OA Framework Architecture Overview

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OA Framework Architecture Overview Development and Deployment Platform for Self Service Applications of Oracle eBusiness Suite 100%

100% Java and XML based Middle Tier Application Framework Metadata or Declarative oriented development JDeveloper is used to develop and debug applications Complex Business Logic either in Java or PL/SQL

MVC based Architecture OA Framework follows Model, View and Controller Architecture

Typical J2EE MVC Architecture

The browser communicates with back-end using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) used for both sending request and receiving response. Browser uses either GET or POST method to communicate with backend. GET Method is used when user enters URL or clicks on a URL Link or Image. Parameters are sent as part of URL. POST Method is used when user presses Submit buttons. Parameters/data are sent as part of message body (not visible to users). A JSP is View component containing display logic. A JSP contains some HTML and Java code. At runtime, it is compiled into a Java class (servlet) and executed. A servlet is a Java-based web application server program that implements the functionality in the page either by itself of by calling other objects. A servlet can either be Controller component which decides what needs to be done next or could be Model component implementing the business logic. A JavaBean (or "bean" for short) is a reusable component that implements specific design patterns. JavaBeans are usually used as Data Transfer Objects (DTO) to transfer data from Model Layer to Controller and View Layers. Any objects in the middle tier use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) drivers to communicate with database. J2EE Applications may employ many different Design Patterns (like MVC, DAO/DTO, Factory).

OA Framework Components

MDS Meta Data Service Stores definition of OA Framework Pages and Regions MDS stores the definition either in tables (JDR% tables) or in XML files MDS also holds the OA Framework Personalization information UIX uses this information to dynamically generate HTML or JSP code that is sent to browser Formerly it was known as JRAD UIX User Interface XML Dynamically generates HTML and JSP code for displaying OA Framework Pages on browser. Makes use of Web-beans which have facility to store data received from screen/model and also logic for rendering page components.

UIX builds a hierarchy of Web-beans containing specification and data for each and every page component. The highest level will be Page Level Web-bean. BC4J Business Components For Java Primary Model Level Components Consists of Application Modules (AM), Entity Objects (EO), View Objects (VO), Entity Association (AO) and View Links (VL). JDeveloper is used to define these components. Each of these consist of one XML file and one or more Java programs, which are automatically generated that can be modified, if required. AOL/J Application Object Library For Java Provides facility for Authentication and authorization users against Oracle Applications Access/Use AOL components like Flexfields, Attachments etc.

OA Framework Programmatic glue integrating these technologies Provides OACore (Core Controller) which first receives and processes each request by instantiating and calling other objects as necessary

iAS Application Server Contains Web-Server/Listener, embedded JVM and Java Servlet Engine Executes each and every Java program in JVM OC4J Oracle Connect for Java Light Weight Application Server running on PC/Server JDeveloper has in-built OC4J to run OA Framework programs during design and development time. Workflow Used for customizable page and process flow JDeveloper Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Single tool to specify and code all components required by OA Framework Most of the times, components are designed and developed by declaring/specifying properties instead of writing code. Automatically generates XML files containing the object properties and Java programs, which can be modified by developer to incorporate additional logic. JDeveloper allows testing of objects without deploying on backend server through in-built BC4J.

OA Extension Extension to JDeveloper Allows to definition of BC4J Components, OA Components (i.e. Pages and Regions) and Controller Classes. OA Framework Internal working (High Level)

The View Displayed Pages

The View Rendering

The View Designing Pages are made up of a hierarchy of regions and items. Oracle 9i JDeveloper OA Extension used to create pages declaratively.

Order of item control runtime positioning. HTML is dynamically generated.

A region is a reusable container that holds items Region could be Stacked Layout Region, Query Region, Table Region, Notification Region, Message Component Layout etc. The top level of every page is a region with a 'pageLayout' style A region can contain Buttons, Fields, Choice List, LOV Images, Tabs, Other regions Tables, HGrid, Tree, Train Flexfields, Attachments And other Widgets / UI Components for rich UI Each region can have special components called <Region> Components (e.g. PageLayout Components Product Branding). OA Framework controls positioning of them at pre-specified locations. The Style of Region and Items control the way they are rendered on the browser. Each Widget, Region and Item corresponds to one or more Java Objects called Web-Bean.

