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Professor Bruno Vasconcelos de Almeida. Doctor in Clinical Psychology (PUC-SP). Professor of the Psichology Department (PUC MINAS). Psychologist and therapeutic accompanist.

This work aims to consider the relationship of the city with the sounds and noises experienced in the practice of therapeutic accompaniment. The clinical setting of TA is the city with its voices and the sound that permeate the countless crossings moving meeting between accompanist and accompanied. Equal importance can be attributed to the silence, experience increasingly rare and difficult. The game between voices and silences may signal a productive aspect of clinical work. The almost impossibility of silence is made explicit in the case of Fernanda, psychotic young man of twenty-three years. In busy and noisy rides for areas of the city, she was taken out of anguish that paralysed and made her body stiff during a therapeutic accompaniment. In clinical practice, Fernanda sessions remained silent for long periods, even stop them abruptly and in a suffering way. The effort consisted of the search by some silence relieving her mind-blowing sound chaos.

To discuss the double movement between voices and silences, this work is divided into three parts: the first contains the exposure of a case of TA followed by some considerations about silence in psychoanalysis; the second works with the novel 'El Silencieiro' by Antonio Di Benedetto, narrative that reveals a futile attempt to escape the noise destroyer of the world; the last turns to an essay by Jacques Derrida and the work of Adriana Cavarero about language and philosophy of vocal expression. The conductor wire is the possibility of paradoxical singularity between movements in voices and silences in a TA experience. Keywords: Therapeutic Accompaniment; Silence; Voices; Clinic; Literature. FREE THEME THEMATIC AXIS 1: TA Diversity TA Clinic.

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