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Matlab A

abs Absolute value and complex magnitude abs

acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine acosh

acos Inverse cosine acos

acoth(A) Inverse hyperbolic cotangent

In Matlab y=acoth(x) and Scilab y=atanh(1 ./x), for real elements of x

outside the domain [-1,1], the complex part of Scilab y value is the
opposite of Matlab y value. See atanh/.

acot(A) Inverse cotangent

acsch(A) Inverse hyperbolic cosecant

acsc(A) Inverse cosecant

all Test to determine if all elements are nonzero and

Matlab all function can work with complexes, what Scilab and can
not, so a call to abs function can be necessary when translating from
Matlab to Scilab.
▹ B=all(A) ↔ B=and(A):
If A is a matrix, all(A) is equivalent to all(A,1) in Matlab whereas in
Scilab and(A) is a logical AND of all elements of A. If A is a
multidimensional array then Matlab treats the values along the first
non-singleton dimension, but Scilab returns logical AND of all
elements of A.
▹ B=all(A,dim) ↔ B=and(A,dim):
In Scilab dim=1 is equivalent to dim=''r'' and dim=2 is equivalent
dim=''c''. In Matlab, dim can be greater then the number of
dimension of A (in this case, B=A), in Scilab you will get an error
y = all([1,1,0;1,0,1]) y = and([1,1,0;1,0,1])
y = [1,0,0] y = %F
y = all([1,1,0;1,0,1],1) y = and([1,1,0;1,0,1],1)
y = [1,0,0] y = [%T,%F,%F]

angle(A) Phase angle atan(imag(A),real(A))

any Test to determine if any nonzeros elements or

Matlab any function can work with complexes, what Scilab or can
not, so a call to abs function can be necessary when translating from
Matlab to Scilab.
▹ B=any(A) ↔ B=or(A):
If A is a matrix, any(A) is equivalent to any(A,1) in Matlab whereas
in Scilab or(A) is a logical OR of all elements of A. If A is a
multidimensional array then Matlab treats the values along the first
non-singleton dimension, but Scilab returns logical OR of all elements
of A.
▹ B=any(A,dim) ↔ B=or(A,dim):
In Scilab dim=1 is equivalent to dim=''r'' and dim=2 is equivalent
dim=''c''. In Matlab, dim can be greater then the number of
dimension of A (in this case, B=A), in Scilab you will get an error
y = any([1,1,0;1,0,1]) y = or([1,1,0;1,0,1])
y = [1,1,1] y = %T
y = any([1,1,0;1,0,1],1) y = or([1,1,0;1,0,1],1)
y = [1,1,1] y = [%T,%T,%T]

asech(A) Inverse hyperbolic secant

asec(A) Inverse secant

asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine asinh

asin Inverse sine asin

In y=asin(x), for real elements of x outside the domain [-1,1], the

complex part of Scilab y value is the opposite of Matlab y value.
y = asin(2) y = asin(2)
y = 1.5708 - 1.3170i y = 1.5708 + 1.3170i

atan2 Four-quadrant inverse tangent atan2

Matlab atan2 function can work with complexes (in this case,
complex part is ignored), what Scilab atan can not.

atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent atanh

In y=atanh(x), for real elements of x outside the domain [-1,1], the

complex part of Scilab y value is the opposite of Matlab y value.
y = atanh(2) y = atanh(2)
y = 0.5493 + 1.5708i y = 0.5493061 - 1.5707963i

atan Two-quadrant inverse tangent atan

Matlab B
balance Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy balanc

There is no equivalent for B=balance(A) in Scilab, balanc function

does not work with only one output value.
When used with two outputs, these functions return value in inverse
[T,Ab] = balance(A) [Ab,T] = balanc(A)

barh Bar histogram horizontal barh

bar Bar histogram bar

beep Produce a beep sound beep

Scilab beep always returns a value but not Matlab function.

besseli Modified Bessel functions of the first kind besseli

Scilab besseli function can work with only one output argument, but
the Matlab function can work with two outputs arguments.
y = besseli(alpha,x) y = besseli(alpha,x)
y = besseli(alpha,x,1) y = besseli(alpha,x,ice),ice
[y,ierr] = = 1 or ice = 2
besselj Bessel functions of the first kind besselj

Scilab besselj function can work with only one output argument, but
the Matlab function can work with two outputs arguments.
y = besselj(alpha,x) y = besselj(alpha,x)
y = besselj(alpha,x,1) y = besselj(alpha,x,ice),ice
[y,ierr] = = 1 or ice = 2

besselk Modified Bessel functions of the second kind besselk

Scilab besselk function can work with only one output argument, but
the Matlab function can work with two outputs arguments.
y = besselk(alpha,x) y = besselk(alpha,x)
y = besselk(alpha,x,1) y = besselk(alpha,x,ice),ice
[y,ierr] = = 1 or ice = 2

bessely Bessel functions of the second kind bessely

Scilab bessely function can work with only one output argument, but
the Matlab function can work with two outputs arguments.
y = bessely(alpha,x) y = bessely(alpha,x)
y = bessely(alpha,x,1) y = bessely(alpha,x,ice),ice
[y,ierr] = = 1 or ice = 2

beta Beta function beta

Matlab beta function can work with only one scalar input an done not-
scalar input parameter, but in Scilab both parameters must have the
same size.
A = 1; A = 1;
B = [1 2 3]; B = [1 2 3];
Y = beta(A,B); // So that A and B have the
same size
tmp = A;A = B;A(:) = tmp;
Y = beta(A,B);

Returns the integer corresponding to a Given

bin2dec bin2dec
binary representation

bitand The AND of two integers bitand

bitcmp The binary complementary of an integer bitcmp

Gets the bit of an integer whose the positon is given
bitget bitget
in the input argument

bitor The OR of two integers bitor

bitxor Returns the exclusive OR of two integers bitxor

blanks A string of blanks

There is no Scilab equivalent function for Matlab box but it can be

easyly replaced by Scilab equivalent instructions.
A = ['xxx' blanks(20) A = "xxx"+part("
'yyy']; ",ones(1,20))+"yyy";

box Display axes border

There is no Scilab equivalent function for Matlab box but it can be

easyly replaced by Scilab equivalent instructions.
box on a = gca();
box off = "on";
box = "off";
box(h,'on') if"on" then
box(h)"on";end; = "on"; = "off";
if"on" then"off";else"on";end;

break Terminate execution of a for loop or while loop break

Matlab C
case Case switch case

In Matlab expression evaluated can be a cell, in this particular use, all

values of cell are considered individually (similarly to a OR). In Scilab
it can not be a cell (Matlab particularity can be replaced by others
"case" or all switch/case statement can be replaced by a if/then/else

cat Arrays concatenation cat

cd Change/get working directory cd

Note that cd .. does not work in Scilab, but it does in Matlab. In Scilab
you can use cd("..").

ceil Round up ceil

cell2mat Convert a cell array into a matrix cell2mat

Convert strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell

cellstr cellstr
of strings

cell Create cell array cell

Note that in Matlab, input can contain complex values (in these cases,
only real part of it is taken in account), what Scilab function do not

chol Cholesky factorization chol

Scilab chol function can only have one output whereas Matlab one can
have two ouputs.

cla Clear current axes

▹ cla:
Scilab equivalent could be a = gca();delete(a.children); but in this
case, all current axes children will be deleted because there is no
HandleVisibility property in Scilab graphics.
▹ cla reset:
Scilab equivalent is a = gca();delete(a.children);.

clc Clear Command Window clc([nblines])

Note that Scilab function allows to clear only a set of lines above the
cursor using clc(nblines).
Note that Scilab function can not be used in no window mode under
Unix/Linux while Matlab one clears the terminal display as if you
were using "clear" command.

Remove items from workspace, freeing up system

clear clear

Scilab and Matlab clear functions are only equivalent when called
using clear or clear name.
▹ clear global ...:
Scilab equivalent for Matlab clear global [name] is
▹ clear variables ...:
Scilab equivalent for Matlab clear variables is simply clear.
▹ clear keyword ...:
For all other keywords, there is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab clear

clf Clear current figure window clf

▹ clf:
In this case, all current figure children will be deleted because there is
no HandleVisibility property in Scilab graphics.
▹ fig_handle = clf:
Scilab equivalent is be fig_handle = gcf();clf;. In this case, all current
figure children will be deleted because there is no HandleVisibility
property in Scilab graphics.

clock Current time as a date vector

Even if there no equivalent for Matlab clock in Scilab, it can be

emuled as shown in example.
c = clock w = getdate();
w(3:5) = [];
w(6) = w(6)+w(7)/1000;
c = w(1:6);

closereq Default figure close request function delete(gcf())


close Delete specified figure xdel


▹ close:
If current figure is a uicontrol one, Scilab and Matlab close are
equivalent. But if current figure is a graphic window, Scilab equivalent
for Matlab close is delete(gcf()).
▹ close(h):
If h is a uicontrol figure, Scilab and Matlab close(h) are equivalent.
But if h is a graphic window, Scilab equivalent for Matlab close(h) is
▹ close('all'):
Scilab equivalent for Matlab close('all') is xdel(winsid()).
▹ close(name):
There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab close(name) however,
mtlb_close can be an equivalent.
▹ close('all','hidden'):
Scilab equivalent for Matlab close('all','hidden') is xdel(winsid()) but
Scilab kills all figures even if they are hidden.

Set default property values to display different No

color schemes equivalent

▹ [h = ]mtlb_colordef(color_option):
Scilab equivalent is fig = gcf();fig.background = -1;[h = fig]; if
color_option is equal to "black" or "none" and fig =
gcf();fig.background = -1;[h = fig]; else.
▹ [h = ]mtlb_colordef(fig,color_option):
Considering fig is a graphics handle, Scilab equivalent is
fig.background = -1;[h = fig]; if color_option is equal to "black" or
"none" and fig.background = -2;[h = fig]; else.
▹ [h = ]mtlb_colordef('new',color_option):
Scilab equivalent is fig=scf(max(winsid())+1);fig.background = -
1;[h = fig]; if color_option is equal to "black" or "none" and
fig=scf(max(winsid())+1);fig.background = -2;[h = fig]; else.

Returns the complex form corresponding to the

complex complex
given real part and imaginary part
conj Complex conjugate conj

Keyword to pass control to the next iteration of a

continue continue

conv Convolution convol

Scilab convol output value is always a row vector while Matlab conv
output value is a column vector if at least one input is a column vector.
To have a closer result, replace Matlab conv(A) by clean(convol(A))
in Scilab.

cosh Hyperbolic cosine cosh

cos Cosine cos

coth Hyperbolic cotangent coth

cot Cotangent cotg

cputime Elapsed CPU time timer()

csch(A) Hyperbolic cosecant

csc(A) Cosecant

cumprod Cumulative product cumprod

▹ C = cumprod(A):
If A is a matrix, cumprod(A) is equivalent to cumprod(A,1) in
Matlab whereas in Scilab cumprod(A) gives the cumulative product
of all the entries of A taken columnwise. Actually, Matlab works on
the first non-singleton dimension and Scilb does not.
▹ C = cumprod(A,dim):
Matlab can work with dim greater than number of dimensions of A but
Scilab can not, in this can use mtlb_cumprod instead.
B = cumprod([1,2,3;4,5,6]) B = cumprod([1,2,3;4,5,6])
B = [1,2,3;4,10,18] B = [1,8,120;4,40,720]
B = cumprod([1,2,3;4,5,6],1) B = cumprod([1,2,3;4,5,6],1)
B = [1,2,3;4,10,18] B = [1,2,3;4,10,18]
cumsum Cumulative sum cumsum

▹ C=cumsum(A):
If A is a matrix, cumsum(A) is equivalent to cumsum(A,1) in Matlab
whereas in Scilab cumsum(A) gives the cumulative sum of all the
entries of A taken columnwise. Actually, Matlab works on the first
non-singleton dimension and Scilb does not.
▹ C = cumsum(A,dim):
Matlab can work with dim greater than number of dimensions of A but
Scilab can not, in this can use mtlb_cumsum instead.
B = cumsum([1,2,3;4,5,6]) B = cumsum([1,2,3;4,5,6])
B=[1,2,3;5,7,9] B=[1,7,15;5,12,21]
B = cumsum([1,2,3;4,5,6],1) B = cumsum([1,2,3;4,5,6],1)
B=[1,2,3;5,7,9] B=[1,2,3;5,7,9]

Matlab D
date Current date string date()

dec2bin The binary representation of a decimal number dec2bin

dec2hex Decimal to hexadecimal number conversion dec2hex

▹ Empty matrix input:

In Matlab dec2hex returns "" when input is [] but Scilab dec2hex
returns [].
▹ Complex inputs:
In Matlab dec2hex automatically removes complex part of input but
not in Scilab.
▹ Two inputs:
In Matlab dec2hex can have two inputs, in Scilab mtlb_dec2hex
emulates this case.

delete Delete files or graphics objects ↔

▹ Files:
When Matlab delete is used to delete a file, Scilab equivalent is
▹ Graphics objects:
When Matlab delete is used to delete a graphics object, Scilab
equivalent is delete. Note that Scilab delete can delete a set of
graphics handles is its input is a matrix of such objects.

det Determinant det

diag Diagonal including or extracting diag

Due to the fact that strings or not considered in the same way in
Matlab and in Scilab, results are not equal if A is a string matrix or
vector in diag(A) or diag(A,k).
Note that mtlb_diag can emulate this particularity in Scilab.
B = diag('str') B = diag(``str'')
B = ['s ';' t ';' r'] B = ``str''
B = mtlb_diag(``str'')
B = [``s ``;'' t ``;'' r'']

diary Save session to a file diary

When a filename is given to save environment, if this file exists,

Scilab returns an error message while Matlab save environment at the
end of existing file (append).
Note that diary on and diary toggle exist only in Matlab.
The equivalent for Matlab diary off is diary(0) in Scilab.

diff Differences and approximate derivatives diff

▹ Y = diff(X[,n]):
For this kind of use of diff (dim parameter not given), Matlab works
on the first non-singleton dimension of X what Scilab does not. In this
case, Scilab considers dim to be "*" so that diff threats all values of
X, what Matlab does not.
▹ Y = diff(X,n,dim):
If dimension given by dim reaches 1 before n iterations have been
done, Matlab switches to next non-singleton dimension, but Scilab
does not, use mtlb_diff to get equivalent results...When n is greater
than all existing dimensions of X, Matlab returns [] what Scilab may
not give for all inputs...

dir Display directory listing dir

When used in command window, Scilab and Matlab dir are
equivalents. When result is stored in a value, Matlab returns a struture
but Scilab returns a tlist. To get the same result, you can use mtlb_dir,
note that in this case, hidden files are not get.

display Overloaded method to display an object display

disp Display text or array disp

docopt Web browser for UNIX platforms

There no Scilab equivalent function, however, information about Web

Browser used can be found using globalvariable %browsehelp. Thos
variables exists under all platforms.

doc Display online documentation help

dos Execute a UNIX command and return result unix_g

Output values order is inversed in Scilab and in Matlab.

In Scilab use disp to emulate Matlab -echo option.
[status,result] = dos(...) [result,status] =

double Conversion to double precision double

In Matlab, this function returns a Boolean type value for a Boolean

input whereas Scilab function returns a Double type value.

drawnow Complete pending drawing events

In Scilab, drawing events are executed immediately.

Scilab drawnow is different from Matlab one.