The View Display Process

The Model Layered Architecture

The Application Module Container for related BC4J objects, which participate to perform same tasks. Provide transaction context and establish database connectivity. Contains Java Code incorporating the Business Logic to handle each request. Majority of custom Java Code is written in this object. Entity objects (EO) Encapsulate table level business rules and logic. Contains logic for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and Validation of data of single record at a time. One Entity Object usually corresponds to a table. Linked to other Entity objects by Entity Association objects. Entity Objects can either be based on Java Classes or PL/SQL API Procedures. View objects (VO) Encapsulates a database query and presents data to the Framework page May be based on plain SQL if query only otherwise based on one or more Entity objects. View Objects is Array of records fetched from EOs or Query. OA Framework Pages take data VOs to display on screens and also populate it back with data entered/modified on screens. Provides getter and setters for Entity Object values and facility to create/add records, remove/delete records from array. Linked together by View links.

The Controller Request Handling

The Controller Controller Class Class: OAControllerImpl - Implement it for Intercept and handle user events like button clicks Call appropriate Application Module method to execute the business logic Initialize the data items Controlling Java Beans (Webbean) behavior Manipulate UI data at run-time Method: processRequest Called for each Page invoked in GET mode or Page that is not yet initialized. Extend this method to Customize page layout at runtime Perform manual data initialization Perform an auto-query Method: processFormData Called for each Page invoked in POST mode. Reads form field data (from PageContext) and transfers to underlying View Objects Extend this method to Update/Initialize the data appropriately Method: processFormRequest Called for each page invoked in GET mode. Called after processFormData Extend this method for adding business logic Class: OAPageContext Contains parameters from page along with form fields Usually used to identify the user operations like pressing Button or identify PPR event Methods to perform JSP forwards and client redirects Class: WebAppContext Tracks the application context (along with session-based cookie Provides information like Current Responsibility, OrganizationId, User Id etc.

Can be accessed through OAPageContext (on the client) or OADBTransaction (on the server) Class: OADBTransaction Encapsulates JDBC connection for the transaction Use to build callable statements for executing PL/SQL procedures Provides access to session-level Application context OA Framework Personalization

The Ability to Declaratively Tailor the OAF Form to suit a Business Need Administrative and User Level Personalization We can make: Make fields Mandatory or Read Only Show/Hide: Fields, Table, Table Columns, Regions, Tabs etc. Change Text: Labels, Prompts, Tabs, Messages, Notifications Changes to Font and Style Alter Tables and Component Positions Add New Items : Fields, Buttons, Links, Pick Lists, Images Restrict Query Results etc. Save Search Criteria, change sorting order etc. Prerequisite Following profile options need to be set Personalize Self Service Definitions = Yes (FND_CUSTOM_OA_DEFINITION) Disable Self Service Personal = No (FND_DISABLE_OA_CUSTOMIZATIONS)

Press on Personalize URLs

Expand and press Personalize Icon

Modify appropriate Properties and press Apply and Return to page OA Framework Setting up Development Environment Prerequisites Desktop with 1.5 GB RAM Telnet and FTP access to apps and db server

