I'm Sorry. You Are Misunderstanding This Case

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How do you rephrase these statements into more positive statements? 1.

You are totally wrong in understanding this case.

I'm sorry. You are misunderstanding this case.

2. Your letter cannot be replied until Monday. Sorry.

I'm sorry. Your letter will get a reply after Monday.

3. It is unfortunate you were unable to attend the meeting.

You are welcome to attend at the next meeting.

4. Your application for promotion cannot be entertained.

I'm sorry, your application for promotion can not be entertained. You are welcome to apply again in the future.
5. You have neglected your duties as the Form Teacher of this terrible class.

Thank you for trying to make this class better. I hope you can make the pupils in this class to become more positive.

Sori geng.kasi susa pula kosa main hantam2 jak nieni kami punya forum NF2F ni. Due date ari rabu..

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