Matlab E
echo Echo lines during execution mode
Scilab mode and Matlab echo are not exactly equivalents but they
both change the information displayed during execution. Scilab mode
has to be called inside a script or a function but Matlab echo can be
called from prompt. However, some uses are equivalents such as:
▹ echo:
is equivalent to Scilab mode(abs(mode()-1)) for scripts and non-
compiled functions
▹ echo on:
is equivalent to Scilab mode(1) for scripts and non-compiled functions
▹ echo off:
is equivalent to Scilab mode(0)

eig Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors ↔

▹ eig(A):
Scilab equivalent for eig(A) is spec(A). Scilab eigen vector matrix can
differ from Matlab one...
▹ eig(A,'nobalance'):
There is no Scilab equivalent for 'nobalance' option. See examples...
▹ eig(A,B,flag):
There is no Scilab equivalent for flag.
d = eig(A,'balance') d = spec(A)
[V,D] = eig(A,'balance') [V,D] = bdiag(A+%i,1/%eps)
d = eig(A,B) [al,be] = spec(A); d =
[V,D] = eig(A,B) al./be;
[al,be,V] = spec(A); D =

elseif Conditionally execute statements elseif

else Conditionally execute statements else

end Terminate loops and conditionals end

erfcx Scaled complementary error function erfcx

erfc Complementary error function erfc

erf Error function erf

error Display error messages error

Scilab error function can only take one character string as input but
Matlab function can take more than one character string as input and
also numerical values...

etime Elapsed time etime

In Scilab, etime can be used with 6 and 10 value vectors but Matlab
etime can only be used with 6 value vectors ([Year Month Day Hour
Minute Second]).

Execute a string containing an
eval ↔

▹ Expression:
When eval has to execute an expression then Scilab equivalent for
eval is evstr
▹ Instruction:
When eval has to execute an instruction with just one output value
then Scilab equivalent for eval is evstr. If instruction has more than
one output value then execstr has to be used as follows.When eval is
used with two inputs then an equivalent can be found in examples
eval('1+1') evstr('1+1')
eval('x=1+1') x = evstr('1+1')
eval('[d1,d2]=size(1)') execstr('[d1,d2]=size(1)')
[d1,d2]=eval('size(1)') execstr('[d1,d2]=size(1)')
eval('1+1','1+2') if execstr("1+1","errcatch")
then execstr("1+2");end

exist Check if a variable or file exists exist

Scilab exist function only works for variables, not for M-files or else...
Scilab mtlb_exist function is a partial emulation for Matlab exist

exit Ends current session exit

expm Matrix exponential expm

exp Exponential exp

eye Identity matrix eye

Note that in Matlab, A can contain complex values (in these cases,
only real part of A is taken in account), what Scilab function do not
▹ B=eye(A):
If A is a scalar, then Matlab returns a A*A identity matrix but in
Scilab you get a 1, use eye(A,A) to get the same matrix B. If A is a
vector, Scilab and Matlab give the same B. Finally, if A is a matrix, in
Scilab, B will be a matrix having the same size as A whereas in
Matlab, you get an error message.
B = eye(2) B = eye(2)
B = [1,0;0,1] B = 1
B = eye(2,2) B = eye(2,2)
B = [1,0;0,1] B = [1,0;0,1]
B = eye([3,3]) B = eye([3,3])
B = [1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,1] B = [1,0]

Matlab F
factor Prime numbers decomposition factor

false False array

To get the same result in Scilab, use: zeros(...)==1. See zeros.

fclose Close one or more open files mclose

feof Test for end-of-file meof

ferror Query about errors in file input or output ↔

▹ ferror(fid):
When Matlab ferror is called with just one input and one output, then
Scilab equivalent is merror.
▹ ferror(fid,'clear'):
When Matlab ferror is called with two inputs and just one output,
then Scilab equivalent is mclearerr.For all other cases, there no
equivalent in Scilab.

feval Function evaluation ↔

▹ One output:
In this case Scilab evstr is an equivalent to feval, after modifying
inputs such as in examples below.
▹ More than one output:
In this case Scilab execstr is an equivalent to feval, after modifying
inputs such as in examples below.
[y1] = feval(@cos,0) y1 = evstr("cos(0)")
[y1,y2] = feval(@size,1) execstr("[y1,y2] = size(1)")

Shift zero-frequency component of discrete Fourier

fftshift fftshift
transform to center of spectrum

▹ fftshift(A[,dim]):
Due to the fact that strings or not considered in the same way in
Matlab and in Scilab, results are not equal if A is a string matrix or
vector in fftshift(A) or fftshift(A,dim). mtlb_fftshift can emulate this
particularity in Scilab.
▹ fftshift(A,dim):
In Matlab, dim can be greater than the number of dimensions of A but
in Scilab you get an error message in this case. mtlb_fftshift can
emulate this particularity in Scilab.
Y = fftshift('str') Y = fftshift('str')
Y = 'rst' Y = 'str'
Y = mtlb_fftshift('str')
Y = 'rst'

fft(A[,...]) Discrete Fourier transform

▹ Y = fft(X):
If X is a vector then Scilab equivalent for Matlab fft(X) is fft(X,-1). If
X is a matrix then Scilab equivalent for Matlab fft(X) is fft(X,-1,2,1).
▹ Y = fft(X,n) / Y = fft(X,n,dim) / Y = fft(X,[],dim):
There is no Scilab equivalent for all these Matlab uses of fft, in these
cases, use mtlb_fft instead.
fgetl Read line(s) from file, discard newline character mgetl

Matlab fgetl reads file line per line while Scilab mgetl allows to read
the whole file.
Matlab fgetl returns -1 if it could not read a line in file but Scilab
mgetl returns an empty string is this case. You can used meof to check
if End Of File has been reached.

fgets Read line from file, keep newline character fgetstr

Input parameter order is inversed in Scilab compared to Matlab.

fgets(fid,n) fgetstr(n,fid)

fileparts Return filename parts fileparts

Scilab function does not get file version but Matlab one does.
Scilab function can take a second input parameter specifying the
output value we want to get saying: "path", "fname" or "extension".

filesep Return the directory separator for this platform

There is no Scilab function equivalent to Matlab filesep but the same

output can be obtained with pathconvert("/").

findstr Find one string within another

There is no equivalent for findstr in Scilab, but an emulation function

has been written: mtlb_findstr. Scilab strindex function is very
similar to findstr but do not consider the size of the strings passed as
parameters. strindex can replace findstr only if findstr can be
replaced by strfind in Matlab.

find Find indices and values of nonzero elements find

Matlab function can work with complex values what is not possible in
Scilab, however, using abs it is very easy to have the same results.
Note that Scilab function can only return two output values and
Matlab one can return a third value that can be computed according to
the first two output matrices as explained in Matlab help.
For example, in [i,j,v]=find(X), v is equal to: X(i+(j-1))*size(X,1).
Another great difference between Scilab and Matlab is that Matlab
returns column vectors of indices when X is a column vector or a
matrix but Scilab always returns row vectors. For this kind of input,
use matrix to get the same output value...what is done mtlb_find()

fix Round towards zero fix

fliplr(A) Flip matrix in left/right direction

Due to the fact that Scilab and Matlab do not consider character string
in the same way, result is different for this kind of input, in this case,
use mtlb_fliplr instead.

flipud(A) Flip matrix in up/down direction

floor Round down floor

fopen Open a file or obtain information about open files mopen

▹ Access permission:
Matlab offers two permissions options not supported by Scilab: W and
A (for tape drives)
▹ Input values:
In Matlab, fopen('all') lists all opened files, in Scilab, this type of call
for fopen does not exist. You can also use fopen in Matlab to get
informations on a file identifier (fopen(fid)), this case is not
implemented in Scilab.
▹ Machine format:
Note that Scilab does not support machine format values as input or
output.Matlab fopen can return an error message but not Scilab
mopen, moreover, returned file identifier is -1 in case of error in
Matlab but does not exist in this case in Scilab, so an emulation
function has been written mtlb_fopen.

format Control display format for output format

Some Matlab formats have no Scilab equivalent, see examples below.

format format("v",6)
format + format(6)
format bank No equivalent for: format
format compact "bank"
format hex No equivalent for: format
format long "compact"
format long e No equivalent for: format
format long g "hex"
format loose format(16)
format rat format("e",16)
format short format("e",16)
format short e No equivalent for: format
format short g "loose"
No equivalent for: format

for Repeat statements a specific number of times for

The variable used as loop index is clear in Scilab if all iterations have
been made but is not clear if llop is ended by a break. In Matlab, this
variable is never cleared.

fprintf Write formatted data to file

There is no equivalent function for Matlab fprintf in Scilab but an

emulation function has been written: mtlb_fprintf. This function
probably not allows all Matlab fprintf possibilities...

fread Read binary data to a file

There is no equivalent function for Matlab fread in Scilab but an

emulation function has been written: mtlb_fread. This function
probably not allows all Matlab fread possibilities (skip parameter is

Move the file position indicator to the

frewind(fid) mseek("0",fid)
beginning of an open file

fscanf Read formatted data to file

There is no equivalent function for Matlab fscanf in Scilab but an

emulation function has been written: mtlb_fscanf. This function
probably not allows all Matlab fscanf possibilities...

fseek Set file position indicator mseek

Scilab and Matlab functions differ by the flag which indicate the
origin of the position indicator, see examples below. Note that order of
input value is different...
File beginning: File beginning:
fseek(fid,offset,'bof') fseek(offset,fid,"set")
fseek(fid,offset,-1) Current position:
Current position: fseek(offset,fid,"cur")
fseek(fid,offset,'cof') File end:
fseek(fid,offset,0) fseek(offset,fid,"end")
File end:

ftell Get file position indicator mtell

fullfile Build a full filename from parts fullfile

full Convert sparse matrix to full matrix full

function Function definition function

fwrite Write binary data to a file

There is no equivalent function for Matlab fwrite in Scilab but an

emulation function has been written: mtlb_fwrite. This function
probably not allows all Matlab fwrite possibilities (skip parameter is

Matlab G
gammaln Logarithm of gamma function gammaln

gamma Gamma function gamma

getenv Get environment variable getenv

Scilab getenv allows to set the string that will be returned if
environment variable we want to get does not exist, but not Matlab

global Define a global variable global

graymon Set graphics defaults for gray-scale monitors

This Matlab function can be replaced in Scilab by:


grid Grid lines for two- and three-dimensional plots

There is no minor grid in Scilab.

There is no equivalent function for Matlab grid function in Scilab but
it has equivalents:
▹ grid on:
may be replaced by set(gca(),"grid",[1 1])
▹ grid off:
may be replaced by set(gca(),"auto_clear",[-1 -1])
▹ grid minor:
can be emuled in Scilab by mtlb_hold but all grids are toggled
▹ grid:
can be emuled in Scilab by mtlb_hold
▹ grid(axes_handle,'on'):
may be replaced by axes_handle.grid=[1 1]
▹ grid(axes_handle,'off'):
may be replaced by axes_handle.grid=[-1 -1]
▹ grid(axes_handle,'minor'):
can be emuled in Scilab by mtlb_hold but all grids are toggled
▹ grid(axes_handle):
can be emuled in Scilab by mtlb_hold(axes_handle)

Matlab H
hankel Hankel matrix hank
The main difference between Scilab and Matlab function is that they
do not use the same input values to build an Hankel matrix. If in
Matlab, you just have to give a column vector (and eventually a row
vector), Scilab function requires the size of the Hankel matrix to build
and a covariance sequence vector for this matrix. (See syntax below)
H1 = hankel(C1) N1 = size(C1,"*");
H2 = hankel(C2,R2) COV1 = [matrix(C1,1,-
H1 = hank(N1,N1,COV1);
M2 = size(C2,"*");
N2 = size(R2,"*");
COV2 = [matrix(C2,1,-
H2 = hank(M2,N2,COV2);

Display Help browser for access to full online

helpbrowser help

helpdesk Display Help browser help

helpwin Provide access to and display help for all functions help

help Display help help

In Scilab you can not get help on a toolbox, only on a function...

Scilab equivalent for Matlab help syntax is help("names").

hess Hessenberg form of a matrix hess

hold Hold current graph

There is no equivalent function for Matlab hold function in Scilab but

it has equivalents:
▹ hold on:
may be replaced by set(gca(),"auto_clear","off")
▹ hold off:
may be replaced by set(gca(),"auto_clear","on")
▹ hold:
can be emuled in Scilab by mtlb_hold

Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the

home tohome
Command Window
Note that Matlab function has no effect in no window mode under
Unix/Linux while Scilab one clears the terminal display as if you were
using "clear" command.

horzcat Horizontal concatenation

Scilab equivalent for Matlab horzcat(A1,A2,...,An) is [A1,A2,...,An]

if all Ai are not character strings, else, Scilab equivalent is

Matlab I
ifft(A[,...]) Inverse discrete Fourier transform fft(A,1[,...])

▹ Y = ifft(X):
If X is a vector then Scilab equivalent for Matlab ifft(X) is fft(X,1). If
X is a matrix then Scilab equivalent for Matlab ifft(X) is fft(X,1,2,1).
▹ Y = ifft(X,n) / Y = ifft(X,n,dim) / Y = ifft(X,[],dim):
There is no Scilab equivalent for all these Matlab uses of ifft, in these
cases, use mtlb_ifft instead.

if Conditionally execute statements if

In Scilab condition can be ended by then but not in Matlab.

imag Complex imaginary part imag

input Request user input input

int16 Convert to 16-bit signed integer int16

For infinite and NaNs values, Scilab and Matlab int16 return different
A = int16(inf) A = int16(%inf)
A = 32767 A = -32768
A = int16(-inf) A = int16(-%inf)
A = -32768 A = -32768
A = int16(nan) A = int16(%nan)
A = 0 A = -32768

int32 Convert to 32-bit signed integer int32

For infinite and NaNs values, Scilab and Matlab int32 return different
A = int32(inf) A = int32(%inf)
A = 2147483647 A = -2147483648
A = int32(-inf) A = int32(-%inf)
A = -2147483648 A = -2147483648
A = int32(nan) A = int32(%nan)
A = 0 A = -2147483648

int8 Convert to 8-bit signed integer int8

For infinite values, Scilab and Matlab int8 return different values.
A = int8(inf) A = int8(%inf)
A = 127 A = 0
A = int8(-inf) A = int8(-%inf)
A = -128 A = 0

interp1 One_dimension interpolation function interp1

Scilab interp1 function doesn't work with the pchip interpolation


inv Matrix inverse inv

isa Detect an object of a given type

There is no equivalent function for Matlab isa function in Scilab but it

can be replaced by equivalent syntaxes as shown is examples.
a = isa(x,'logical') a = type(x)==4;
b = isa(x,'char') b = type(x)==10;
c = isa(x,'numeric') c = or(type(x)==[1,5,8]);
d = isa(x,'int8') d = typeof(x)=="int8";
e = isa(x,'uint8') e = typeof(x)=="uint8";
f = isa(x,'int16') f = typeof(x)=="int16";
g = isa(x,'uint16') g = typeof(x)=="uint16";
h = isa(x,'int32') h = typeof(x)=="int32";
k = isa(x,'uint32') k = typeof(x)=="uint32";
l = isa(x,'single') l = type(x)==1;
m = isa(x,'double') m = type(x)==1;
n = isa(x,'cell') n = typeof(x)=="ce";
o = isa(x,'struct') o = typeof(x)=="st";
p = isa(x,'function_handle') p = type(x)==13;
q = isa(x,'sparse') q = type(x)==5;
r = isa(x,'lti') r = typeof(x)=="state-

iscell(A) Determine if input is a cell array typeof(A)=="ce"

ischar(A) Determine if item is a character array type(A)==10

isdir Determine if item is a directory isdir

isempty True for empty matrix isempty

isequal Determine if arrays are numerically equal isequal

In Scilab, struct fields must be in the same order so that structs can be
equal but not in Matlab.

isfield Determine if input is a structure array field

There is no Scilab equivalent function for Matlab tf=isfield(A,field)

but there are equivalent instructions:
▹ If A is not a structure and/or field is not a character string:
Scilab equivalent is %F.
▹ If A is a structure and field is a character string:
Scilab equivalent is

isfinite True for finite elements

There is no equivalent function for Matlab isfinite function in Scilab

but it can be emuled by: abs(A)<%Inf

isglobal Determine if item is a global variable isglobal

Determines if values are valid graphics

ishandle(A) type(A)==9
object handles

ishold Return hold state
There is no equivalent function for Matlab ishold function in Scilab
but it can be emuled by: get(gca(),"auto_clear")=="off";.

isinf True for infinite elements isinf

Detect whether an array has integer data

isinteger(A) type(A)==8

isletter True for letters of the alphabet

There is no equivalent function to Matlab isletter function in Scilab.