Database connectivity details: Apps username and password, SID, Host Name and port. Exact version of OA Framework on server, got from URL below http://<Base Address>/OA_HTML/OAInfo.jsp Java DK version Internet connection, Metalink access etc. References Metalink Note: 416708.1 - How to find correct version of JDeveloper Metalink Note: 330236.1- Configuring JDeveloper For Use With Oracle Applications 11i and R12 Metalink Note: 269138.1 - OAF Developer's Guide Release 11.5.10 http://oracle.anilpassi.com/apps-technology/3.html Download appropriate patch with JDeveloper with OA Framework extension from Metalink, as specified by Metalink note 416708.1 and unzip it to directory d:\software\JDeveloper. Download and install Java under directory D:\software\j2sdk1.4.2_16 Set Environment Variables ( Under My Computers -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables) JDEV_USER_HOME to d:\software\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev Using System Administrator responsibility, create Application User TESTnn and assign responsibilities: OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial Labs FTP(in ASCII mode) appropriate .dbc file (database connection file) from the server to desktop. Dbc files are available under $FND_TOP/secure directory. Copy this file to directory : d:\software\JDeveloper\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure. Create a desktop short-cut for d:\software\JDeveloper\jdevbin\jdev\bin\jdev.exe Launch JDeveloper either using short-cut and clicking on jdev.exe directly. This starts Oracle 9i JDeveloper. In System Navigator, Click on Connections and to Database. Right click on Database node and select New Connection. Enter appropriate details and test the connection. In Tools -> Preferences -> Embedded OC4J, select Default Local IP Address (recommended). In File -> Open , Select directory myprojects and open file toolbox.jws Expand toolbox.jws and select tutorial.jpr and then select menu project -> project settings. In Run-time settings, enter the name of application user and password created. Right click on tutorial.jpr and select Edit Business Component Project Repeat the above for all .jpr files Select toolbox.jws and then select menu option project -> rebuild toolbox.jws Select tutorial.jpr and then select menu option project -> show categories. Expand HTML Sources under tutorial.jpr and select test_fwktutorial.jsp and then select menu option run -> run fwktutorial.jsp which displays the application. OA Framework Build First Application

1. Verify database connectivity Connection -> Database -> <DB Name> 2. Create new OA Workspace New -> General -> Projects -> Workspace Configured for OA Framework Enter Project Name MyHelloWorld1WS.jws 3. In Oracle Applications Project Wizard, Enter File Name MyHelloWorld1OAProject.jpr Default Package oracle.apps.ak.hello (Warning : Unselect Use Repository for Design Time (should be un-checked)) 4. In Project Wizard, Runtime Connection, enter DBC File Name = select ../jdevhom/jdev/dbc_files/secure/<your>.dbc User Name, Password = Enter Apps User Name and Password (User should have OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial and OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial Labs responsibilities) 5. In System Navigator -> Workspace, double click on MyHelloWorld1OAProject.jpr In Project Settings, Common -> Oracle Applications -> Runtime Options Move OADeveloperMode and OADiagnostic to Selected Options 6. Create OA Components Page File In System Navigator -> Workspace, right click on MyHelloWorld1OAProject.jpr Select New -> Web Tier -> OA Components -> Page, Enter Name = MyHelloWorldPG Package = oracle.apps.ak.hello.webui 7. In View, Enable System Navigator, Structure Window and Property Inspector (Repeat this whenever required) 8. In System-Navigator, Select MyHelloWorldPG.xml Goto Structure Window and Select( or Double Click) region1 In Property Inspector (if not visible, try step 7), Enter ID = PageLayoutRN Window Title( under Visual) = My Hello World Window Title Title = My Hello World Page Name AM Definition=Oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModule 9. In Structure Window, Right Click on PageLayoutRN Select New -> Region, system automatically creates region1 (visible in structure window) In Structure, select region1 and go to Property Palette and enter ID = MainRN 10. In System Navigator, Right Click on MyHelloWorld1OAProject.jpr Select Make or Rebuild RUN THE FORM NOW, by selecting Run -> Run MyHelloWorld1OAProject.jpr 11. In System Navigator -> Workspace, Select MyHelloWorldPG.XML Go to Structure Window and Right Click MainRN Select New -> MessageTextInput Go to Property Inspector and Enter ID = HelloName Item Style = messageTextInput Prompt = Name Length = 20

