Atelierele de Gatit Casiopeea

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Atelierele de gatit Casiopeea

Asociatia Casiopeea aduce zambetul pe buzele copiilor de la Institutul Oncologic Bucuresti cu ajutorul atelierelor de gatit. Activitate lunara, atelierele se adreseaza copiilor din toate categoriile de varsta, dornici de a se implica in procesul de pregatire unor preparate simple si gustoase, de la sandwich-uri realizate pe gustul fiecaruia si frigarui de legume pana la delicioasele clatite. La finalul activitatilor toti copiii se bucura de rezultate cu atat mai mult cu cat au si ajutat la realizarea lor. Atelierele se bucura de succes, copiii invata si ne invata lucruri noi, mai bine zis invatam cu totii impreuna, ne jucam, coloram, radem, glumim si ne cunoastem incetul cu incetul. Scopul acestor activitati este imbunatatirea calitatii vietii copiilor pe durata spitalizarii, stimularea lor atat din punct de vedere fizic cat si psihic.

Casiopeeas cooking classes for children

Casiopeea Association tries to bring a smile on the faces of hospitalized children of Bucharests Institute of Oncology. Montly activity, the cooking classes are for children of every age, eager to get involved in the process of making diverse, simple but tasty dishes from fun sandwiches to vegetable skewers and delicious pancakes. At the end of the activity every child enjoys the result of their work. The classes are a big success, we learn together new things, we also play, laugh, colour and get to know each other. The purpose of these activities is to better the quality of the childrens life in the period of their hospitalization, and to stimulate them both physically and mentally.

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