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Fisking Six Contradictions of Socialism in the USA

1. America is Capitalist and Greedy yet half of the population is subsidized.

40% of the population have only 1% of the wealth; the next 20% have only 4%. It is surprising that only half need to be subsidized. A small portion of Americans are greedy as well see below.

2. Half of the Population is Subsidized yet they think they are victims.
Worker productivity has steadily increased and worker compensation tracked productivity until 30 years ago, since then compensation has been flat and the benefits of the increased productivity have gone to corporations and their owners. Exporting labor carries little penalty as there are negligible import tariffs. The subsidized people are victims of greed.

3. They think they are Victims yet their representatives run the government.
We are largely a plutocracy. For example, defense contractors spend $1.5B to lobby, thats 3 million per representative/senator. Worse, health care providers and drug companies spend $5.5B lobbying, or 10 million per. This is why we build and maintain things the military neither wants nor needs. This is why health care providers have monopolies in their local markets and can charge anything they want. Waste & extortion by these two groups dwarf social spending. The poors representatives represent them only where it does not overly interfere with the rich.

4. Their Representatives run the Government yet the poor keep getting poorer.
See points 1, 2 and 3.

5. The Poor keep getting Poorer yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.
Well duh! Were the richest country in the world, have a stable government and can afford to have a social safety net.

6. They have Things People in other Countries only Dream of yet they want America to be more like those other countries.
The only case where they want America to be more like all other western industrial nations is health care. There are very good reasons EVERY other western industrial nation has had universal healthcare for the last 100 years.

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