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Research in Sports Medicine

Read the 5 Most Downloaded Articles in 2011 for Free!

1. Yoshida, Ayako; Kahanov, Leamor. "The Effect of Kinesio Taping on Lower Trunk Range of Motions" Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 15.2 (2007). 2. Small, Katie; Mc Naughton, Lars; Matthews, Martyn. "A Systematic Review into the Efficacy of Static Stretching as Part of a WarmUp for the Prevention of ExerciseRelated Injury" Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 16.3 (2008). 3. Cooper, R. L.; Taylor, N. F.; Feller, J. A.. "A Systematic Review of the Effect Of Proprioceptive and Balance Exercises on People With an Injured Or Reconstructed Anterior Cuciate Ligament" Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 13.2 (2005). 4. Grodski, Mark; Marks, Ray. "Exercises Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructive Surgery: Biomechanical Considerations and Efficacy of Current Approaches" Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 16.2 (2008). 5. Carlson, Kevin; Magnusen, Marshall; Walters, Peter. "Effect of Various Training Modalities on Vertical Jump" Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 17.2 (2009).

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