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Development Theory

Nature vs. nurture key debate How to study: cross-sectional, longitudinal Infant development Teratogens radiation (neurons migrate too far) alcohol (stop short) fetal alcohol syndrome Reflexes rooting, sucking, grasping, Moro (startle), Babinski (foot spread toes) turn toward mothers voice vision clearest at approx 12 when born Motor development (maturation) myelination of neurons key Proximodistal development (center outward); cephalocaudal (brain down) Attachment theory Harlow touch Ainsworth strange situation paradigm secure attachment (66%) explore when parent there, upset when parent leaves avoidant attachment (21%) resist parents, explore, dont return anxious/ambivalent (12%) stress when left, not comforted on return Parenting style Authoritarian Authoritative Permissive Stage theory Freud (oral, anal, phallic Oedipus/Electra complex, latency, genital) Erikson (neo-Freudian) psychosocial stages trust vs. mistrust (babies) autonomy vs. shame & doubt (toddlers) initiative vs. guilt (3-5) industry vs. inferiority (elem school may develop inferiority complex) identity vs. role confusion (adolescence) intimacy vs. isolation (early adult)

generativity vs. stagnation (middle adult) integrity vs. despair (older adult) Piaget (cognitive devt worked for Alfred Binet) schemas assimilation accommodation sensorimotor (0-2 years) object permanence (8 mo.) preoperational (2-7) concrete operational (8-12) conservation signals onset volume, area, number formal operations abstract reasoning, testing hypotheses Information-processing model alternate view to Piaget changes reflect different way of processing info Moral development Kohlberg Preconventional Conventional Postconventional universal ethical principles Carol Gilligans criticism women think relationally, situationally Gender differences Biopsychological theory ex. women have larger corpus callosum Psychodynamic theory (Freud) Social-cognitive theory Social influences Gender-schema theory

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