However it can be replaced as follows. Using mtlb_isletter will give a
prettier code.
tf = isletter(A) If A is a String matrix:
tf = ((asciimat(A)>=65) &
(asciimat(A)<=90)) |
((asciimat(A)>=97) &
If A is not a String matrix:
tf = zeros(A)

islogical(A) Determine if item is a logical array

There is no equivalent function for Matlab islogical function in Scilab

but it can be emuled by: or(type(A)==[4,6]).

isnan Detect NaN elements of an array isnan

isnumeric(A) Determine if input is a numeric array

There is no equivalent function for Matlab isnumeric function in

Scilab but it can be emuled by: or(type(A)==[1 5 8]).

ispc Determine if PC (Windows) version MSDOS

isreal Determine if all array elements are real numbers isreal

Scilab isreal function can take two values as input. The first one is the
same as Matlab one and the second allows to give a tolerance on the
absolute value of the imaginary part of first input. So to have the same
results in Matlab and in Scilab, second input in Scilab function must
be set to 0.
tf = isreal(1+0i) tf = isreal(1+0*%i)
tf = 1 tf = %F
tf = isreal(1+0*%i,0)
tf = %T

isscalar(A) Determine if input is scalar sum(length(A))==1

isspace Detect elements that are ASCII white spaces

There is no equivalent function to Matlab isspace function in Scilab.

However it can be replaced as shown below.
tf = isspace(A) If A is a String matrix:
tf = asciimat(A)==32
If A is not a String matrix:
tf = zeros(A)

issparse(S) Test if matrix is sparse

There is no equivalent function for Matlab issparse function in Scilab

but it can be emuled by: or(type(S)==[5,6]).

isstruct(A) Determine if input is a structure array typeof(A)=="st"

isstr(A) Determine if item is a character array type(A)==10

isunix Determine if Unix version ~MSDOS

isvector Determine if input is a vector

There is no Scilab equivalent function for Matlab tf=isvector(A) but

there are equivalent instructions:
▹ If A is not a character string:
Scilab equivalent is tf = size(A,1)==1 | size(A,2)==1.
▹ If A is a character string:
Scilab equivalent is tf = size(asciimat(A),1)==1 |
Matlab K
keyboard Invoke the keyboard in a file pause

A .*.
kron(A,B) Kronecker tensor product

Matlab L
length(A) Length of vector

If A is a vector, Scilab equivalent for length(A) is size(A,"*").

If A is a matrix, Scilab equivalent for length(A) is max(size(A)).
If A contains character strings, String matrix has to be converted to a
"character" string matrix using mstr2sci (Using asciimat to convert
will give the same result).
Scilab length is different from Matlab length.

linspace Linearly spaced vector linspace

When A and/or B is a String in Matlab, linspace(A,B[,n]) returns a

String matrix, in Scilab, it can be made with

load Load workspace variables from disk loadmatfile

Scilab loadmatfile does not handle option -regexp yet.

log10 Common (base 10) logarithm log10

log2 Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating point number ↔

Scilab log2 is equivalent to Matlab log2 for logarithm computation,

but for floating point number dissection, Scilab equivalent to Matlab
log2 is frexp.

logical(A) Convert numeric values to logical

If A is not an empty matrix, Scilab equivalent for logical(A) is is not

equal to 0 else Scilab equivalent is [].

log Natural logarithm log

lookfor Search for specified keyword in all help entries apropos

No Scilab equivalent for Matlab -all option.

lower(str) Convert string to lower case convstr(str,''u'')

If A is not a character string matrix, Scilab equivalent for B=lower(A)

is B=A, else equivalent is B=convstr(A).

lu LU matrix factorization lu

There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab lu when called with 1 or 4

outputs or with 2 inputs.

Matlab M
max Maximum max

Matlab max function can work with complexes, what Scilab max can
not, so a emulation function called mtlb_max has been written.
Note that in Scilab, second input parameter can give the dimension to
use to find the maximum values or another matrix (maximum of two
matrices), in Matlab, dimension parameter is given in a third input
parameter (in this case, second parameter must be []).
▹ C=max(A):
If A is a matrix, max(A) is equivalent to max(A,[],1) in Matlab
whereas in Scilab max(A) gives the maximum value found in A.
Matlab max treats the values along the first non-singleton dimension.
A = [1,2,3;4,5,6] A = [1,2,3;4,5,6]
C = max(A) C = max(A)
C = [4,5,6] C = 6
C = max(A,[],1) C = max(A,''r'')
C = [4,5,6] C = [4,5,6]
B=[7,8,9;2,3,4] B=[7,8,9;2,3,4]
C = max(A,B) C = max(A,B)
C = [7,8,9;4,5,6] C = [7,8,9;4,5,6]

min Minimum min

Matlab min function can work with complexes, what Scilab min can
not, so a emulation function called mtlb_min has been written.
Note that in Scilab, second input parameter can give the dimension to
use to find the minimum values or another matrix (minimum of two
matrices), in Matlab, dimension parameter is given in a third input
parameter (in this case, second parameter must be []).
▹ C=min(A):
If A is a matrix, min(A) is equivalent to min(A,[],1) in Matlab
whereas in Scilab min(A) gives the minimum value found in A.
Matlab min treats the values along the first non-singleton dimension.
A = [1,2,3;4,5,6] A = [1,2,3;4,5,6]
C = min(A) C = min(A)
C = [1,2,3] C = 1
C = min(A,[],1) C = min(A,''r'')
C = [1,2,3] C = [1,2,3]
B = [7,8,9;2,3,4] B = [7,8,9;2,3,4]
C = min(A,B) C = min(A,B)
C = [1,2,3;2,3,4] C = [1,2,3;2,3,4]

mkdir mkdir

Scilab mkdir returns 1 or 2 values but Matlab one can return up to

three values (third output is a Matlab messageid).

mod Modulus after division pmodulo

Scilab pmodulo can work with Complex values what Matlab mod can

Display Command Window output one screenful at a

more lines

See examples.
more off lines(0)
more on lines(60)
more(30) lines(30)

Matlab N
Number of
nargin ↔ argn(2) ↔
function input
nargin('fun') size(getfield(1,macrovar(fun)),"*")

Number of
nargout ↔ argn(1) ↔
function output
nargout('fun') size(getfield(2,macrovar(fun)),"*")

ndims Number of array dimensions

There is no Scilab equivalent function for ndims(A) but it can be

emuled by: size(size(A),"*")

norm Vector and matrix norms norm

num2str Number to string conversion ↔

▹ num2str(a,precision):
There is no Scilab equivalent for this Matlab expression.
▹ num2str(a,format):
Scilab equivalent for Matlab num2str(a,format) is

Matlab O
ones Create an array of all ones ones

Note that in Matlab, A can contain complex values (in these cases,
only real part of A is taken in account), what Scilab function do not
▹ B=ones(A):
If A is a scalar, then Matlab returns a A*A matrix of ones but in Scilab
you get a 1, use ones(A,A) to get the same matrix B. If A is a vector,
Scilab and Matlab give the same B. Finally, if A is a matrix, in Scilab,
B will be a matrix having the same size as A whereas in Matlab, you
get an error message.
B = ones(2) B = ones(2)
B = [1,1;1,1] B = 1
B = ones(2,2) B = ones(2,2)
B = [1,1;1,1] B = [1,1;1,1]
B = ones([3,3]) B = ones([3,3])
B = [1,1,1;1,1,1;1,1,1] B = [1,1]

otherwise Default part of switch/select statement else

Matlab P
pause Halt execution temporarily
↔ halt

Scilab equivalent for Matlab pause(n) is xpause(1000*n).

▹ pause ↔ halt():
Scilab halt() and Matlab pause are equivalents.
▹ pause on/off:
There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab pause on or pause off

perms Array of all permutations of vector components perms

permute Permute the dimensions of an array permute

pie circular graphic pie

plot Linear 2-D plot plot

Scilab plot doesn't accept all the properties of the Matlab plot

pow2 Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers
▹ X=pow2(Y):
There is not equivalent function for pow2 in Scilab but, when called
with one input argument it can be emulated by: 2^ Y
▹ X=pow2(F,E):
In this case, Matlab pow2() ignores imaginary part of input arguments.
An equivalent expression for this use of pow2 is: F.* 2 .^ E (Note that
2 must be preceeded and followed by a white space).

Returns the primes numbers included between 1 and

primes primes
given number

prod Product of array elements prod

▹ M=prod(A):
Scilab prod(A) returns the product of all components of A. So, if A is
a vector, then Scilab and Matlab work in the same way. If A is a
matrix, Scilab prod(A) gives the product of all elements of A but
Matlab returns the product of each column. Finally, if A is a
multidimensional array, Matlab works on the first non-singleton
dimension of A what Scilab does not. So, to be sure to find a Scilab
equivalent for Matlab call to prod it is better to precise dimension on
which to work.
▹ M=prod(A,dim):
In Scilab dim=1 is equivalent to dim=''r'' and dim=2 is equivalent
dim=''c''. In Matlab, dim can be greater then the number of
dimension of A (in this case, M=A), in Scilab you will get an error
A = [1,2,3;4,5,6] A = [1,2,3;4,5,6]
M = prod(A) M = prod(A)
M = [4,10,18] M = 720
M = prod(A,1) M = prod(A,''r'')
M = [4,10,18] M = [4,10,18]

Matlab Q
qr Orthogonal-triangular decomposition qr

When used with two input values and tree output values, Scilab and
Matlab qr results can differ. Use mtlb_qr instead.

quit Terminate session quit

Matlab R
Normally distributed random
randn(A) rand(A,''normal'')
numbers and arrays

▹ B=randn(A) ↔ B=rand(A,``normal''):
If A is a scalar, then Matlab returns a A*A random matrix but in
Scilab you get a single random value, use rand(A,A,''normal'') to get
the same matrix B. Finally, if A is a matrix, in Scilab, B will be a
matrix having the same size as A whereas in Matlab, you get an error
message.Note that in Matlab, A can contain complex values (in these
cases, only real part of A is taken in account), what Scilab function do
not tolerate.
Particular case: To get the state of the normal generator, in Matlab you
have to use s=randn('state') to get 2 current values of the generator,
but Scilab equivalent s=rand(``seed'') return only one value.

Uniformly distributed random

rand(A) rand(A[,''uniform''])
numbers and arrays

▹ B=rand(A):
If A is a scalar, then Matlab returns a A*A random matrix but in
Scilab you get a single random value, use rand(A,A) to get the same
matrix B. Finally, if A is a matrix, in Scilab, B will be a matrix having
the same size as A whereas in Matlab, you get an error message.Note
that in Matlab, A can contain complex values (in these cases, only real
part of A is taken in account), what Scilab function do not tolerate.
Particular case: To get the state of the uniform generator, in Matlab
you have to use s=rand('state') to get 35 current values of the
generator, but Scilab equivalent s=rand(``seed'') return only one

rcond Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate rcond

Scilab and Matlab values differ for empty matrix.

c = rcond([]) c = rcond([])
c = Inf c = []

Largest positive floating-

realmax number_properties("huge")
point number
There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab realmax('single').

Smallest positive floating-

realmin number_properties("tiny")
point number

There is no Scilab equivalent for Matlab realmin('single').

real Real part of a complex number real

rem(X,Y) Remainder after division

repmat Replicate and tile an array

There is no Scilab equivalent function for Matlab repmat but it can be

replaced by the following expressions (considering m and n being real
▹ repmat(A,m) with m a scalar:
can be replaced by ones(m,m).*.A if A is of Double type, by
ones(m,m).*.bool2s(A) if A is of Boolean type and by
asciimat(ones(m,m).*.asciimat(A) if A is of String type
▹ repmat(A,m) with m a vector:
can be replaced by ones(m(1),m(2),...).*.A is of Double type, by
ones(m(1),m(2),...).*.bool2s(A) if A is of Boolean type and by
asciimat(ones(m(1),m(2),...).*.asciimat(A) if A is of String type
▹ repmat(A,m,n):
can be replaced by ones(m,n).*.A if A is of Double type, by
ones(m,n).*.bool2s(A) if A is of Boolean type and by
asciimat(ones(m,n).*.asciimat(A) if A is of String type

reshape Reshape array matrix

To get the same result for character string matrices in Scilab than in
Matlab, convert Scilab character string matrices using mstr2sci.
All unspecified dimensions are represented by a [] input in Matlab
while in Scilab they are given by a -1.
Matlab reshape suppresses singleton higher dimension, it is not the
case for matrix in Scilab...

return Return to the invoking function return

round Round to nearest integer round

Matlab S
save Save workspace variables from disk mtlb_save

Scilab mtlb_save does not handle options -v4 -mat and -append yet.

schur Schur decomposition schur

setstr Set string flag ascii

▹ S = setstr(A) with A a caracter string:

In this case, Scilab ascii function convert string to ascii code matrix,
but setstr keeps string format.

sign Signum function sign

sinh Hyperbolic sine sinh

sin Sine sin

size Array dimension size

Due to the fact that strings or not considered in the same way in
Matlab and in Scilab, results are not equal for string matrices, convert
it using m2scistr to have the same result.
▹ d = size(X,dim):
If dim is greater than number of dimensions of X, Matlab returns d=1,
but in Scilab, you get an error message. Scilab mtlb_size can work
with dim greater than number of dimensions of X.
▹ [d1,...dn] = size(X):
If n is greater than number of dimensions of X, all "extra" variables
are set to 1 in Matlab but Scilab returns an error message. Scilab
mtlb_size returns a Matlab like result in these cases. When n is less
than number of dimensions of X, dn contains the product of the sizes
of the remaining dimensions in Matlab but in Scilab dn = size(X,n),
use mtlb_size for such uses.
sort Sort elements in ascending order

Scilab sort and Matlab sort are different functions !

For character string inputs, please use better mtlb_sort in Scilab...
▹ B = sort(A):
Scilab gsort can be used as an equivalent for Matlb sort giving it the
good inputs. If A is a vector, call gsort(A,"g","i"). If A is a matrix
then call gsort(A,"r","i"). Note that gsort does not work with
multidimensional arrays...
▹ B = sort(A,dim):
If in Matlab, dim is 1 (respectively 2) then replace it by "r"
(respectively "c") in Scilab when calling gsort(A,dim,"i"). Note that
gsort does not work with multidimensional arrays...

sparse Create sparse matrix sparse

Matlab and Scilab equivalents:

▹ sparse(A) ↔ sparse(A):

▹ sparse(m,n) ↔ sparse([],[],[m,n]):

▹ sparse(i,j,s) ↔ sparse([i,j],s):
This equivalence is true considering i, j and s have the same length
and that i and j are column vectors.
▹ sparse(i,j,s,m,n) ↔ sparse([i,j],s,[m,n]):
This equivalence is true considering i, j and s have the same length
and that i and j are column vectors.
▹ sparse(i,j,s,m,n,nzmax):
There is no Scilab equivalent for this use of Matlab sparse.

sqrt Square root sqrt

Compare strings
strcmpi(str1,str2) convstr(str1)==convstr(str2)
ignoring case

Note that strcmpi can be use with not string inputs, in this case Matlab
returns 0. Scilab == will in this case return %T if both inputs are
strcmp(str1,str2) Compare strings str1==str2

Note that strcmp can be use with not string inputs, in this case Matlab
returns 0. Scilab == will in this case return %T if both inputs are

strfind Find one string within another strindex

Note that strfind can be use with not string inputs, in this case Matlab
returns 1 if inputs are equal and 0 else but strindex can not do such

strrep String search and replace strsubst

Note that Matlab strrep can be use with not string inputs, what Scilab
strsubst can not. In this case use mtlb_strrep instead.

struct Create struct array struct

sum Sum of array elements sum

▹ M=sum(A):
Scilab sum(A) returns the sum of all components of A. So, if A is a
vector, then Scilab and Matlab work in the same way. If A is a matrix,
Scilab sum(A) gives the sum of all elements of A but Matlab returns
the sum of each column. Finally, if A is a multidimensional array,
Matlab works on the first non-singleton dimension of A what Scilab
does not. So, to be sure to find a Scilab equivalent for Matlab call to
sum it is better to precise dimension on which to work.
▹ M=sum(A,dim):
In Scilab dim=1 is equivalent to dim=''r'' and dim=2 is equivalent
dim=''c''. In Matlab, dim can be greater then the number of dimension
of A (in this case, M=A), in Scilab you will get an error message.
A = [1,2,3;4,5,6] A = [1,2,3;4,5,6]
M = sum(A) M = sum(A)
M = [5,7,9] M = 21
M = sum(A,1) M = sum(A,''r'')
M = [5,7,9] M = [5,7,9]

surf 3-D surface plot surf

Scilab surf doesn't accept all the properties of the Matlab surf
svd Singular value decomposition svd

switch Switch among several cases based on expression select

Matlab T
tanh Hyperbolic tangent tanh

tan Tangent tan

tic Starts a stopwatch timer tic()

In Scilab, tic can be called as a command when output value is just


title Display a title on a graphic window title

toc Read the stopwatch timer toc()

In Scilab, toc can be called as a command when output value is just


toeplitz Toeplitz matrix toeplitz

toeplitz can be used with empty matrices in Scilab but not in Matlab.
▹ T=toeplitz(c):
If c is complex, use mtlb_toeplitz in Scilab to have the same result
than Matlab.Else if c is not a scalar or a vector, use mtlb_toeplitz in
Scilab to have the same result than Matlab.
▹ T=toeplitz(c,r):
If c and r are not scalars or vectors or if c(1,1)<>r(1,1), use:
mtlb_toeplitz in Scilab to have the same result than Matlab.

tril Lower triangular part of a matrix tril

In L=tril(X) and L=tril(X,k), Scilab function gives different results

from Matlab one if X is a String matrix. In this case use mtlb_tril
Note that k can be complex in Matlab, in this case, only real part of k
is taken in account, Scilab gives an error message for a such use.

triu Upper triangular part of a matrix triu

In U=triu(X) and U=triu(X,k), Scilab function gives different results

from Matlab one if X is a String matrix. In this case use mtlb_triu
Note that k can be complex in Matlab, in this case, only real part of k
is taken in account, Scilab gives an error message for a such use.

true True array

To get the same result in Scilab, use: ones(...)==1. See ones.

type List file

Scilab mtlb_type is a partial emulation of Matlab type function.

