JOUR2005 Assignment 1 - Assessment Criteria

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JOUR2005 SPORTS JOURNALISM Assessment One: An essay Weighting: 20% Words: 750 Deadline: Thursday, February 28th 2013

Learning Outcome: 2 : Describe the way sports desks work in print and broadcast media In essay format write a case study of a news organisation or commentator demonstrating the process of sports news gathering.

Assignment details: The essay should include detail of a specific organisation or commentator and how they gather sports news rather than a generic piece about media in general. The essay should demonstrate an understanding of how a sports desk is structured, how decisions are taken on what stories should be given prominence and what sources the commentator or organisation use to gather sport news. Credit will be given for evidence of original research. Discuss the factors that influence sport news collection and publication and the influence that 24 hour sports news coverage has affected the way sports news is reported. The examples that you use to illustrate your points can come from a range of sources and are likely to include newspapers, television, radio and online news sites. You are required to use lecture and seminar sessions as a basis for your own research into this question. It is essential that you use appropriate academic texts. You will need to set out your essay in an appropriate format with a heading, brief introduction, research findings, analysis and conclusion. Your Reference List should be on a separate sheet of paper. The word count needs to be added at the end of the essay and does not include the Reference List. Please refer to the Course Booklet for more details on correct use of the Harvard Referencing Guide.

JOUR2005 Assessment One ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1st Content: Question tackled well with appropriate material selected.Case study focuses on sports news gathering with a media organisation or commentator. Structure: Correct essay format. This includes a heading, brief introduction, findings, conclusion and Reference List on a separate sheet. Correct word count clearly stated. Written style: The essay reads fluently with good grammar and punctuation Harvard referencing: Material is referenced appropriately using the Harvard system both in the essay and in the Reference List at the end. 2:1 2:2 3 Fail

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