Reflection Paper

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Wayne F.

Casas NSTP2
Last Saturday we held an outreach program at brg. punta bonbon.Even though the sun was blazing hot and its rays were beating down on us, it seemed that we didnt even notice as we worked and bonded as a team. I saw the joy of doing hard work for others in myself and in the face of my classmates and specially my boyfriend *AmjD* who were clearly enjoying themselves as we move on our way to punta bonbon. I have realized that the world does not revolved around me, and I saw the needs of people I came across with. The things that I often disregard are the things that they need. I saw the simplest things in life in a larger grain.The feeling of seeing people happy because of the small acts of kindness are truly heart-warming. Seeing them smile and burst with laughter is one of the best feeling ever I had in my life. I really felt the contentment of helping other people. I was really happy because once in my life I shared what I have to the less fortunate one. The outreach program taught us a lot of good things: contentment with what we have, responsibility and discipline in doing tasks, humility towards those who have less, generosity to those who are in need, hopefulness to what God will give us and gratefulness towards Gods gift to us. It was enlightening moment for me, realizing what was beyond the small world that I live in. My eyes were opened to the harsh realities of life. I really learned a lot in this wonderful outreach program. Thanks to our NSTP teacher!

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