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Personality unique attitudes, behaviors, emotions that characterize a person Key question: stability vs. change Type A vs. Type B (A = competitive, aggressive, volatile) Freudian theory psychosexual stages Oral 0-1 year, pleasure from mouth Anal 1-3 years, pleasure from elimination Phallic 3-5 years, pleasure from genitals Oedipal complex boy wants mom, resents dad Castration anxiety Electra complex girl wants dad, resents mom (not Freud) Penis envy Resolved through identification with same sex parent Latency 6-puberty, repression of sexual feelings Genital puberty on, sexual pleasure through relationships Fixations problem in resolving a stage Oral overeat, smoke, chew gum Anal anal retentive (compulsive, overly organized) Anal expulsive (messy, disorganized) Id (pleasure principle) Ego (reality principle) mediates between id and superego Superego conscience, mores of society Defense mechanisms Repression Denial Displacement Projection Reaction formation Regression Rationalization Sublimation Criticisms of Freud Feminists (Karen Horney womb envy) Neo-Freudians

Adler birth order, inferiority complex drive for superiority Carl Jung collective unconscious Archetypes shadow Trait theories Eysenck stable-instable, introversion-extraversion scale Cattell 16PF Big 5 OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) Factor analysis finding clusters of items that differentiate between traits Other theorists Allport cardinal dispositions (traits that clearly identify a person) Central dispositions/secondary dispositions Biological theories Temperaments characteristic way of dealing with the world Hippocrates four humors (body fluids blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm) Somatotype theory Sheldon (endomorphs, ectomorphs, mesomorphs) Social-cognitive theories Bandura reciprocal determinism (traits, environment, behavior) Self-efficacy making a difference, getting things done Rotter locus of control (internal vs. external) Humanistic theories People are innately good Self-concept Self-esteem Unconditional positive regard, empathy, genuineness Assessment of personality Projective test Rorschach, Draw-a-Person, TAT Self-report inventories MMPI Barnum effect see self in vague, stock descriptions of personality Astrological sign can fit anyone

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