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BEd in Teaching English as a Second Language Assignment Cover sheet

Student ID number : 1034515 1034517 1034518 1034521 : The Design Development Evaluation of English Language Teaching Materials (Including Multimedia) ET 308 : Tilly Harrison : Russell Stannard

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Date due: 12 noon on 19/02/2013 Date submitted 19/02/2013 Online Receipt attached (please delete as appropriate) YES/NO

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In completing the details on this cover sheet and submitting the assignment, you are doing so on the basis that this assignment is all your own work and that you have not borrowed or failed to acknowledge anyone elses work. Please say if you agree to this statement YES/NO

The context that has been chosen is intermediate upper secondary Form 4 students (16 years old) learning English as a second language in an urban school in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. There are 30 students in the class; 12 boys and 18 girls, which are integration of Chinese, Indians and Malays. Majority of them are Malays. These students are Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literate. Each of them has a netbook, which are provided free by the state government. This is to encourage students to use ICT in learning therefore many parts of the lesson are designed for them to practice the skills. Parts of the lesson have some biological terms, however this is not a problem as these students are in science stream class. In Malaysia, smoking seems to be a common habit among teenagers. Therefore, this lesson is designed to create awareness of the dangers of smoking.

The lesson plans includes four separate activities under the topic Smoking. They will be carried out in six periods, which are 40 minutes per period. Lesson 1 and 4 are one period each while lesson 2 and 3 are two periods (80 minutes). The lesson plans are as follow:-

Lesson 1 -Webquest. Lesson 2- Making scrapbook (this is continuation of lesson 1) Lesson 3- Writing Persuasive letter Lesson 4- Quiz (Hot Potatoes, Triptico)




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