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Mr. E. White Common Area

Title Job #

Microwaving 110001

Storyboard Microwave
Shot Legend: Height Width Distance


In this far away shot Josh begins to walk up to the microwave.

In the second shot of the lm Josh walks closer to the microwave but the shot is zoomed in more.

In this shot the camera is in the microwave and Josh opens the microwave to put in his food.

Shot 1: High Wide Far Music: N/A

Shot 2: High Wide Medium Music: N/A

Shot 3: Low Tight Close Music: N/A

The LED Display counts down from 5 to 0 in an Eye-to-Eye shot.

The LED Display says Enjoy Your Meal from a lowed and farther shot.

Same as shot 3 however Josh takes out his food.

Shot 4: Eye to Eye Tight Close Music: N/A

Shot 5: Low Tight Short Music: N/A

Shot 6: Low Tight Close Music: N/A

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Mr. E. White Common Area

Title Job #

Microwaving 110001

Storyboard Microwave
Shot Legend: Height Width Distance


Very short little piece of a shot where Josh takes his hand off of the microwave door.

Josh leaves the microwave with food in hand.

Shot 7: Low Tight Close Music: N/A

Shot 8: Low Tight Short Music: N/A

Shot 9: Unused Music: N/A

Shot 10: Not Music: N/A

Shot 11: Being Music: N/A

Shot 12: Used Music: N/A

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