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GROUPING AND RANKING CONSUMERS NEEDS Consumers needs based on questionnaires and interviews that have been previously

classified then be rated as following: 1. Undesireable (0%) 2. Not Important (0-5%) 3. Nice To Have (6%-15%) 4. Desireable (16%-30% votes) 5. Very Important (>30%) Consumers Needs Description Product Perception 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Biscuits made from fruits Biscuits made from vegetables Biscuits made from milk Biscuits made from mix of fruits and milk Plain biscuits with a crunchy texture Sprinkled biscuits with a crunchy texture Plain biscuits with a soft texture Sprinkled biscuits with a soft texture Performance 1 2 Biscuits with stronger flavour Biscuits with stronger scent Appearance 1 2 3 4 5 Biscuits with a common shape Biscuits with a unique shape Common sized biscuits Smaller sized biscuits Bigger sized biscuits Nutritional Contents 5 2 5 2 3 5 2 5 2 5 5 3 5 3 2



1 2 3 4 5

Biscuits with high nutrironal content Biscuits with high vitamin content Biscuits with high fat content Biscuits with high protein content Biscuits with high content of anti-oxidants Retailing

5 5 1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5

Biscuits at affordable price Biscuits with a common packaging Biscuits with an eco-friendly packaging Biscuits with a colorful packaging Biscuits with normal color packaging

5 5 4 5 4

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