Scilab type function does not match with Matlab type !

Matlab U
uigetdir Standard dialog box for selecting a directory tk_getdir

uint16 Convert to 16-bit unsigned integer uint16

For infinite values, Scilab and Matlab uint16 return different values.
A = uint16(inf) A = uint16(%inf)
A = 65535 A = 0

uint32 Convert to 32-bit unsigned integer uint32

For infinite values, Scilab and Matlab uint32 return different values.
A = uint32(inf) A = uint32(%inf)
A = 4294967295 A = 0

uint8 Convert to 8-bit unsigned integer uint8

For infinite values, Scilab and Matlab uint8 return different values.
A = uint8(inf) A = uint8(%inf)
A = 255 A = 0

unix Execute a UNIX command and return result unix_g

Output values order is inversed in Scilab and in Matlab.

In Scilab use disp to emulate Matlab -echo option.
[status,result] = unix(...) [result,status] =

upper(str) Convert string to upper case convstr(str,''u'')

If A is not a character string matrix, Scilab equivalent for B=upper(A)

is B=A, else equivalent is B=convstr(A,''u'').

Matlab V
varargin Pass variable numbers of arguments varargin

In Matlab varargin is a cell and in Scilab it is a list.

varargout Return variable numbers of arguments varargout

In Matlab varargout is a cell and in Scilab it is a list.

vertcat Vertical concatenation

Scilab equivalent for Matlab vertcat(A1,A2,...,An) is [A1;A2;...;An].

Matlab W
waitforbuttonpress Wait for key or mouse button press
There is no equivalent function for Matlab w=waitforbuttonpress in
Scilab however it can be replaced by: [%v0,%v1,%v2,%v3,%v4] =
xclick();w = bool2s(%v0>64);

warning Display warning messages warning

Scilab warning function can only take one character string as input
but Matlab function can take more than one character string as input
and also numerical values...

while Repeat statements an indefinite number of times while

whos List variables in the workspace whos

Scilab whos is an equivalent for Matlab whos just when called as

follows: whos or whos("global")

who List variables in the workspace who

Scilab who is an equivalent for Matlab who just when called as

follows: who or who("global")

Get item from Microsoft Windows

winqueryreg winqueryreg

Scilab function returns a matrix of strings or a int32 value but Matlab

function returns a Cell of strings or a int32 value.

Matlab X
xlabel Display a string along the x axis xlabel

Matlab Y
ylabel Display a string along the y axis ylabel
Matlab Z
zeros Create an array of all zeros zeros

▹ B=zeros(A):
If A is a scalar, then Matlab returns a A*A matrix of zeros but in
Scilab you get a 1, use zeros(A,A) to get the same matrix B. If A is a
row vector, Scilab and Matlab give the same B. Finally, if A is a
matrix, in Scilab, B will be a matrix having the same size as A
whereas in Matlab, you get an error message.Note that in Matlab, A
can contain complex values (in these cases, only real part of A is taken
in account), what Scilab function do not tolerate.
B = zeros(2) B = zeros(2)
B = [0,;0,0] B = 0
B = zeros(2,2) B = zeros(2,2)
B = [0,0;0,0] B = [0,0;0,0]
B = zeros([3,3]) B = zeros([3,3])
B = [0,0,0;0,0,0;0,0,0] B = [0,0]

zlabel Display a string along the z axis zlabel

Matlab Operators
: Colon :

▹ Using colon with empty matrices:

In Matlab if almost one operand is an empty matrix, then result is an
empty matrix what gives an error message in Scilab.
▹ Using colon with NaNs and Infs:
In Matlab if almost one operand is an empty matrix, then result is a
NaN what make Scilab returning an error.

+ Plus +

▹ Character strings addition:

In Scilab, string addition is the same as string concatenation, what is
done in Matlab by strcat function. In Matlab, string addition is the
equivalent of the addition of corresponding ASCII codes.
▹ Empty matrix and addition:
In Matlab, addition can only be made if the operands have the same
size unless one is a scalar. For exemple, empty matrices can only be
added to another empty matrix or a scalar. Note that when you add a
scalar and an empty matrix, Matlab result is always an empty matrix
while in Scilab, result is equal to the scalar.
▹ Unary plus:
In Matlab, unary plus exists, but in Scilab it is automatically deleted
when compiling so we can consider that Scilab unary plus does not
str = 'str1'+'str2' str = 'str1'+'str2'
str = [230,232,228,99] str = 'str1str2'
str = strcat('str1','str2') str =
str = 'str1str2' strcat(['str1','str2'])
A = 1 + [] str = 'str1str2'
A = [] A = 1 + []
A = 1

- Minus -

▹ Empty matrix and substraction:

In Matlab, substraction can only be made if the operands have the
same size unless one is a scalar. For exemple, empty matrices can only
be substracted to another empty matrix or a scalar. Note that when you
substract an empty matrix to a scalar and inversely, Matlab result is
always an empty matrix while in Scilab, result is equal to the scalar.
A = 1 - [] A = 1 - []
A = [] A = 1

* Mutiplication *

/ Right division /

\ Left division \

Note that Matlab left division gives strange results when one operand
is a character string matrix and not the other one...

== Equal to ==

.* Elementwise mutiplication .*

WARNING: Expressions like X.*.23 are interpreted in Matlab as X

elementwisely multiplied by 0.23 while Scilab computes the
Kronecker product of X and 23, to have the same result, insert a blank
between * and .23

./ Elementwise right division ./

WARNING: Expressions like X./.23 are interpreted in Matlab as the

elementwise right division of X by 0.23 while Scilab computes the
Kronecker right division of X and 23, to have the same result, insert a
blank between / and .23

.\ Elementwise left division .\

WARNING: Expressions like X.\.23 are interpreted in Matlab as the

elementwise division of 0.23 by X while Scilab computes the
Kronecker left division of X and 23, to have the same result, inser a
blank between \ and .23

.' Elementwise transpose .'

▹ Character string elementwise transpose:

In Scilab, the result of a character string elementwise transpose is the
string itself; but in Matlab, elementwise transpose of a character string
gives a column vector of characters. To have the same result in Scilab,
use: mtlb_0.
s = ('str1')' s = ('str1')'
s = ['s';'t';'r';'1'] s = 'str1'
s = mtlb_0('str1')
s = ['s';'t';'r';'1']

.^ Elementwise exponent .^

Note that Matlab seems to have a bug when exposant is a character...

WARNING: Expressions like X.^.23 are interpreted in Matlab as X to
the power of 0.23 while Scilab executes X elementwisely powered to
23, to have the same result, inser a blank between ^ and .23

' Transpose '

▹ Character string transpose:

In Scilab, the result of a character string transpose is the string itself;
but in Matlab, transpose of a character string gives a column vector of
characters. To have the same result in Scilab, use: mtlb_t.
s = ('str1')' s = ('str1')'
s = ['s';'t';'r';'1'] s = 'str1'
s = mtlb_t('str1')
s = ['s';'t';'r';'1']

& Logical AND &

Due to the fact that strings or not considered in the same way in
Matlab and in Scilab, results are not equal for string matrices, convert
it to ascii code matrices using m2scistr to have the same result.
Scilab function has a bug!

| Logical OR |

Due to the fact that strings or not considered in the same way in
Matlab and in Scilab, results are not equal for string matrices, convert
it to ASCII code matrices using m2scistr to have the same result.
Scilab function has a bug!

> Greater than >

When both operands are empty matrices, Matlab result is an empty

matrix while in Scilab you get an error.
In Scilab this operator does not work with complex values while in
Matlab it considers Real part of them for comparison.

>= Greater or equal to >=

When both operands are empty matrices, Matlab result is an empty

matrix while in Scilab you get an error.
In Scilab this operator does not work with complex values while in
Matlab it considers Real part of them for comparison.

< Smaller than <

When both operands are empty matrices, Matlab result is an empty

matrix while in Scilab you get an error.
In Scilab this operator does not work with complex values while in
Matlab it considers Real part of them for comparison.

<= Smaller or equal to <=

When both operands are empty matrices, Matlab result is an empty
matrix while in Scilab you get an error.
In Scilab this operator does not work with complex values while in
Matlab it considers Real part of them for comparison.

^ Exponent ^

Note that Matlab seems to have a bug for X^(Y) when X is a character
and that in Scilab operations such as X^(Y) with X a scalar and Y a
matrix is equivalent to X.^(Y) (Will change in next Scilab versions...).

~ Negation ~

Due to the fact that strings or not considered in the same way in
Matlab and in Scilab, results are not equal for string matrices, convert
it to ascii code matrices using m2scistr to have the same result.

~= Not equal to ~=

Matlab Variables
ans The most recent answer ans

Last index $

eps Floating-point relative accuracy %eps

Only Matlab allows to change the value of this variable and clear eps
allows to set the value of eps to its initial value.

i Imaginary unit %i

Only Matlab allows to change the value of this variable.

j Imaginary unit %i

Only Matlab allows to change the value of this variable.

