Religions Comparison Chart WK 7

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Religions Comparison Chart Choose 3 more religions and write-in the comparisons for


Founder: Founder: Founder: Founder:
Jesus (but you could
also put in Paul and
the 12 disciples here)
Key Writings

Key Writings: Key Writings: Key Writings: Key Writings:

New and Old

Who is God: Who is God? Who is God? Who is God?

Father, Son & Holy
Spirit (Trinity)

Who is Jesus: Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus? Who is Jesus?

God (Son of the

Salvation: Salvation: Salvation: Salvation:

Believing in Jesus
Christ as Lord and
Savior (1 Corinthians

What Happens After What happens after What happens after What happens after
Death: death? death? death?
Go to either heaven
or hell depending on
personal relationship
with Jesus.

Beliefs or Practices: Beliefs or practices: Beliefs or practices: Beliefs or practices:

Several, but the most
important would be
the greatest
commandment, "Love
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
should, and mind and
love thy neighbor as
(I would add
confession of sins,
daily prayer and Bible

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