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Summarize main and supporting ideas in your own words. Rewording improves understanding. Discuss material with a classmate. Review your notes and book as soon as possible after instruction. Immediate review strengthens understanding. Write your own test questions. Review answers you struggled to find. Review questions in text, study guide and/or notes. Focus on answers you could not immediately find. Use as many senses as you can: read, say out loud, write down, listen. The more you see, say, hear and feel the answers, the more they will stick in your memory.

Study in a Quiet Environment Organize Items By Importance Methods:

Flash Cards Study Groups/Peers Review Main Concepts (Ch. Headings) Individual Studying

Understanding/Mental Reviews

Individual Study Skills

Review the Chapter/Outline Look for Key Terms Use Class Notes to Anticipate Test Questions Do Homework while Information is Fresh in your Mind Incorporate Chapter Terms/Concepts into Homework Review Notes Make Flash Cards: Keep Simpe

Peer Studying

Quiz One Another on Chapter Questions and Class Notes Make Stories/Memory Tricks for Key Terms Find Word Associations Quiz with Flash Cards Review and Compare One Anothers Notes Teach Concepts to Peer

Time Management

Make a Schedule for Studying

Time Estimates Priorities (Due Dates)

Find a Quiet Area Have Needed Materials Find a Study Partner

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