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Middle East Video List

Week 7
WATCH: videos on then have your mom initial on the blank.

______Religions of the World: The Islamic Faith (4:44)

History of Middle East:

______Israel and Palestine: Contested Territories (2:21)
______ Roots of Conflict: Wars Divided the Land (1:48)
______History in the Making: Iran Hostage Crisis 1 (5:30)
______History in the Making: Iran Hostage Crisis 2 (:39)
______History In The Making: Ayatollah Khomeini (:32)
______History In The Making: Carter's Last Minute Negotiation (1:47)
______Discovering Islam: Struggle for Afghanistan (1:29)
______Discovering Islam: The Taliban Come to Power (3:16)
______Islam and Civilization: When the Taliban Ruled (5:42)
______Discovering Islam: The Taliban Defeated (:56)

Geography of the Middle East:

______Israel: The Negev Desert (1:04)
______Israel: the Geologic Wonder of the Dead Sea (1:51)
______Israel: Israel’s Climate and Geography (1:34)
______Israel a Look at Jerusalem (6:07)
______Israel: South of Jerusalem (:59)
______Coral Reefs: Israel & Jordan (2:13)
______Coral Reefs: Egypt (2:58)
______Sketches of the World: Housing in Yemen (2:51)
______Sketches of the World: Yemen (2:55)
______Sketches of the World: Petra (:56)
______How Dubai Works (1:29)
______Secrets of the Hagia Sofia: In the Earthquake Zone (1:18)

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