pi Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter %pi

Scilab manual

Table of Contents

I. Scilab
abort — interrupt evaluation.
add_demo — Add an entry in the demos list
ans — answer
argn — number of arguments in a function call
backslash (\) — left matrix division.
banner — show scilab banner (Windows)
boolean — Scilab Objects, boolean variables and operators & | ~
brackets — ([,]) left and right brackets
break — keyword to interrupt loops
case — keyword used in select
chdir — changes Scilab current directory — changes Scilab current directory
clear — kills variables
clearfun — remove primitive.
clearglobal — kills global variables
colon — (:) colon operator
comma — (,) column, instruction, argument separator
comments — comments
comp — scilab function compilation
comparison — comparison, relational operators
continue — keyword to pass control to the next iteration of a loop
debug — debugging level
delbpt — delete breakpoints
dispbpt — display breakpoints
do — language keyword for loops
dot — (.) symbol
edit — function editing
else — keyword in if-then-else
elseif — keyword in if-then-else
empty — ([]) empty matrix
end — end keyword
equal — (=) assignment , comparison, equal sign
errcatch — error trapping
errclear — error clearing
error — error messages
error_table — table of error messages
evstr — evaluation of expressions
exec — script file execution
exists — checks variable existence
exit — Ends the current Scilab session
external — Scilab Object, external function or routine
extraction — matrix and list entry extraction
for — language keyword for loops
format — number printing and display format
funcprot — switch scilab functions protection mode
funptr — coding of primitives ( wizard stuff )
getdebuginfo — get informations about Scilab to debug
getmd5 — get md5 checksum
getmemory — returns free and total system memory
getmodules — returns list of modules installed in Scilab
getos — return Operating System name and version
getscilabmode — returns scilab mode
getshell — returns current command interpreter.
getvariablesonstack — get variable names on stack of scilab
getversion — get scilab and modules version information
global — Define global variable
gstacksize — set/get scilab global stack size
hat — (^) exponentiation
ieee — set floating point exception mode
if — conditional execution
insertion — partial variable assignation or modification — partial variable
intppty — set interface argument passing properties
inv_coeff — build a polynomial matrix from its coefficients
iserror — error occurence test
isglobal — check if a variable is global
lasterror — get last recorded error message
left — ([) left bracket
less — (<) lower than comparison — (<) greater than comparison
librarieslist — get scilab libraries
libraryinfo — get macros and path of a scilab library
macr2lst — function to list conversion
macr2tree — function to tree conversion
matrices — Scilab object, matrices in Scilab
matrix — reshape a vector or a matrix to a different size matrix
mode — select a mode in exec file
mtlb_mode — switch Matlab like operations
names — scilab names syntax
newfun — add a name in the table of functions
null — delete an element in a list
parents — ( ) left and right parenthesis
pause — pause mode, invoke keyboard
percent — (%) special character
perl — Call Perl script using appropriate operating system executable
plus — (+) addition operator
poly — polynomial definition
power — power operation (^,.^)
predef — variable protection
pwd — print Scilab current directory — get Scilab current directory
quit — Terminates Scilab or decreases the pause level
quote — (') transpose operator, string delimiter
rational — Scilab objects, rational in Scilab
readgateway — get primitives list of a module
resume — return or resume execution and copy some local variables
return — return or resume execution and copy some local variables
sciargs — scilab command line arguments
scilab — Major unix script to execute Scilab and miscellaneous tools
select — select keyword
semicolon (;) — ending expression and row separator
setbpt — set breakpoints
sethomedirectory — Set Scilab home directory
slash — (/) right division and feed back
stacksize — set scilab stack size
star — (*) multiplication operator
startup — startup file
symbols — scilab operator names
testmatrix — generate some particular matrices
then — keyword in if-then-else
tilda — (~) logical not
try — beginning of try block in try-catch control instruction — beginning of catch
block in try-catch control instruction
type — Returns the type of a variable
typename — associates a name to variable type
user — interfacing a Fortran or C routine
varn — symbolic variable of a polynomial
ver — Version information for Scilab
warning — warning messages
what — list the Scilab primitives
where — get current instruction calling tree
whereami — display current instruction calling tree
whereis — name of library containing a function
while — while keyword
who — listing of variables
who_user — listing of user's variables
whos — listing of variables in long form
with_atlas — Checks if Scilab has been built with Atlas Library
with_gtk — Checks if Scilab has been built with the "GIMP Toolkit" library
with_javasci — Checks if Scilab has been built with the java interface
with_macros_source — Checks if macros source are installed
with_module — Checks if a Scilab module is installed
with_pvm — Checks if Scilab has been built with the "Parallel Virtual Machine"
with_texmacs — Checks if Scilab has been called by texmacs
with_tk — Checks if Scilab has been built with TCL/TK
II. ARnoldi PACKage
dnaupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute
approximations to a few eigenpairs of a real linear operator
dneupd — ARnoldi Package (not documented 5)
dsaupd — Interface for the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Iteration, to compute
approximations to a few eigenpairs of a real and symmetric linear operator
dseupd — ARnoldi Package (not documented 4)
znaupd — ARnoldi Package (not documented 3)
zneupd — ARnoldi Package (not documented 6)
III. Boolean
bool2s — convert boolean matrix to a zero one matrix.
find — find indices of boolean vector or matrix true elements
abcd — state-space matrices
abinv — AB invariant subspace
arhnk — Hankel norm approximant
arl2 — SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation
arma — Scilab arma library
arma2p — extract polynomial matrices from ar representation
armac — Scilab description of an armax process
armax — armax identification
armax1 — armax identification
arsimul — armax simulation
augment — augmented plant
balreal — balanced realization
bilin — general bilinear transform
black — Black's diagram (Nichols chart)
bode — Bode plot
bstap — hankel approximant
cainv — Dual of abinv
calfrq — frequency response discretization
canon — canonical controllable form
ccontrg — central H-infinity controller
chart — Nichols chart
cls2dls — bilinear transform
colinout — inner-outer factorization
colregul — removing poles and zeros at infinity
cont_frm — transfer to controllable state-space
cont_mat — controllability matrix
contr — controllability, controllable subspace, staircase
contrss — controllable part
copfac — right coprime factorization
csim — simulation (time response) of linear system
ctr_gram — controllability gramian
dbphi — frequency response to phase and magnitude representation
dcf — double coprime factorization
ddp — disturbance decoupling
des2ss — descriptor to state-space
des2tf — descriptor to transfer function conversion
dhinf — H_infinity design of discrete-time systems
dhnorm — discrete H-infinity norm
dscr — discretization of linear system
dsimul — state space discrete time simulation
dt_ility — detectability test
dtsi — stable anti-stable decomposition
equil — balancing of pair of symmetric matrices
equil1 — balancing (nonnegative) pair of matrices
evans — Evans root locus
feedback — feedback operation
findABCD — discrete-time system subspace identification
findAC — discrete-time system subspace identification
findBD — initial state and system matrices B and D of a discrete-time system
findBDK — Kalman gain and B D system matrices of a discrete-time system
findR — Preprocessor for estimating the matrices of a linear time-invariant
dynamical system
findx0BD — Estimates state and B and D matrices of a discrete-time linear
flts — time response (discrete time, sampled system)
fourplan — augmented plant to four plants
frep2tf — transfer function realization from frequency response
freq — frequency response
freson — peak frequencies
fspecg — stable factorization
fstabst — Youla's parametrization
g_margin — gain margin and associated crossover frequency
gainplot — magnitude plot
gamitg — H-infinity gamma iterations
gcare — control Riccati equation
gfare — filter Riccati equation
gfrancis — Francis equations for tracking
gtild — tilde operation
h2norm — H2 norm
h_cl — closed loop matrix
h_inf — H-infinity (central) controller
h_inf_st — static H_infinity problem
h_norm — H-infinity norm
hankelsv — Hankel singular values
hinf — H_infinity design of continuous-time systems
imrep2ss — state-space realization of an impulse response
inistate — Estimates the initial state of a discrete-time system
invsyslin — system inversion
kpure — continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
krac2 — continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
lcf — normalized coprime factorization
leqr — H-infinity LQ gain (full state)
lft — linear fractional transformation
lin — linearization
linf — infinity norm
linfn — infinity norm
linmeq — Sylvester and Lyapunov equations solver
lqe — linear quadratic estimator (Kalman Filter)
lqg — LQG compensator
lqg2stan — LQG to standard problem
lqg_ltr — LQG with loop transform recovery
lqr — LQ compensator (full state)
ltitr — discrete time response (state space)
m_circle — plots the complex plane iso-gain contours of y/(1+y)
macglov — Mac Farlane Glover problem
markp2ss — Markov parameters to state-space
minreal — minimal balanced realization
minss — minimal realization
mucomp — mu (structured singular value) calculation
narsimul — armax simulation ( using rtitr)
nehari — Nehari approximant
noisegen — noise generation
nyquist — nyquist plot
obs_gram — observability gramian
obscont — observer based controller
observer — observer design
obsv_mat — observability matrix
obsvss — observable part
p_margin — phase margin and associated crossover frequency
parrot — Parrot's problem
pfss — partial fraction decomposition
phasemag — phase and magnitude computation
ppol — pole placement
prbs_a — pseudo random binary sequences generation
projsl — linear system projection
reglin — Linear regression
repfreq — frequency response
ric_desc — Riccati equation
ricc — Riccati equation
riccati — Riccati equation
routh_t — Routh's table
rowinout — inner-outer factorization
rowregul — removing poles and zeros at infinity
rtitr — discrete time response (transfer matrix)
sensi — sensitivity functions
sgrid — s-plane grid lines.
show_margins — display gain and phase margin and associated crossover
sident — discrete-time state-space realization and Kalman gain
sm2des — system matrix to descriptor
sm2ss — system matrix to state-space
sorder — computing the order of a discrete-time system
specfact — spectral factor
ss2des — (polynomial) state-space to descriptor form
ss2ss — state-space to state-space conversion, feedback, injection
ss2tf — conversion from state-space to transfer function
st_ility — stabilizability test
stabil — stabilization
svplot — singular-value sigma-plot
sysfact — system factorization
syssize — size of state-space system
tf2des — transfer function to descriptor
tf2ss — transfer to state-space
time_id — SISO least square identification
trzeros — transmission zeros and normal rank
ui_observer — unknown input observer
unobs — unobservable subspace
zeropen — zero pencil
zgrid — zgrid plot
V. Compatibility Functions
asciimat — string matrix ascii conversions
firstnonsingleton — Finds first dimension which is not 1
makecell — Creates a cell array.
mstr2sci — character string matrix to character matrix conversion
mtlb_0 — Matlab non-conjugate transposition emulation function
mtlb_a — Matlab addition emulation function
mtlb_all — Matlab all emulation function
mtlb_any — Matlab any emulation function
mtlb_axis — Matlab axis emulation function
mtlb_beta — Matlab beta emulation function
mtlb_box — Matlab box emulation function
mtlb_close — Matlab close emulation function
mtlb_colordef — Matlab colordef emulation function
mtlb_conv — Matlab conv emulation function
mtlb_cumprod — Matlab cumprod emulation function
mtlb_cumsum — Matlab cumsum emulation function
mtlb_dec2hex — Matlab dec2hex emulation function
mtlb_delete — Matlab delete emulation function
mtlb_diag — Matlab diag emulation function
mtlb_diff — Matlab diff emulation function
mtlb_dir — Matlab dir emulation function
mtlb_double — Matlab double emulation function
mtlb_e — Matlab extraction emulation function
mtlb_echo — Matlab echo emulation function
mtlb_eig — Matlab eig emulation function
mtlb_eval — Matlab eval emulation function
mtlb_exist — Matlab exist emulation function
mtlb_eye — Matlab eye emulation function
mtlb_false — Matlab false emulation function
mtlb_fft — Matlab fft emulation function
mtlb_fftshift — Matlab fftshift emulation function
mtlb_find — Matlab find emulation function
mtlb_findstr — Matlab findstr emulation function
mtlb_fliplr — Matlab fliplr emulation function
mtlb_fopen — Matlab fopen emulation function
mtlb_format — Matlab format emulation function
mtlb_fprintf — Matlab fprintf emulation function
mtlb_fread — Matlab fread emulation function
mtlb_fscanf — Matlab fscanf emulation function
mtlb_full — Matlab full emulation function
mtlb_fwrite — Matlab fwrite emulation function
mtlb_grid — Matlab grid emulation function
mtlb_hold — Matlab hold emulation function
mtlb_i — Matlab insertion emulation function
mtlb_ifft — Matlab ifft emulation function
mtlb_imp — Matlab colon emulation function
mtlb_int16 — Matlab int16 emulation function
mtlb_int32 — Matlab int32 emulation function
mtlb_int8 — Matlab int8 emulation function
mtlb_is — Matlab string insertion emulation function
mtlb_isa — Matlab isa emulation function
mtlb_isfield — Matlab isfield emulation function
mtlb_isletter — Matlab isletter emulation function
mtlb_isspace — Matlab isspace emulation function
mtlb_l — Matlab left division emulation function
mtlb_legendre — Matlab legendre emulation function
mtlb_linspace — Matlab linspace emulation function
mtlb_load — Matlab load emulation function
mtlb_logic — Matlab logical operators emulation function
mtlb_logical — Matlab logical emulation function
mtlb_lower — Matlab lower emulation function
mtlb_max — Matlab max emulation function
mtlb_min — Matlab min emulation function
mtlb_more — Matlab more emulation function
mtlb_num2str — Matlab num2str emulation function
mtlb_ones — Matlab ones emulation function
mtlb_plot — Matlab plot emulation function
mtlb_prod — Matlab prod emulation function
mtlb_rand — Matlab rand emulation function
mtlb_randn — Matlab randn emulation function
mtlb_rcond — Matlab rcond emulation function
mtlb_realmax — Matlab realmax emulation function
mtlb_realmin — Matlab realmin emulation function
mtlb_repmat — Matlab repmat emulation function
mtlb_s — Matlab substraction emulation function
mtlb_save — save variables on file with matlab4 format.
mtlb_setstr — Matlab setstr emulation function
mtlb_size — Matlab size emulation function
mtlb_sort — Matlab sort emulation function
mtlb_strcmp — Matlab strcmp emulation function
mtlb_strcmpi — Matlab strcmpi emulation function
mtlb_strfind — Matlab strfind emulation function
mtlb_strrep — Matlab strrep emulation function
mtlb_sum — Matlab sum emulation function
mtlb_t — Matlab transposition emulation function
mtlb_toeplitz — Matlab toeplitz emulation function
mtlb_tril — Matlab tril emulation function
mtlb_triu — Matlab triu emulation function
mtlb_true — Matlab true emulation function
mtlb_uint16 — Matlab uint16 emulation function
mtlb_uint32 — Matlab uint32 emulation function
mtlb_uint8 — Matlab uint8 emulation function
mtlb_upper — Matlab upper emulation function
mtlb_zeros — Matlab zeros emulation function
VI. Completion
completion — returns words that start with the text you pass as parameter.
VII. Data Structures
cell — Create a cell array of empty matrices.
definedfields — return index of list's defined fields
getfield — list field extraction
hypermat — initialize an N dimensional matrices
hypermatrices — Scilab object, N dimensional matrices in Scilab
iscell — Check if a variable is a cell array
iscellstr — Check if a variable is a cell array of strings
isstruct — Check if a variable is a structure array
list — Scilab object and list function definition
lsslist — Scilab linear state space function definition
lstcat — list concatenation
mlist — Scilab object, matrix oriented typed list definition.
rlist — Scilab rational fraction function definition
setfield — list field insertion
struct — create a struct
tlist — Scilab object and typed list definition.
VIII. Development tools
tbx_build_gateway — Build a gateway (toolbox compilation process)
tbx_build_gateway_loader — Generate a loader_gateway.sce script (toolbox
compilation process)
tbx_build_help — Generate help files (toolbox compilation process)
tbx_build_help_loader — Generate a addchapter.sce script (toolbox compilation
tbx_build_loader — Generate a loader.sce script (toolbox compilation process)
tbx_build_macros — Compile macros (toolbox compilation process)
tbx_build_src — Build sources (toolbox compilation process)
tbx_builder_gateway — Run builder_gateway.sce script if it exists (toolbox
compilation process)
tbx_builder_gateway_lang — Run builder_gateway_(language).sce script if it
exists (toolbox compilation process)
tbx_builder_help — Run builder_help.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation
tbx_builder_help_lang — Run build_help.sce script if it exists (toolbox
compilation process)
tbx_builder_macros — Run buildmacros.sce script if it exists (toolbox
compilation process)
tbx_builder_src — Run builder_src.sce script if it exists (toolbox compilation
tbx_builder_src_lang — Run builder_(language).sce script if it exists (toolbox
compilation process)
test_run — Launch tests
IX. Differential Equations
dasrt — DAE solver with zero crossing
dassl — differential algebraic equation
feval — multiple evaluation
impl — differential algebraic equation
int2d — definite 2D integral by quadrature and cubature method
int3d — definite 3D integral by quadrature and cubature method
intg — definite integral
ode — ordinary differential equation solver
ode_discrete — ordinary differential equation solver, discrete time simulation
ode_optional_output — ode solvers optional outputs description
ode_root — ordinary differential equation solver with root finding
odedc — discrete/continuous ode solver
odeoptions — set options for ode solvers
X. Dynamic/incremental Link
G_make — call make or nmake
VCtoLCCLib — converts Ms VC libs to LCC-Win32 libs.
addinter — new functions interface incremental/dynamic link at run time
c_link — check incremental/dynamic link
call — Fortran or C user routines call
chooselcccompiler — choose LCC-Win32 as the default C Compiler.
configure_lcc — set environments variables for LCC-Win32 C Compiler.
configure_ifort — set environments variables for Intel Fortran Compiler
configure_msvc — set environments variables for Microsoft C Compiler.
dllinfo — provides information about the format and symbols provided in
executable and DLL files (Windows).
findlcccompiler — detects LCC-Win32 C Compiler
findmsifortcompiler — detects Intel fortran Compiler
findmsvccompiler — detects Microsoft C Compiler
fort — Fortran or C user routines call
getdynlibext — get the extension of dynamic libraries on your operating system.
haveacompiler — detect if you have a C compiler.
ilib_build — utility for shared library management
ilib_compile — ilib_build utility: executes the makefile produced by
ilib_for_link — utility for shared library management with link
ilib_gen_Make — utility for ilib_build: produces a makefile for building shared
ilib_gen_gateway — utility for ilib_build, generates a gateway file.
ilib_gen_loader — utility for ilib_build: generates a loader file
ilib_mex_build — utility for mex library management
link — dynamic linker
ulink — unlink a dynamically linked shared object
with_lcc — returns if LCC-Win32 is the default C Compiler.
XI. Elementary Functions
abs — absolute value, magnitude
acos — element wise cosine inverse
acosh — hyperbolic cosine inverse
acoshm — matrix hyperbolic inverse cosine
acosm — matrix wise cosine inverse
adj2sp — converts adjacency form into sparse matrix.
amell — Jacobi's am function
and — (&) logical and
asin — sine inverse
asinh — hyperbolic sine inverse
asinhm — matrix hyperbolic inverse sine
asinm — matrix wise sine inverse
atan — 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant inverse tangent
atanh — hyperbolic tangent inverse
atanhm — matrix hyperbolic tangent inverse
atanm — square matrix tangent inverse
base2dec — conversion from base b representation to integers
bin2dec — integer corresponding to a binary form
binomial — binomial distribution probabilities
bitand — AND applied to binary representation of inputs arguments
bitor — OR applied to binary representation of inputs arguments
bloc2exp — block-diagram to symbolic expression
bloc2ss — block-diagram to state-space conversion
cat — concatenate several arrays
ceil — rounding up
cell2mat — convert a cell array into a matrix
cellstr — convert strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell of strings
char — char function
conj — conjugate
cos — cosine function
cosh — hyperbolic cosine
coshm — matrix hyperbolic cosine
cosm — matrix cosine function
cotg — cotangent
coth — hyperbolic cotangent
cothm — matrix hyperbolic cotangent
cumprod — cumulative product
cumsum — cumulative sum
dec2bin — binary representation
dec2hex — hexadecimal representation of integers
dec2oct — octal representation of integers
delip — elliptic integral
diag — diagonal including or extracting
diff — Difference and discrete derivative
double — conversion from integer to double precision representation
dsearch — binary search (aka dichotomous search in french)
eval — evaluation of a matrix of strings
exp — element-wise exponential
eye — identity matrix
factor — factor function
fix — rounding towards zero
flipdim — flip x components along a given dimension
floor — rounding down
frexp — dissect floating-point numbers into base 2 exponent and mantissa
gsort — decreasing order sorting
hex2dec — conversion from hexadecimal representation to integers
imag — imaginary part
imult — multiplication by i the imaginary unitary
ind2sub — linear index to matrix subscript values
int — integer part
int8 — conversion to one byte integer representation — conversion to 2 bytes
integer representation — conversion to 4 bytes integer representation —
conversion to one byte unsigned integer representation — conversion to 2 bytes
unsigned integer representation — conversion to 4 bytes unsigned integer
intc — Cauchy integral
integrate — integration of an expression by quadrature
interp1 — one_dimension interpolation function
interp2d — bicubic spline (2d) evaluation function
intersect — returns the vector of common values of two vectors
intl — Cauchy integral
inttrap — integration of experimental data by trapezoidal interpolation
isdef — checks variable existence
isempty — check if a variable is an empty matrix or an empty list
isequal — objects comparison
isequalbitwise — bitwise comparison of variables
isinf — check for infinite entries
isnan — check for "Not a Number" entries
isreal — check if a variable as real or complex entries
kron — Kronecker product (.*.)
lex_sort — lexicographic matrix rows sorting
linspace — linearly spaced vector
log — natural logarithm
log10 — logarithm
log1p — computes with accuracy the natural logarithm of its argument added by
log2 — base 2 logarithm
logm — square matrix logarithm
logspace — logarithmically spaced vector
lstsize — list, tlist, mlist numbers of entries
max — maximum
maxi — maximum
meshgrid — create matrices or 3-D arrays
min — minimum
mini — minimum
minus — (-) substraction operator, sign changes
modulo — symetric arithmetic remainder modulo m — positive arithmetic
remainder modulo m
ndgrid — arrays for multidimensional function evaluation on grid
ndims — number of dimensions of an array
nearfloat — get previous or next floating-point number
nextpow2 — next higher power of 2.
norm — matrix norms
not — (~) logical not
number_properties — determine floating-point parameters
oct2dec — conversion from octal representation to integers
ones — matrix made of ones
or — (|) logical or
pen2ea — pencil to E,A conversion
perms — all permutations of vector components
permute — permute the dimensions of an array
pertrans — pertranspose
primes — primes function
prod — product
rand — random number generator
rat — Floating point rational approximation
real — real part
resize_matrix — create a new matrix with a different size
round — rounding
setdiff — returns components of a vector which do not belong to another one
