Anne Frank

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Holly Zilke Anne Frank Act I Review Lesson I.

Benchmark/Standard: Eighth grade ELA students will read and study the Anne Frank play, as mandated by Grandville Public Schools. Behavioral/Objective: a. The Anne Frank play will be taught in order to help students to understand personal significance of historical events. b. They will be assessed based on their ability to successfully complete an essay which requires students to synthesize thematic ideas with personal experience and examples from the play Anne Frank. Anticipatory Set: a. Plates and Expo markers will be used to record student responses. b. Access prior knowledge: Students have just finished listening to Act I on tape and reading along with the textbook version of the play, created story maps and Facebook pages before beginning reading, and have had short discussions after each section read, giving them the previous knowledge to successfully complete review. c. Practice something already known: Review is given in format similar to game shows, and calls on knowledge of the play all students should have. Objective/Purpose a. Students are playing review game in order for the teacher to evaluate levels of understanding at the halfway point of the play and address any concerns or confusions. They will be assessed on this through the use of the Plate Game. If they do not know answers, they will hear the responses and corresponding feedback of all other groups in the class and will ultimately get the proper response. Input: Plastic plates, dry erase markers, facial tissue. a. The learner needs an understanding of facts and ideas used in the Anne Frank play. - Use plates for group review activity- 10-15 min. - Introduce plate game, including demonstration - Each group of 4 will get one plate - Time will vary based on question, timer will be displayed. - Once the group is finished, all group members should raise hands to lock in their answer. When time ends, groups must be quiet (excessive talking can result in penalties) and the plate must be held up for all teams- Teams will share their answers and find out if there is is an acceptable response -See questions below for review Game show style- Ill ask the question once; can use story maps, character lists, books, Facebook pages, and vocab Frayer models. b.





1. Knowledge- 1. q. What month and year do the Franks go into hiding? 20 sec a. July 1942 2. q. What three families share the Secret Annex? 20 sec a. Van Danns, Dussel, Franks 3. q. Which country and city are the Franks originally from? 20 sec a. Frankfurt, Germany 4. q. Vocab challenge 15 seconds: with great show or exaggeration a. ostentatiously 6. q. Anne didnt realize how many things she took for granted in her life before they were taken away. Name 2 restrictions placed on Anne after the Nazis took power. (30 seconds) 7. q. Vocab challenge 15 seconds: angrily aroused by something mean, unjust, or unworthy a. indignantly 2. Comprehension- 5. q. Why were the occupants of the Secret Annex scared when they heard footsteps or a car stop outside? 30 sec a. They were afraid that the Green Police had found them out and were coming to get them. 3. Application 8. q. Beyond conflict amongst characters, what is an internal conflict that Anne struggles with? (35 seconds) a. Conflict between behaving well and acting spitefully 4. Analysis 9. q. Before we started the play we talked about what happened in Anne Franks life and how she died. In the play, we dont know this yet. What foreshadowing have you seen that might suggest what is going to happen? (40 seconds) (give dark and stormy night example) 5. Synthesis 10. q. How does being in the annex inspire Anne to want to change her behavior for the better? If Anne were in still living back in her regular life, how would her view on this topic be different? 6. Evaluation 11. This was obviously a difficult experience for Anne. Put yourself in her shoes- as a group, decide what you feel one or two of the most difficult things would be for you if you were put in her situation. (40 seconds) 12. Scaffold into final essay: Which of these themes do you think will play the biggest role overall in the play? Why do you think this? Bonus round: Which of your teachers favorite word is, fortuitous A. Vacha c. Learning Styles and/or Accommodations a. There are no special education students in my class. Questions are repeated or explained if there is anything which is unclear. d. Methods and Materials

a. This lesson is done game-show style and allows students to come to croup consensus before showing plate to class. b. Plastic plates and dry-erase markers are necessary for this activity. VI. Modeling a. I demonstrate my expectations with regards to the plates before we hand out materials using an example question. b. Rules are clearly given c. I show them my plate as I explain. d. Students then mimic my example with their own plates. Check for Understanding a. Questions are provided above. b. Each time the students show answers I assess whether they are correct and give feedback on wrong answers. c. Students respond on plates. Guided Practice a. Students present knowledge of information and use new plate method to demonstrate. b. I model for students before we begin the game. c. I circulate amongst groups as they discuss each question. Closure a. Students are told that Act II will begin the following day b. I evaluate and alter questions as necessary




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