamination. Preservation required when under the supplier control. Delivery protect the product during transportation. Control of quality records this requires that the records be maintained for the established retention period or as prescribed by contractual requirement. Internal quality audits the purpose of this element is to ensure that the quality system is working according to plan. Training the requirements for training is very general, leaving the decision of appropriate training to the organization involved. Servicing This element requires procedures to be in place for performing after deliver service on product and verifying, through documentation, that the servicing meets the contracts specified requirements. Statistical Technique statistical techniques should be implemented wherever they are suitable and practical for the improvement and/or control of process or product quality.

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