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Small Investor
Large Investments
Project Members

 Aniket Bapat
 Priyesh Gada
 Ajinkya Kanetkar
 Ankit Khator

A Mutual Fund is a trust that pools the

savings of a number of investors who share
a common financial goal.

 Mutual Funds Getting Richer than Banks


 Mutual Funds as an Investment

 How Does mutual funds work ?

Indian Mutual Funds Industry

 The Indian mutual fund industry is dominated by the Unit Trust

of India, which has a total corpus of Rs700bn collected from
more than 20 million investors. The UTI has many
funds/schemes in all categories i.e. equity, balanced, income
etc with some being open-ended and some being closed-
ended. The Unit Scheme 1964 commonly referred to as US 64,
which is a balanced fund, is the biggest scheme with a corpus
of about Rs 200bn. Most of its investors believe that the UTI is
government owned and controlled, which, while legally
incorrect, is true for all practical purposes.
Other BIG Players…

 Canara Bank


Performance of Mutual Funds
in India

 1963 > Birth of Mutual Funds in India

 Unit Trust Of India – The Early Trendsetters

Benefits of Mutual Funds

 Number of available options

 Diversification

 Professional Management

 Potential of Returns
Drawbacks Of Mutual Funds

 No Guarantees

 Fees and commissions

 Taxes

 Management risk
All in All Mutual Funds are…

 that pool the money of several investors to invest in

equity or debt markets. Mutual Funds could be
Equity funds, Debt funds or balanced funds.

 Fund are selected on quantitative parameters like

volatility, FAMA Model, risk adjusted returns, and
rolling return coupled with a qualitative analysis of
fund performance and investment styles through
regular interactions with fund managers.

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