Biology Book It

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Name: ___________________________ School: ____________________________

Grade: _____________


Match the letter for the vocabulary terms below to their definitions. Vocabulary Terms: ____ 1. This is the attractive force that pulls similar substances together. ____ 2. This is the force attracting a bound liquid to another surface. ____ 3. This happens when the forces binding a liquid together and the forces attracting that bound liquid to another surface are greater than the force of gravity. ____ 4. This is the force that causes two particles to pull towards each other. ____ 5. This is when molecules bond more tightly to other molecules around them. a) b) c) d) e) Cohesion Surface Tension Adhesion Capillary Action Gravity

You will need to draw two illustrations of what you observe under the microscope and LABEL the parts you see. (Include these terms: vascular tissue, petiole, food coloring) With food coloring. Without food coloring.

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