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Middle East Technical University Inst.

Of Applied Mathematics / Actuarial Sciences

IAM 546 / Actuarial Risk Theory

Assoc. Prof.Dr. Kestel Spring 2013

ASSIGNMENT 1 Due Date: 06/03/2013; 9:30 Question1

x , x 0 . He is given the choice between two random amounts X and Y , in exchange for his entire present capital w . The probability distributions of X and Y are given by
A decision maker has utility function u ( x)


Pr[ X x]

Pr[Y y]




Show that he prefers X to Y . Determine for which values of w he should decline the offer. Can you think of utility functions with which he would prefer Y to X ?

An insurer undertakes a risk X and after collecting the premium, he owns a capital w=100. What is the maximum premium the insurer is willing to pay to a reinsurer to take over the complete risk, if his utility function is u(w) log( w) and Pr[ X 0] Pr[ X 36] 0.5 ? Determine not only the exact value, but also the approximation ( Kaas, 1.18) of Example 1.2.4.

Assume that the reinsurers minimum premium to take over the risk of the previous exercise equals 19 and that the reinsurer has the same utility function. Determine his capital W.

Assume that the marginal utility of u ( w) is proportional to 1 / w , i.e., u (w) k / w for some k 0 and all w 0 . What is u ( w) ? With this utility function, which prices P in the St. Petersburg paradox of Example 1.2.1 (Kaas) make entering the game worthwhile?

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