Social Psychology

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Social Psychology

Attitude formation and change focus Mere exposure effect Attitudes & behavior Cognitive dissonance tension when behavior doesnt match attitude Festinger & Carlsmith study One group paid $1 to lie, other $20 for boring task $20 group had less cognitive dissonance, told truth $1 group lied reported & remembered experience as pleasant Compliance Foot-in-the-door Door-in-the-face Attribution theory Fundamental attribution error overestimate personality (disposition) Self-fulfilling prophecy Rosenthal & Jacobsen Pygmalion in the classroom study Attributional biases Collectivist cultures less likely to make fundamental attribution error False-consensus effect Self-serving bias Just-world belief (blame-the-victim results) Stereotypes, Prejudice & Discrimination Stereotypes based on prototypes (origins possibly in categorization) Prejudice negative attitude, discrimination actions based on prejudice in-group/out-group in-group bias Combating superordinate goals Aggression Instrumental aggression (used to achieve goal) Hostile aggression (no reason) Frustration-aggression hypothesis Modeling (Bandura Bobo doll) Prosocial behavior and altruism Bystander effect Norms of reciprocity

diffusion of responsibility pluralistic ignorance look to others for lead in behavior Attraction Similarity Proximity Reciprocal liking Influence on others Social facilitation Social impairment (or social inhibition) Conformity Asch study Obedience Milgram study Group influence Norms perceived rules about how members of group should act Roles Zimbardo study Social loafing Group polarization move toward extreme group members Deindividuation anonymity Groupthink (Janis) harmony, unanimity encouraged Ex. Challenger disaster, Bay of Pigs invasion

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