Historical Sites Puerto Rico

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Historical Sites

consisted of a circular tower and four massive stone walls.

Catedral Nuestra Seora de la Guadalupe

Castillo de San Felipe del Morro

is Old San Juan's most recognizable landmark. For over 400 years, it has protected San Juan and the shipping route from the New World to the Old.

built in 1931 stands on the site of the original chapel, built by Colonists in the 1660s.

Casa Blanca
Built for Ponce de Leon in 1521, it became the homestead for his descendants, as he died before construction was completed.
the first fortification built in San Juan harbor. Constructed between 1533 and 1540, the original fort

La Fortaleza

Old San Juan

founded almost 500 years ago and designated as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1983.

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