sign — sign function
signm — matrix sign function
sin — sine function
sinc — sinc function
sinh — hyperbolic sine
sinhm — matrix hyperbolic sine
sinm — matrix sine function
size — size of objects
solve — symbolic linear system solver
sort — order sorting
sp2adj — converts sparse matrix into adjacency form
speye — sparse identity matrix
splin2d — bicubic spline gridded 2d interpolation
spones — sparse matrix
sprand — sparse random matrix
spzeros — sparse zero matrix
sqrt — square root
sqrtm — matrix square root
squarewave — generates a square wave with period 2*%pi
ssprint — pretty print for linear system
ssrand — random system generator
sub2ind — matrix subscript values to linear index
sum — sum (row sum, column sum) of vector/matrix entries
sysconv — system conversion
sysdiag — block diagonal system connection
syslin — linear system definition
tan — tangent
tanh — hyperbolic tangent
tanhm — matrix hyperbolic tangent
tanm — matrix tangent
toeplitz — toeplitz matrix
trfmod — poles and zeros display
trianfml — symbolic triangularization
tril — lower triangular part of matrix
trisolve — symbolic linear system solver
triu — upper triangle
typeof — object type
union — extract union components of a vector
unique — extract unique components of a vector or matrices
vectorfind — finds in a matrix rows or columns matching a vector
zeros — matrix made of zeros
fftw — fast fourier transform that use fftw library
fftw_flags — set computation method of fast fourier transform of the fftw
fftw_forget_wisdom — Reset fftw wisdom
get_fftw_wisdom — return fftw wisdom
set_fftw_wisdom — set fftw wisdom
XIII. Files : Input/Output functions
basename — strip directory and suffix from filenames
copyfile — Copy file
createdir — Make new directory
deletefile — delete a file
dir — get file list
dirname — get directory from filenames
dispfiles — display opened files properties
fileext — returns extension for a file path
fileparts — returns the path, filename and extension for a file path
filesep — returns directory separator for current platform
findfiles — Finding all files with a given filespec
fprintf — Emulator of C language fprintf function
fprintfMat — print a matrix in a file.
fscanf — Converts formatted input read on a file
fscanfMat — Reads a Matrix from a text file.
fullfile — Build a full filename from parts
fullpath — Creates an full path name for the specified relative path name.
getdrives — Get the drive letters of all mounted filesystems on the computer.
getlongpathname — get long path name (Only for Windows)
getshortpathname — get short path name (Only for Windows)
isdir — checks if argument is a directory path
listfiles — list files
listvarinfile — list the contents of a saved data file
ls — show files
maxfiles — sets the limit for the number of files a scilab is allowed to have open
mclearerr — reset binary file access errors
mclose — close an opened file
mdelete — Delete file(s)
meof — check if end of file has been reached
merror — tests the file access errors indicator
mscanf — interface to the C scanf function — interface to the C fscanf function
— interface to the C sscanf function
mget — reads byte or word in a given binary format and convert to double —
reads byte or word in a given binary format return an int type
mgetl — read lines from an ascii file
mgetstr — read a character string
mkdir — Make new directory
mopen — open a file
mfprintf — converts, formats, and writes data to a file — converts, formats, and
writes data to the main scilab window — converts, formats, and writes data in a
mput — writes byte or word in a given binary format
mputl — writes strings in an ascii file
mputstr — write a character string in a file
mseek — set current position in binary file.
mtell — binary file management
pathconvert — pathnames convertion between posix and windows.
pathsep — returns path separator for current platform
removedir — Remove a directory
rmdir — Remove a directory
save_format — format of files produced by "save"
scanf — Converts formatted input on standard input
scanf_conversion — scanf, sscanf, fscanf conversion specifications
XIV. Functions
add_profiling — Adds profiling instructions to a function.
bytecode — given a function returns the "bytecode" of a function in a Scilab array
and conversely.
bytecodewalk — walk in function bytecode applying transformation.
fun2string — generates ascii definition of a scilab function
function — opens a function definition — closes a function definition
functions — Scilab procedures and Scilab objects
genlib — build library from functions in given directory
get_function_path — get source file path of a library function
getd — getting all functions defined in a directory
head_comments — display scilab function header comments
library — library datatype description
listfunctions — properties of all functions in the workspace
macro — Scilab procedure and Scilab object
macrovar — variables of function
plotprofile — extracts and displays execution profiles of a Scilab function
profile — extract execution profiles of a Scilab function
recompilefunction — recompiles a scilab function, changing its type
remove_profiling — Removes profiling instructions toout of a function.
reset_profiling — Resets profiling counters of a function.
showprofile — extracts and displays execution profiles of a Scilab function
varargin — variable numbers of arguments in an input argument list
varargout — variable numbers of arguments in an output argument list
about — show "about scilab" dialog box
addmenu — interactive button or menu definition
buttondialog — Create a simple button dialog
clipboard — Copy and paste strings to and from the system clipboard.
close — close a figure
delmenu — interactive button or menu deletion
exportUI — Call the file export graphical interface
figure — create a figure
findobj — find an object with specified property
gcbo — Handle of the object whose callback is executing.
getcallbackobject — Return the handle of the object whose callback is executing.
getinstalledlookandfeels — returns a string matrix with all Look and Feels.
getlookandfeel — gets the current default look and feel.
getvalue — xwindow dialog for data acquisition
messagebox — Open a message box.
printfigure — Opens a printing dialog and prints a figure.
printsetupbox — Display print dialog box.
progressionbar — Draw a progression bar
root_properties — description of the root object properties.
setlookandfeel — sets the current default look and feel.
setmenu — interactive button or menu activation
toolbar — show or hide a toolbar
toprint — Send text or figure to the printer.
uicontrol — create a Graphic User Interface object
uigetcolor — Opens a dialog for selecting a color.
uigetdir — dialog for selecting a directory
uigetfont — Opens a dialog for selecting a font.
uimenu — Create a menu or a submenu in a figure
unsetmenu — interactive button or menu or submenu de-activation
waitbar — Draw a waitbar
x_choices — interactive Xwindow choices through toggle buttons
x_choose — interactive window choice (modal dialog)
x_choose_modeless — interactive window choice (not modal dialog)
x_dialog — Xwindow dialog
x_matrix — Xwindow editing of matrix
x_mdialog — Xwindow dialog
x_message — X window message
x_message_modeless — X window modeless message
xgetfile — dialog to get a file path
XVI. Genetic Algorithms
coding_ga_binary — A function which performs conversion between binary and
continuous representation
coding_ga_identity — A "no-operation" conversion function
crossover_ga_binary — A crossover function for binary code
crossover_ga_default — A crossover function for continuous variable functions
init_ga_default — A function a initialize a population
mutation_ga_binary — A function which performs binary mutation
mutation_ga_default — A continuous variable mutation function
optim_ga — A flexible genetic algorithm
optim_moga — add short decription here
optim_nsga — A multi-objective Niched Sharing Genetic Algorithm
optim_nsga2 — A multi-objective Niched Sharing Genetic Algorithm version 2
pareto_filter — A function which extracts non dominated solution from a set
selection_ga_elitist — An 'elitist' selection function
selection_ga_random — A function which performs a random selection of
XVII. Graphics : exporting and printing
driver — select a graphics driver
xend — close a graphics session
xinit — Initialization of a graphics driver
xs2bmp — send graphics to a file in BMP syntax
xs2emf — send graphics to a file in EMF syntax (Only for Windows)
xs2eps — save graphics to a Postscript file.
xs2fig — send graphics to a file in FIG syntax
xs2gif — send graphics to a file in GIF syntax
xs2jpg — send graphics to a file in JPG syntax
xs2pdf — save graphics to a PDF file.
xs2png — send graphics to a file in PNG syntax
xs2ppm — send graphics to a file in PPM syntax
xs2ps — send graphics to a file in PS syntax
xs2svg — save graphics to a SVG file.
XVIII. Graphics Library
GlobalProperty — to customize the objects appearance (curves, surfaces...) in a
plot or surf command.
Graphics — graphics library overview
LineSpec — to quickly customize the lines appearance in a plot
Matplot — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
Matplot1 — 2D plot of a matrix using colors
Matplot_properties — description of the Matplot entities properties
Sfgrayplot — smooth 2D plot of a surface defined by a function using colors
Sgrayplot — smooth 2D plot of a surface using colors
addcolor — add new colors to the current colormap
alufunctions — pixel drawing functions
arc_properties — description of the Arc entity properties
autumncolormap — red through orange to yellow colormap
axes_properties — description of the axes entity properties
axis_properties — description of the axis entity properties
bar — bar histogram
barh — horizontal display of bar histogram
barhomogenize — homogenize all the bars included in the current working axes
bonecolormap — gray colormap with a light blue tone
captions — draw graph captions
champ — 2D vector field plot
champ1 — 2D vector field plot with colored arrows
champ_properties — description of the 2D vector field entity properties
clear_pixmap — erase the pixmap buffer
clf — clear or reset the current graphic figure (window) to default values
color — returns the color id of a color
color_list — list of named colors
colorbar — draw a colorbar
colordef — Set default color values to display different color schemes
colormap — using colormaps
Compound_properties — description of the Compound entity properties
contour — level curves on a 3D surface
contour2d — level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
contour2di — compute level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
contourf — filled level curves of a surface on a 2D plot
coolcolormap — cyan to magenta colormap
coppercolormap — black to a light copper tone colormap
copy — copy a graphics entity.
delete — delete a graphic entity and its children.
dragrect — Drag rectangle(s) with mouse
draw — draw an entity.
drawaxis — draw an axis
drawlater — makes axes children invisible.
drawnow — draw hidden graphics entities.
edit_curv — interactive graphic curve editor
errbar — add vertical error bars on a 2D plot
eval3d — values of a function on a grid
eval3dp — compute facets of a 3D parametric surface
event handler functions — Prototype of functions which may be used as event
fac3d — 3D plot of a surface (obsolete)
fchamp — direction field of a 2D first order ODE
fcontour — level curves on a 3D surface defined by a function
fcontour2d — level curves of a surface defined by a function on a 2D plot
fec — pseudo-color plot of a function defined on a triangular mesh
fec_properties — description of the fec entities properties
fgrayplot — 2D plot of a surface defined by a function using colors
figure_properties — description of the graphics figure entity properties
fplot2d — 2D plot of a curve defined by a function
fplot3d — 3D plot of a surface defined by a function
fplot3d1 — 3D gray or color level plot of a surface defined by a function
gca — Return handle of current axes.
gce — Get current entity handle.
gcf — Return handle of current graphic window.
gda — Return handle of default axes.
gdf — Return handle of default figure.
ged — Scilab Graphic Editor
genfac3d — compute facets of a 3D surface
geom3d — projection from 3D on 2D after a 3D plot
get — Retrieve a property value from a graphics entity or an User Interface
get_figure_handle — get a figure handle from its id
getcolor — opens a dialog to show colors in the current colormap
getfont — dialog to select font . Obsolete function.
getlinestyle — dialog to select linestyle. Obsolete function.
getmark — dialog to select mark (symbol). Obsolete function
getsymbol — dialog to select a symbol and its size. Obsolete function
glue — glue a set of graphics entities into an Compound.
graduate — pretty axis graduations
graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures —
description of the graphics entities data structures
graycolormap — linear gray colormap
grayplot — 2D plot of a surface using colors
grayplot_properties — description of the grayplot entities properties
graypolarplot — Polar 2D plot of a surface using colors
havewindow — return scilab window mode
hist3d — 3D representation of a histogram
histplot — plot a histogram
hotcolormap — red to yellow colormap
hsv2rgb — Converts HSV colors to RGB
hsvcolormap — Hue-saturation-value colormap
is_handle_valid — Check wether a set of graphic handles is still valid.
isoview — set scales for isometric plot (do not change the size of the window)
jetcolormap — blue to red colormap
label_properties — description of the Label entity properties
legend — draw graph legend
legend_properties — description of the Legend entity properties.
legends — draw graph legend
locate — mouse selection of a set of points
mesh — 3D mesh plot
milk_drop — milk drop 3D function
move — move, translate, a graphic entity and its children.
name2rgb — returns the RGB values of a named color
newaxes — Creates a new Axes entity
nf3d — rectangular facets to plot3d parameters
object_editor — description of the graphic object editor capacities — description
of the graphic object editor capacities — description of the graphic object editor
oceancolormap — linear blue colormap
oldplot — simple plot (old version)
param3d — 3D plot of a parametric curve
param3d1 — 3D plot of parametric curves
param3d_properties — description of the 3D curves entities properties
paramfplot2d — animated 2D plot, curve defined by a function
pie — draw a pie
pinkcolormap — sepia tone colorization on black and white images
plot — 2D plot
plot2d — 2D plot
plot2d1 — 2D plot (logarithmic axes) (obsolete)
plot2d2 — 2D plot (step function)
plot2d3 — 2D plot (vertical bars)
plot2d4 — 2D plot (arrows style)
plot2d_old_version — The syntaxes described below are obsolete
plot3d — 3D plot of a surface
plot3d1 — 3D gray or color level plot of a surface
plot3d2 — plot surface defined by rectangular facets
plot3d3 — mesh plot surface defined by rectangular facets
plot3d_old_version — 3D plot of a surface
plotframe — plot a frame with scaling and grids. This function is obsolete.
plzr — pole-zero plot
polarplot — Plot polar coordinates
polyline_properties — description of the Polyline entity properties
rainbowcolormap — red through orange, yellow, green,blue to violet colormap
rectangle_properties — description of the Rectangle entity properties
relocate_handle — Move handles inside the graphic hierarchy.
replot — redraw the current graphics window with new boundaries
rgb2name — returns the name of a color
rotate — rotation of a set of points
rotate_axes — Interactive rotation of an Axes handle.
rubberbox — Rubberband box for rectangle selection
sca — set the current axes entity
scaling — affine transformation of a set of points
scf — set the current graphic figure (window)
sd2sci — gr_menu structure to scilab instruction convertor
sda — Set default axes.
sdf — Set default figure.
secto3d — 3D surfaces conversion
segs_properties — description of the Segments entity properties
set — set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.
set_posfig_dim — change defaut transformation for exporting in postscript
seteventhandler — set an event handler for the current graphic window
show_pixmap — send the pixmap buffer to the screen
show_window — raises a graphics window
springcolormap — magenta to yellow colormap
square — set scales for isometric plot (change the size of the window)
stringbox — Compute the bounding rectangle of a text or a label.
subplot — divide a graphics window into a matrix of sub-windows
summercolormap — green to yellow colormap
surf — 3D surface plot
surface_properties — description of the 3D entities properties
swap_handles — Permute two handles in the graphic Hierarchy.
text_properties — description of the Text entity properties
title — display a title on a graphic window
titlepage — add a title in the middle of a graphics window
twinkle — is used to have a graphics entity twinkle
unglue — unglue a coumpound object and replace it by individual children.
unzoom — unzoom graphics
whitecolormap — completely white colormap
winsid — return the list of graphics windows
wintercolormap — blue to green colormap
xarc — draw a part of an ellipse
xarcs — draw parts of a set of ellipses
xarrows — draw a set of arrows
xbasc — clear a graphics window and erase the associated recorded graphics
xbasimp — send graphics to a Postscript printer or in a file
xbasr — redraw a graphics window
xchange — transform real to pixel coordinates
xclear — clear a graphics window
xclick — Wait for a mouse click.
xclip — set a clipping zone
xdel — delete a graphics window
xfarc — fill a part of an ellipse
xfarcs — fill parts of a set of ellipses
xfpoly — fill a polygon
xfpolys — fill a set of polygons
xfrect — fill a rectangle
xget — get current values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.
xgetech — get the current graphics scale
xgetmouse — get the mouse events and current position
xgraduate — axis graduation
xgrid — add a grid on a 2D plot
xinfo — draw an info string in the message subwindow
xlfont — load a font in the graphic context or query loaded font
xload — load a saved graphics
xname — change the name of the current graphics window
xnumb — draw numbers
xpause — suspend Scilab
xpoly — draw a polyline or a polygon
xpolys — draw a set of polylines or polygons
xrect — draw a rectangle
xrects — draw or fill a set of rectangles
xrpoly — draw a regular polygon
xsave — save graphics into a file
xsegs — draw unconnected segments
xselect — raise the current graphics window
xset — set values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.
xsetech — set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting
xsetm — dialog to set values of the graphics context. Obsolete function.
xstring — draw strings
xstringb — draw strings into a box
xstringl — compute a box which surrounds strings
xtape — set up the record process of graphics
xtitle — add titles on a graphics window
zoom_rect — zoom a selection of the current graphic figure
XIX. History manager
addhistory — add lines to current history.
displayhistory — displays current scilab history
gethistory — returns current scilab history in a string matrix
gethistoryfile — get filename used for scilab's history
historymanager — enable or disable history manager
historysize — get number of lines in history
loadhistory — load a history file
removelinehistory — remove the Nth line in history.
resethistory — Deletes all entries in the scilab history.
saveafterncommands — Save the history file after n statements are added to the
saveconsecutivecommands — Save consecutive duplicate commands.
savehistory — save the current history in a file
sethistoryfile — set filename for scilab history
XX. Input/Output functions
deff — on-line definition of function
diary — diary of session
disp — displays variables
execstr — execute Scilab code in strings
file — file management
fileinfo — Provides information about a file
get_absolute_file_path — Given an absolute pathname of a file opened in scilab.
getenv — get the value of an environment variable
getf — defining a function from a file
getio — get Scilab input/output logical units
getpid — get Scilab process identificator
getrelativefilename — Given an absolute directory and an absolute filename,
returns a relative file name.
getscilabkeywords — returns a list with all scilab keywords.
halt — stop execution
host — Unix or DOS command execution
input — prompt for user input
keyboard — keyboard commands
lib — library definition
load — load saved variable
newest — returns newest file of a set of files
oldload — load saved variable in 2.4.1 and previous formats
oldsave — saving variables in 2.4.1 and previous format
print — prints variables in a file
printf — Emulator of C language printf function
printf_conversion — printf, sprintf, fprintf conversion specifications
read — matrices read
read4b — fortran file binary read
readb — fortran file binary read
readc_ — read a character string
save — saving variables in binary files
setenv — set the value of an environment variable
sprintf — Emulator of C language sprintf function
sscanf — Converts formatted input given by a string
unix — shell (sh) command execution
unix_g — shell (sh) command execution, output redirected to a variable
unix_s — shell (sh) command execution, no output
unix_w — shell (sh) command execution, output redirected to scilab window
unix_x — shell (sh) command execution, output redirected to a window
writb — fortran file binary write
write — write in a formatted file
write4b — fortran file binary write
XXI. Integers
iconvert — conversion to 1 or 4 byte integer representation
inttype — type integers used in integer data types
XXII. Interpolation
bsplin3val — 3d spline arbitrary derivative evaluation function
cshep2d — bidimensional cubic shepard (scattered) interpolation
eval_cshep2d — bidimensional cubic shepard interpolation evaluation
interp — cubic spline evaluation function
interp3d — 3d spline evaluation function
interpln — linear interpolation
intsplin — integration of experimental data by spline interpolation
linear_interpn — n dimensional linear interpolation
lsq_splin — weighted least squares cubic spline fitting
smooth — smoothing by spline functions
splin — cubic spline interpolation
splin3d — spline gridded 3d interpolation
XXIII. Intersci
intersci — scilab tool to interface C of Fortran functions with scilab
javaclasspath — set and get dynamic Java class path
javalibrarypath — set and get dynamic java.library.path
jre_path — returns Java Runtime Environment used by Scilab
system_getproperty — gets the system property indicated by a specified key.
system_setproperty — set a system property indicated by a specified key and
with_embedded_jre — checks if scilab uses a embedded JRE
XXV. Java Interface
SciBoolean — Class to use boolean object with scilab
SciBooleanArray — Class to use boolean matrix in Scilab.
SciComplex — Class to use complex object with scilab
SciComplexArray — Class to use complex matrix in Scilab.
SciDouble — Class to use double object with scilab
SciDoubleArray — Class to use real matrix in Scilab.
SciString — Class to use String object in Scilab.
SciStringArray — Classe to use String matrix in Scilab.
Scilab — Scilab Class
javasci — Scilab tool to interface Scilab functions to Java
XXVI. Linear Algebra
aff2ab — linear (affine) function to A,b conversion
balanc — matrix or pencil balancing
bdiag — block diagonalization, generalized eigenvectors
chfact — sparse Cholesky factorization
chol — Cholesky factorization
chsolve — sparse Cholesky solver
classmarkov — recurrent and transient classes of Markov matrix
cmb_lin — symbolic linear combination
coff — resolvent (cofactor method)
colcomp — column compression, kernel, nullspace
companion — companion matrix
cond — condition number
det — determinant
eigenmarkov — normalized left and right Markov eigenvectors
ereduc — computes matrix column echelon form by qz transformations
expm — square matrix exponential
fstair — computes pencil column echelon form by qz transformations
fullrf — full rank factorization
fullrfk — full rank factorization of A^k
genmarkov — generates random markov matrix with recurrent and transient
givens — Givens transformation
glever — inverse of matrix pencil
gschur — generalized Schur form (obsolete).
gspec — eigenvalues of matrix pencil (obsolete)
hess — Hessenberg form
householder — Householder orthogonal reflexion matrix
im_inv — inverse image
inv — matrix inverse
kernel — kernel, nullspace
kroneck — Kronecker form of matrix pencil
linsolve — linear equation solver
lsq — linear least square problems.
lu — LU factors of Gaussian elimination
lyap — Lyapunov equation
nlev — Leverrier's algorithm
orth — orthogonal basis
pbig — eigen-projection
pencan — canonical form of matrix pencil
penlaur — Laurent coefficients of matrix pencil
pinv — pseudoinverse
polar — polar form
proj — projection
projspec — spectral operators
psmall — spectral projection
qr — QR decomposition
quaskro — quasi-Kronecker form
randpencil — random pencil
range — range (span) of A^k
rank — rank
rankqr — rank revealing QR factorization
rcond — inverse condition number
rowcomp — row compression, range
rowshuff — shuffle algorithm