Maximum Length = 50 (REBUILD AND RUN PAGE, if required) 12. In System Navigator -> Workspace, Select MyHelloWorldPG.XML Go to Structure Window and Right Click MainRN Select New -> MessageLayout Go to Property Inspector and Enter ID = ButtonLayout 13. In Structure, Right Click on ButtonLayout Select New -> Item and enter ID = Go Item Style = SubmitButton Attribute Set Property = /oracle/apps/fnd/attributesets/Buttons/Go Prompt = Go (should be inherited and defaulted from Attribute Sets) 14. Save work with File -> Save All RUN THE PAGE In System Navigator -> Workspace, Select MyHelloWorldPG.XML Go to Structure Window and Right Click MainRN and Select Set New Controller Go to Property Inspector and Enter package Name = oracle.apps.ak.webui Class Name = HelloWorldMainCO 16. In editor(for class), make following changes: Add line: import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException; public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean) { super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean); If (pageContext.getParameter("Go") != null) { String userContent = pageContext.getParameter("HelloName"); String message = "Hello, " userContent + "!"; throw new OAException(message, OAException.INFORMATION); } }

OA Framework Basic of Views BC4J Overview Entity Object Entity Association View Object View Link Application Module Transaction

View Layer Terminology Page the basic UI component created in OA Framework. Region A portion of a page defined in page or reused (extended) from external region. Property Property of Items and Regions. Attribute An XML attribute in the UIX file. Roughly equivalent to a column in a View Object. BLAF Oracles Browser Look-and-Feel Standard (available at: http://otn.oracle.com/tech/blaf/) Attribute set a named set of properties applied to configure an item. CSS Class the cascading style sheet class applied to the item (see BLAF). View Instance the VO used for data binding View Attribute the VOs specific attribute to which the item is bound SPEL Simplest Possible Expression Language Creating Basic Page Create Workspace Configured for Oracle Applications Default package should be type: xx.oracle.apps.mmm.module.submodule.webui Create Project Configured for Oracle Applications Perform project settings Runtime Connections : DBC File, User Name and Password Change Tools->Preferences->Embedded OC4J

Compile and run the page Add the Regions, Shared Regions and Items to Page of appropriate Style Change properties of Regions and Items Create/Modify PageLayout Components sub-regions and other similar <Region> Component sub-regions. Also called Named children of region (Other items are called Indexed children) Associate Pages, Regions and Items with BC4J components (AM, VO Object, VO Attribute) and Controller. These should have been pre-created Test pages progressively Named and Indexed Children Named children of a Bean have a specific name, specific purpose, and a specific location in the UI. Indexed children of a Bean depend on their order under the Bean

Shared Regions Shared Regions improve reusability by including external region without redefining it Shared Region can exist in own XML file or in another page. Shared Region can be created using New->Web Tier -> OA Component -> Region Used extensively for LOVs Public Shared regions should have own Controller and AM.

Attribute Sets Attribute sets are named, reusable collections of properties (prompt, max length, data type) Used by regions, items, and other attribute sets. Improves reusability and reduce maintainance cost Create Attribute Sets using Create using New->Web Tier -> OA Component -> Package Select the attribute set package in System-Navigator, Go to Structure window. Right-click on AttributeSets and select New Give a useful name and choose properties In Structure Window, select the attribute set and assign values

CSS Styles CSS Styles are used for consistent Look and Feel Master List available in: http://www.oracle.com/technology /tech/blaf/specs/index.html Common CSS Styles OraFieldText: Updatable Fields OraDataText: Display Only Fields OraPromptText: Used for Prompts, Checkboxes OraLinkText: For Links/URLs OraInstructionText: For Plain Text Instructions Region Styles advancedSearch advancedTable bulletedList cellFormat contentContainer contentFooter defaultDoubleColumn defaultFormStack defaultSingleColumn defaultStack flexibleLayout gantt graphTable hGrid header hideShow hideShowHeader labeledFieldLayout navigationBar pageButtonBar query rowLayout Shuttle messageComponentLayout

stackLayout subTabLayout switcher table tableLayout train tree

Sub-Region Styles Some styles need to be combined to build a particular layout on your page, such as an arrangement of fields and buttons that use a tableLayout region to define their locations. tableLayout rowLayout cellFormat spacer (this is an item type, not a region type)

