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AJAY YASHPAL Chemistry Classes

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Test

One marks Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is the basis of long form of periodic table? What is meant by Newland law of octaves? What is meant by periodicity of properties? Define groups and periods. What are s-block elements? What is meant by Lanthanides and Actinides? Define (i) ionic radii (ii) covalent radii Define ionisation enthalpy. Why fluorine has lesser electron affinity than chlorine? 10. The formula for fluoride of carbon is . 11. Why do alkali metals have lowest ionization energy? 12. Define electronegativity. 13. What is the nature of oxides formed by most pblock elements? 14. Why are anions bigger than neutral atom? 15. Which is smallest among Na+, Mg2+, Al3+ and why? Two marks Questions 16. Give four characteristics of s-block elements. 17. Give four defects of Mendeleevs periodic table. 18. Give two reasons, why the number of elements in first period is only 2? 19. Give four characteristics of d- block elements. 20. Which alkali metal carbonate is thermally unstable and why? 21. Explain why ionization enthalpies decrease down the group of the periodic table. 22. Describe the characteristics and s and p-block elements. Three marks Questions. 26. Why are electron affinities of noble gases is zero? Arrange halogens in increasing order of electron affinity. 27. What are the factors that affect electron affinity? 28. Explain the terms (i) screening effect, (ii) penetration effect, (iii) metallic character. 29. Give advantages of long form of periodic table. 30. From each set, choose the atom which has largest ionization enthalpy and explain your answer: (a) F, O, N (c) B, Al, Ga (b) Mg, P, Ar 23. Predict the formulae of the stable binary compounds that would be formed by the following pairs of elements: (a) Silicon and oxygen (b) Aluminium and bromine (c) Calcium and iodine (d) Element with atomic number 114 and fluorine (e) Element with atomic number 120 and oxygen. 24. Which of the elements Na, Mg, Si and P would have greatest difference between first and second ionization enthalpies. Briefly explain your answer. 25. Arrange the following ions in the order of increasing size: Be2+, Cl-, S2-, Na+, Mg2+, Br-.

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