rref — computes matrix row echelon form by lu transformations
schur — [ordered] Schur decomposition of matrix and pencils
spaninter — subspace intersection
spanplus — sum of subspaces
spantwo — sum and intersection of subspaces
spec — eigenvalues of matrices and pencils
sqroot — W*W' hermitian factorization
squeeze — squeeze
sva — singular value approximation
svd — singular value decomposition
sylv — Sylvester equation.
trace — trace
XXVII. Localization
dgettext — get text translated into the current locale and a specific domain
getdefaultlanguage — getdefaultlanguage() returns the default language used by
getlanguage — getlanguage() returns current language used by Scilab.
gettext — get text translated into the current locale and domain.
LANGUAGE — Variable defining the language (OBSOLETE)
setlanguage — Sets the internal LANGUAGE value.
XXVIII. Maple Interface
sci2map — Scilab to Maple variable conversion
XXIX. Matlab binary files I/O
loadmatfile — loads a Matlab V6 MAT-file (binary or ASCII) into Scilab
matfile_close — Closes a Matlab V5 binary MAT-file.
matfile_listvar — Lists variables of a Matlab V5 binary MAT-file.
matfile_open — Opens a Matlab V5 binary MAT-file.
matfile_varreadnext — Reads next variable in a Matlab V5 binary MAT-file.
matfile_varwrite — Write a variable in a Matlab V5 binary MAT-file.
savematfile — write a Matlab MAT-file (binary or ASCII)
XXX. Matlab to Scilab Conversion Tips
About_M2SCI_tools — Generally speaking about tools to convert Matlab files to
Contents — Create a tree containing contents inference data
Cste — Create a tree representing a constant
Equal — Create a tree representing an instruction
Funcall — Create a tree representing a function call
Infer — Create a tree containing inference data
Matlab-Scilab_character_strings — Generally speaking about...
Operation — Create a tree representing an operation
Type — Create a tree containing type inference data
Variable — Create a tree representing a variable
get_contents_infer — Search for informations in a "M2SCi tlist" contents
m2scideclare — Giving tips to help M2SCI...
matfile2sci — converts a Matlab 5 MAT-file into a Scilab binary file
mfile2sci — Matlab M-file to Scilab conversion function
sci_files — How to write conversion functions
translatepaths — convert a set of Matlab M-files directories to Scilab
XXXI. Metanet : Graph and Network toolbox
add_edge — adds an edge or an arc between two nodes
add_edge_data — associates new data fields to the edges data structure of a graph
add_node — adds disconnected nodes to a graph
add_node_data — associates new data fields to the nodes data structure of a graph
adj_lists — computes adjacency lists
arc_graph — graph with nodes corresponding to arcs
arc_number — number of arcs of a graph
articul — finds one or more articulation points
bandwr — bandwidth reduction for a sparse matrix
best_match — maximum matching of a graph
chain_struct — chained structure from adjacency lists of a graph
check_graph — checks a Scilab graph data structure
circuit — finds a circuit or the rank function in a directed graph
con_nodes — set of nodes of a connected component
connex — connected components
contract_edge — contracts edges between two nodes
convex_hull — convex hull of a set of points in the plane
cycle_basis — basis of cycle of a simple undirected graph
delete_arcs — deletes all the arcs or edges between a set of nodes
delete_edges — deletes all the arcs or edges between a set of nodes
delete_nodes — deletes nodes
edge_number — number of edges of a graph
edgedatafields — returns the vector of edge data fields names
edges_data_structure — description of the data structure representing the edges of
a graph
edit_graph — graph and network graphical editor
edit_graph_menus — edit_graph menus description
egraphic_data_structure — data structure representing the graphic properties used
for edges graphical display
find_path — finds a path between two nodes
gen_net — interactive or random generation of a network
girth — girth of a directed graph
glist — Scilab-4.x graph list creation
graph-list — description of graph list (obsolete)
graph_2_mat — node-arc or node-node incidence matrix of a graph
graph_center — center of a graph
graph_complement — complement of a graph
graph_data_structure — description of the main graph data structure
graph_diameter — diameter of a graph
graph_power — kth power of a directed 1-graph
graph_simp — converts a graph to a simple undirected graph
graph_sum — sum of two graphs
graph_union — union of two graphs
hamilton — hamiltonian circuit of a graph
hilite_edges — highlights a set of edges — unhighlights a set of edges
hilite_nodes — highlights a set of nodes — unhighlights a set of nodes
index_from_tail_head — Computes the index of edges given by (tail,head) pairs
is_connex — connectivity test
knapsack — solves a 0-1 multiple knapsack problem
line_graph — graph with nodes corresponding to edges
load_graph — loads a graph from a file
make_graph — makes a graph list
mat_2_graph — graph from node-arc or node-node incidence matrix
max_cap_path — maximum capacity path
max_clique — maximum clique of a graph
max_flow — maximum flow between two nodes
mesh2d — triangulation of n points in the plane
metanet_module_path — Returns the path of the metanet module
min_lcost_cflow — minimum linear cost constrained flow
min_lcost_flow1 — minimum linear cost flow
min_lcost_flow2 — minimum linear cost flow
min_qcost_flow — minimum quadratic cost flow
min_weight_tree — minimum weight spanning tree
neighbors — nodes connected to a node
netclose — closes an edit_graph window
netwindow — selects the current edit_graph window
netwindows — gets the numbers of edit_graph windows
ngraphic_data_structure — data structure representing the graphic properties used
for nodes graphical display
node_number — number of nodes of a graph
nodedatafields — returns the vector of node data fields names
nodes_2_path — path from a set of nodes
nodes_data_structure — description of the data structure representing the nodes of
a graph
nodes_degrees — degrees of the nodes of a graph
path_2_nodes — set of nodes from a path
perfect_match — min-cost perfect matching
pipe_network — solves the pipe network problem
plot_graph — general plot of a graph (obsolete)
predecessors — tail nodes of incoming arcs of a node
qassign — solves a quadratic assignment problem
salesman — solves the travelling salesman problem
save_graph — saves a graph in a file
set_nodes_id — displays labels near selected nodes in a graph display.
shortest_path — shortest path
show_arcs — highlights a set of arcs
show_edges — highlights a set of edges
show_graph — displays a graph
show_nodes — highlights a set of nodes
split_edge — splits an edge by inserting a node
strong_con_nodes — set of nodes of a strong connected component
strong_connex — strong connected components
subgraph — subgraph of a graph
successors — head nodes of outgoing arcs of a node
supernode — replaces a group of nodes with a single node
trans_closure — transitive closure
update_graph — converts an old graph data structure to the current one.
XXXII. Online help management
add_help_chapter — Add an entry in the helps list
apropos — searches keywords in Scilab help
foo — foo short description
help — on-line help command
help_skeleton — build the skeleton of the xml help file associated to a Scilab
make_index — creates a new index file for on-line help
man — on line help XML file description format
manedit — editing a manual item
%helps — Variable defining the path of help directories
xmltohtml — converts xml Scilab help files to HTML format
xmltojar — converts xml Scilab help files to javaHelp format
xmltopdf — converts xml Scilab help files to pdf format
xmltops — converts xml Scilab help files to postscript format
XXXIII. Optimization and Simulation
NDcost — generic external for optim computing gradient using finite differences
bvode — boundary value problems for ODE
bvodeS — simplified call of bvode
datafit — Parameter identification based on measured data
derivative — approximate derivatives of a function
fit_dat — Parameter identification based on measured data
fsolve — find a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions
karmarkar — karmarkar algorithm
leastsq — Solves non-linear least squares problems
linpro — linear programming solver (obsolete)
lmisolver — linear matrix inequation solver
lmitool — tool for solving linear matrix inequations
lsqrsolve — minimize the sum of the squares of nonlinear functions, levenberg-
marquardt algorithm
mps2linpro — convert lp problem given in MPS format to linpro format
numdiff — numerical gradient estimation
optim — non-linear optimization routine
qld — linear quadratic programming solver
qp_solve — linear quadratic programming solver builtin
qpsolve — linear quadratic programming solver
quapro — linear quadratic programming solver (obsolete)
semidef — semidefinite programming
XXXIV. Overloading
overloading — display, functions and operators overloading capabilities
XXXV. Parameters
add_param — Add a parameter to a list of parameters
get_param — Get the value of a parameter in a parameter list
init_param — Initialize the structure which will handles the parameters list
is_param — Check if a parameter is present in a parameter list
list_param — List all the parameters name in a list of parameters
remove_param — Remove a parameter and its associated value from a list of
set_param — Set the value of a parameter in a parameter list
XXXVI. Polynomials
bezout — Bezout equation for polynomials or integers
clean — cleans matrices (round to zero small entries)
cmndred — common denominator form
coeff — coefficients of matrix polynomial
coffg — inverse of polynomial matrix
colcompr — column compression of polynomial matrix
degree — degree of polynomial matrix
denom — denominator
derivat — rational matrix derivative
determ — determinant of polynomial matrix
detr — polynomial determinant
diophant — diophantine (Bezout) equation
factors — numeric real factorization
gcd — gcd calculation
hermit — Hermite form
horner — polynomial/rational evaluation
hrmt — gcd of polynomials
htrianr — triangularization of polynomial matrix
invr — inversion of (rational) matrix
lcm — least common multiple
lcmdiag — least common multiple diagonal factorization
ldiv — polynomial matrix long division
numer — numerator
pdiv — polynomial division
pol2des — polynomial matrix to descriptor form
pol2str — polynomial to string conversion
polfact — minimal factors
residu — residue
roots — roots of polynomials
rowcompr — row compression of polynomial matrix
sfact — discrete time spectral factorization
simp — rational simplification
simp_mode — toggle rational simplification
sylm — Sylvester matrix
systmat — system matrix
XXXVII. Randlib
grand — Random number generator(s)
XXXVIII. Scilab to Fortran
sci2for — scilab function to Fortran routine conversion
XXXIX. Scipad
edit_error — opens in SciPad the source of the last recorded error
scipad — Embedded Scilab text editor
XL. Shell
clc — Clear Command Window
Keyboard Shortcuts — Keyboard Shortcuts in Scilab
lines — rows and columns used for display
prompt — get current prompt
tohome — Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the Command Window
XLI. Signal Processing
Signal — Signal manual description
analpf — create analog low-pass filter
bilt — bilinear or biquadratic transform SISO system given by a zero/poles
buttmag — response of Butterworth filter
casc — cascade realization of filter from coefficients
cepstrum — cepstrum calculation
cheb1mag — response of Chebyshev type 1 filter
cheb2mag — response of type 2 Chebyshev filter
chepol — Chebychev polynomial
convol — convolution
corr — correlation, covariance
cspect — spectral estimation (correlation method)
czt — chirp z-transform algorithm
detrend — remove constant, linear or piecewise linear trend from a vector
dft — discrete Fourier transform
ell1mag — magnitude of elliptic filter
eqfir — minimax approximation of FIR filter
eqiir — Design of iir filters
faurre — filter computation by simple Faurre algorithm
ffilt — coefficients of FIR low-pass
fft — fast Fourier transform. — fast Fourier transform.
fft2 — two-dimension fast Fourier transform
fftshift — rearranges the fft output, moving the zero frequency to the center of the
filt_sinc — samples of sinc function
filter — filters a data sequence using a digital filter
find_freq — parameter compatibility for elliptic filter design
findm — for elliptic filter design
frfit — frequency response fit
frmag — magnitude of FIR and IIR filters
fsfirlin — design of FIR, linear phase filters, frequency sampling technique
group — group delay for digital filter
hank — covariance to hankel matrix
hilb — FIR approximation to a Hilbert transform filter
hilbert — Discrete-time analytic signal computation of a real signal using Hilbert
iir — iir digital filter
iirgroup — group delay Lp IIR filter optimization
iirlp — Lp IIR filter optimization
intdec — Changes sampling rate of a signal
jmat — row or column block permutation
kalm — Kalman update
lattn — recursive solution of normal equations
lattp — lattp
lev — Yule-Walker equations (Levinson's algorithm)
levin — Toeplitz system solver by Levinson algorithm (multidimensional)
lgfft — utility for fft
lindquist — Lindquist's algorithm
mese — maximum entropy spectral estimation
mfft — multi-dimensional fft
mrfit — frequency response fit
%asn — elliptic integral
%k — Jacobi's complete elliptic integral
%sn — Jacobi 's elliptic function
phc — Markovian representation
pspect — cross-spectral estimate between 2 series
remez — Remez's algorithm
remezb — Minimax approximation of magnitude response
rpem — RPEM estimation
sincd — digital sinc function or Direchlet kernel
srfaur — square-root algorithm
srkf — square root Kalman filter
sskf — steady-state Kalman filter
syredi — Design of iir filters, syredi code interface
system — observation update
trans — low-pass to other filter transform
wfir — linear-phase FIR filters
wiener — Wiener estimate
wigner — 'time-frequency' wigner spectrum
window — compute symmetric window of various type
yulewalk — least-square filter design
zpbutt — Butterworth analog filter
zpch1 — Chebyshev analog filter
zpch2 — Chebyshev analog filter
zpell — lowpass elliptic filter
XLII. Simulated Annealing
compute_initial_temp — A SA function which allows to compute the initial
temperature of the simulated annealing
neigh_func_csa — The classical neighborhood relationship for the simulated
neigh_func_default — A SA function which computes a neighbor of a given point
neigh_func_fsa — The Fast Simulated Annealing neghborhood relationship
neigh_func_vfsa — The Very Fast Simulated Annealing neighborhood
optim_sa — A Simulated Annealing optimization method
temp_law_csa — The classical temperature decrease law
temp_law_default — A SA function which computed the temperature of the next
temperature stage
temp_law_fsa — The Szu and Hartley Fast simulated annealing
temp_law_huang — The Huang temperature decrease law for the simulated
temp_law_vfsa — This function implements the Very Fast Simulated Annealing
from L. Ingber
XLIII. Sound file handling
analyze — frequency plot of a sound signal
auread — load .au sound file
auwrite — writes .au sound file
beep — Produce a beep sound
lin2mu — linear signal to mu-law encoding
loadwave — load a sound wav file into scilab
mapsound — Plots a sound map
mu2lin — mu-law encoding to linear signal
playsnd — sound player facility
savewave — save data into a sound wav file.
sound — sound player facility
soundsec — generates n sampled seconds of time parameter
wavread — load .wav sound file
wavwrite — writes .wav sound file
XLIV. Sparses Matrix
full — sparse to full matrix conversion
gmres — Generalized Minimum RESidual method
ludel — utility function used with lufact
lufact — sparse lu factorization
luget — extraction of sparse LU factors
lusolve — sparse linear system solver
mtlb_sparse — convert sparse matrix
nnz — number of non zero entries in a matrix
pcg — precondioned conjugate gradient
qmr — quasi minimal resiqual method with preconditioning
readmps — reads a file in MPS format
sparse — sparse matrix definition
spchol — sparse cholesky factorization
spcompack — converts a compressed adjacency representation
spget — retrieves entries of sparse matrix
XLV. Special Functions
besseli — Modified Bessel functions of the first kind (I sub alpha). — Bessel
functions of the first kind (J sub alpha). — Modified Bessel functions of the
second kind (K sub alpha). — Bessel functions of the second kind (Y sub alpha).
— Bessel functions of the third kind (aka Hankel functions)
beta — beta function
calerf — computes error functions.
dlgamma — derivative of gammaln function, psi function
erf — The error function.
erfc — The complementary error function.
erfcx — scaled complementary error function.
erfinv — The inverse of the error function.
gamma — The gamma function.
gammaln — The logarithm of gamma function.
legendre — associated Legendre functions
oldbesseli — Modified Bessel functions of the first kind (I sub alpha). — Bessel
functions of the first kind (J sub alpha). — Modified Bessel functions of the
second kind (K sub alpha). — Bessel functions of the second kind (Y sub alpha).
XLVI. Spreadsheet
excel2sci — reads ascii Excel files
readxls — reads an Excel file
xls_open — Open an Excel file for reading
xls_read — read a sheet in an Excel file
XLVII. Statistics
cdfbet — cumulative distribution function Beta distribution
cdfbin — cumulative distribution function Binomial distribution
cdfchi — cumulative distribution function chi-square distribution
cdfchn — cumulative distribution function non-central chi-square distribution
cdff — cumulative distribution function F distribution
cdffnc — cumulative distribution function non-central f-distribution
cdfgam — cumulative distribution function gamma distribution
cdfnbn — cumulative distribution function negative binomial distribution
cdfnor — cumulative distribution function normal distribution
cdfpoi — cumulative distribution function poisson distribution
cdft — cumulative distribution function Student's T distribution
center — center
wcenter — center and weight
cmoment — central moments of all orders
correl — correlation of two variables
covar — covariance of two variables
ftest — Fischer ratio
ftuneq — Fischer ratio for samples of unequal size.
geomean — geometric mean
harmean — harmonic mean
iqr — interquartile range
labostat — Statistical toolbox for Scilab
mad — mean absolute deviation
mean — mean (row mean, column mean) of vector/matrix entries
meanf — weighted mean of a vector or a matrix
median — median (row median, column median,...) of vector/matrix/array entries
moment — non central moments of all orders
msd — mean squared deviation
mvvacov — computes variance-covariance matrix
nancumsum — Thos function returns the cumulative sum of the values of a
nand2mean — difference of the means of two independent samples
nanmax — max (ignoring Nan's)
nanmean — mean (ignoring Nan's)
nanmeanf — mean (ignoring Nan's) with a given frequency.
nanmedian — median of the values of a numerical vector or matrix
nanmin — min (ignoring Nan's)
nanstdev — standard deviation (ignoring the NANs).
nansum — Sum of values ignoring NAN's
nfreq — frequence of the values in a vector or matrix
pca — Computes principal components analysis with standardized variables
perctl — computation of percentils
princomp — Principal components analysis
quart — computation of quartiles
regress — regression coefficients of two variables
sample — Sampling with replacement
samplef — sample with replacement from a population and frequences of his
samwr — Sampling without replacement
show_pca — Visualization of principal components analysis results
st_deviation — standard deviation (row or column-wise) of vector/matrix entries
— standard deviation (row or column-wise) of vector/matrix entries
stdevf — standard deviation
strange — range
tabul — frequency of values of a matrix or vector
thrownan — eliminates nan values
trimmean — trimmed mean of a vector or a matrix
variance — variance of the values of a vector or matrix
variancef — standard deviation of the values of a vector or matrix
XLVIII. Strings
ascii — string ascii conversions
blanks — Create string of blank characters
code2str — returns character string associated with Scilab integer codes.
convstr — case conversion
emptystr — zero length string
grep — find matches of a string in a vector of strings
isalphanum — check that characters of a string are alphanumerics
isascii — tests if character is a 7-bit US-ASCII character
isdigit — check that characters of a string are digits between 0 and 9
isletter — check that characters of a string are alphabetics letters
isnum — tests if a string represents a number
justify — Justify character array.
length — length of object
part — extraction of strings
regexp — find a substring that matches the regular expression string
sci2exp — converts an expression to a string
str2code — return scilab integer codes associated with a character string
strcat — concatenate character strings
strchr — Find the first occurrence of a character in a string
strcmp — compare character strings
strcmpi — compare character strings (case independent)
strcspn — Get span until character in string
strindex — search position of a character string in an other string.
string — conversion to string
strings — Scilab Object, character strings
stripblanks — strips leading and trailing blanks (and tabs) of strings
strncmp — Copy characters from strings
strrchr — Find the last occurrence of a character in a string
strrev — returns string reversed
strsplit — split a string into a vector of strings
strspn — Get span of character set in string
strstr — Locate substring
strsubst — substitute a character string by another in a character string.
strtod — Convert string to double.
strtok — Split string into tokens
tokenpos — returns the tokens positions in a character string.
tokens — returns the tokens of a character string.
tree2code — generates ascii definition of a Scilab function
XLIX. Symbolic
addf — symbolic addition
ldivf — left symbolic division
mulf — symbolic multiplication
rdivf — right symbolic division
subf — symbolic subtraction
L. Tcl/Tk Interface
ScilabEval — tcl instruction : Evaluate a string with scilab interpreter
TCL_CreateSlave — Create a TCL slave interpreter
TCL_DeleteInterp — delete TCL interpreter
TCL_ExistArray — Return %T if a tcl array exists
TCL_ExistInterp — Return %T if a tcl slave interperter exists
TCL_ExistVar — Return %T if a tcl variable exists
TCL_GetVar — Get a tcl/tk variable value
TCL_GetVersion — get the version of the TCL/TK library at runtime.
TCL_SetVar — Set a tcl/tk variable value
TCL_UnsetVar — Remove a tcl variable
TCL_UpVar — Make a link from a tcl source variable to a tcl destination variable
TCL_EvalFile — Reads and evaluate a tcl/tk file — Reads and evaluate a tcl/tk
file (obsolete)
TCL_EvalStr — Evaluate a string whithin the Tcl/Tk interpreter — Evaluate a
string whithin the Tcl/Tk interpreter (obsolete)
TK_GetVar — Get a tcl/tk variable value (obsolete)
TK_SetVar — Set a tcl/tk variable value (obsolete)
browsevar — Scilab variable browser
config — Scilab general configuration.
demoplay — interactive demo player (OBSOLETE).
editvar — Scilab variable editor
tk_getdir — dialog to get a directory path
tk_getfile — dialog to get one or more file paths
tk_savefile — dialog to get a file path for writing
winclose — close windows created by sciGUI
winlist — Return the winId of current window created by sciGUI
LI. Texmacs
pol2tex — convert polynomial to TeX format
texprint — TeX output of Scilab object
LII. Time and Date
calendar — Calendar
clock — Return current time as date vector
date — Current date as date string
datenum — Convert to serial date number
datevec — Date components
eomday — Return last day of month
etime — Elapsed time
getdate — get date and time information
now — Return current date and time
realtimeinit — set time unit — set dates origin or waits until date
sleep — suspend Scilab
tic — start a stopwatch timer
timer — cpu time
toc — Read the stopwatch timer
weekday — Return day of week
PlotSparse — plot the pattern of non nul elements of a sparse matrix
ReadHBSparse — read a Harwell-Boeing sparse format file
cond2sp — computes an approximation of the 2-norm condition number of a
s.p.d. sparse matrix
condestsp — estimate the condition number of a sparse matrix
rafiter — (obsolete) iterative refinement for a s.p.d. linear system
res_with_prec — computes the residual r = Ax-b with precision
taucs_chdel — utility function used with taucs_chfact
taucs_chfact — cholesky factorisation of a sparse s.p.d. matrix
taucs_chget — retrieve the Cholesky factorization at the scilab level
taucs_chinfo — get information on Cholesky factors
taucs_chsolve — solve a linear sparse (s.p.d.) system given the Cholesky factors
taucs_license — display the taucs license
umf_license — display the umfpack license
umf_ludel — utility function used with umf_lufact
umf_lufact — lu factorisation of a sparse matrix
umf_luget — retrieve lu factors at the scilab level
umf_luinfo — get information on LU factors
umf_lusolve — solve a linear sparse system given the LU factors
umfpack — solve sparse linear system