Item Styles attachmentLink attachmentTable button exportButton flex formParameter formValue formattedText image link rawText resetButton richTextEditor separator servletInclude spacer staticStyledText submitButton tip urlInclude messageCheckBox messageDownload messageFileUpload messageLovChoice messageLovInput messageRadioButton messageRadioGroup messageStyledText messageTextInput messageChoice messageRichTextEditor messageInLineAttachment

messageTextInput: input Field messageChoice: Poplist/drop-down List of Values messageLovInput: List of Values Field (external) messageStyledText: Display only fields staticStyledText: Plain boilerplate text submitButton: Submit button with POST method formValue: Hidden fields flex: Descriptive or Key Flexfields link: URL link (based on field value)

Region and Item Properties ID : Unique Identifier. Should be unique within a page, Case sensitive, Dont change, Referred at many places

Style (Region / Item) : Choose appropriate Style, Changing it can impact behavior and deletion of contents Extends: Used for Shared Regions and Reusability Attribute Set: Specify full path of attribute set Controller Class: Specify controller which processes the request. Controller should be assigned to top-level region. AM Definition : Specify the application module. Should be assigned to toplevel region (is called Root Application Module) View Instance and View Attribute : View Object and column/attribute associated with item/region. DataType, Maximum Length : Mandatory Prompt, Height, Additional Text, Length : Mandatory Tip Type, Tip Message Apps Short Name, Tip Message Name: To provide tip on the item, Maps to FND_MESSAGES tables OA Framework: Basic BC4J Concepts

The Reuse Onion Each layer only knows about the layers below it. This allows reuse of inner objects by outer objects at any of the layer boundaries.

Entity Objects Map to a database table or other data source Each entity object instance represents a single row Contains attributes representing database columns Fundamental BC4J object through which all inserts/updates/deletes interact with the database

Entity Association Define a relationship between entity objects. Facilitate access to data in related entity objects May be based on database constraints May be independent of database constraints Consist of a source (master) and a destination (detail) entity Similar to JOIN Conditions

Entity Association Two types of Entity Associations Normal Association Used for Weak Association E.g. Requisition to Supplier Association Composition Association Used for composite objects with strong "owning" relationship For parent-child/Master-Detail relationship where child cannot exist without Master. Example: RequisitionHeader - RequisitionLine association Integrity and validity of data among master and detail will be maintained.

View Objects Represent a query result and collection of data Are used for joining, filtering, projecting, and sorting business data Can be based on any number of entity objects Can also be constructed from a SQL statement Will have only those attributes required for a specific purpose

View Object can be created in one of three ways based on: 1. Generated SQL based on EOs Add where clause at design-time, not run-time for best performance Can be based on one or more EOs joined using Entity Associations 2. Expert custom SQL with no underlying EOs Read-only Data 3. Expert custom SQL based on mapped to EOs Create VO Java class (VOImpl) if needed VOs should not contain business or validation logic, except transient attribute and PL/SQL logic Always create View Row Java class (ViewRowImpl) and accessors (setters/getters)

View Links A view link is an active link between view objects. You can create view links by providing the following: Source and destination views Source and destination attributes Used for Master-Detail form

Application Module Defines the logical data model and business methods needed to support an application task Handles transactions

Interacts with clients

Encapsulates Server/Middle tier View Objects Container for view objects and view links View objects are defined by view instance names which are the names referenced by UI framework Allows definition of master/detail view links Encapsulates Server/Middle tier controller-like logic Initialize and perform view object query Custom functions to process view objects For example: copying data between VOs. Custom functions to access entities. Root AM holds BC4J Transaction object Nested AMs reference the root AM Transaction object OA Framework groups pages together by Root AM Pages with same Root AM name, and RetainAM=Y URL flag, are handled as one AM/Transaction instance shared for both pages Useful for multi-page updates Useful for sharing expensive queries across several pages

BC4J Packages There are two types of packages, directory paths and files. Directory path packages hold: EO-related (business logic) .java and .xml files in oracle.apps.<application shortname>. <module>.schema.server AM and VO (UI-related logic) .java and .xml files in oracle.apps.<application shortname>. <module>.server Poplist- and LOV-related VO and AM .java and .xml files in oracle.apps.<application shortname>.<module>.poplist.server and oracle.apps.<application shortname>. <module>.lov.server

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