Be Dowsheet r3

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Statement of Purpose

Duel of Wits
Body of Argument
Avoid the Topic


Independent Obstacles

Special Requirements/ Conditions


Does not protect from Independent action

Successes reduces opposing action successes

Volley 1
Avoid the Topic Dismiss Feint Incite Obfuscate Point Rebuttal

Volley 2
Avoid the Topic Dismiss Feint Incite Obfuscate Point Rebuttal

Volley 3
Avoid the Topic Dismiss Feint Incite Obfuscate Point Rebuttal


Duel of Wits Actions Duel of Wits Actions Duel of Wits Actions

Oratory, Rhetoric, Intimidation, Interrogation

Ob 1

If the Dismiss action doesnt win the fight, Dismissing character loses next action.

Add +2D to attacking skill. Extra successes reduce opponents BoA


Interrogation, Seduction, Oratory, Rhetoric, Suasion, Persuasion

Ob 1 (Rebuttal Only)

Feint only works against Feint, Obfuscate and Rebuttal. It causes the Rebutting character to hesitate.

Extra successes reduce opponents BoA





Interrogation, Seduction, Ugly Truth, Intimidation, Falsehood, Command

Opponents Will

If successful, opponent must make a Steel test. +1 Ob per extra success. Failure indicates nextaction lost. If successful, opponents action is stopped. If exceeds Ob, opponent at +1 Ob to next action.

Stand and Drool  Beg for Mercy Swoon
Avoid Avoid Dismiss Feint Incite Obfuscate Point Rebuttal I I I V V V I

Stand and Drool  Beg for Mercy Swoon
Dismiss I I I I V I V Feint I I V I V I I Incite V I I V V I I

Stand and Drool B  eg for Mercy Swoon
Obfuscate V V V V V V V Point V I I I V I V Rebuttal I V I I V V I


Seduction, Begging, Soothing Platitudes, Oratory, Rhetoric, Falsehood, Ugly Truth

+2D  to Obfuscate vs Dismiss.


Interrogation, Oratory, Rhetoric, Suasion, Begging, and Persuasion

Ob 1

Extra successes reduce opponents BoA


Interrogation, Seduction, Oratory, Rhetoric, Suasion and Persuasion

Must divide dice between attack and defense before opponent rolls.

Divide skill dice between defense and attack. Defense successes subtract from opponents action. Attack reduces opponents BoA.

I= Independent action. V= Versus.

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