colon - (:) colon operator


Colon symbol : can be used to form implicit vectors. (see also linspace , logspace )

j:kis the vector [j, j+1,...,k] (empty if j>k ).

j:d:kis the vector [j, j+d, ..., j+m*d]

The colon notation can also be used to pick out selected rows, columns and elements of
vectors and matrices (see also extraction , insertion )

A(:)is the vector of all the elements of A regarded as a single column.

A(:,j)ys the j -th column of A
A(j:k)is [A(j),A(j+1),...,A(k)]
A(:,j:k)is [A(:,j),A(:,j+1),...,A(:,k)]
A(:)=wfills the matrix A with entries of w (taken column by column if w is a

See Also

matrix , for , linspace , logspace ,

division euclidiennne ,rem

Tu souhaites donc donner un temps en secondes et avoir une conversion en jours-heures-

j = 24h
h = 60 min
min = 60s
*Tu prends donc ton temps t en secondes, tu fais la division euclidienne (quotient nmin
et reste s) de ce temps par 60, le reste s te donne le nombre de secondes dans ta date en
*Tu fais la division euclidienne (quotient nh et reste min) du quotient nmin précédent
par 60. Le reste min te donne le nombre de minutes dans ta date en jours-minutes-
*Tu fais la division euclidienne (quotient j et reste h) du quotient nh précédent par 24. Le
reste h te donne le nombre d'heures dans ta date en jours-minutes-secondes et le quotient
j te donne le nombre de jours.

t=input('Donner un nombre temps t en secondes : ');

display(['Le temps ' num2str(t) 's donne ' num2str(nj) 'j ' num2str(nh)
'h ' num2str(nm) 'min ' num2str(ns) 's']);

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