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MODAL VERBS .Los verbos modales son un conjunto especfico de verbos que transmiten una actitud o estado de nimo.

Por ejemplo: Can / can't ------- could / couldn't will / won't -------would / wouldn't may, might, must, shall, should, ought to, etc. .Los Verbos Modales no aaden una -s para formar la 3 persona singular del Presente Simple: Todas las personas gramaticales son iguales. .No necesitan auxiliares para las formas negativas e interrogativas. Excepcin: Have to (que expresa obligacin) You don't have to come tomorrow. Do you have to work tomorrow? .Van seguidos de un Bare Infinitive (=infinitivo sin to) I must go. I can swim. Excepciones: Have to / Ought to / Used to 1. Should / ought to in the present. Should / ought to + infinitive Use: To give advice. Not as strong as must


have to.

2. Should / ought to in the past. Should / ought to + Present Perfect Use: To criticise past actions or to express regret. (Similar to wish + past perfect) 3. Wishes about the present: Wish + Past simple Use: To talk about imaginary alternatives to the present. *We use I wish I were older, not I wish I was older. And He/she wishes he/she were older. 3.a) We use wish + would to criticise other people's annoying habits. I wish my mum wouldn't give me meat to eat. 4. Wishes about the past: Wish + Past Perfect Use: To talk about imaginary alternatives to the past, to criticise past action and to express regret. (Similar to should have) I wish I had gone to the party. 4.a) We can use if only instead of I wish to make our words more dramatic: I wish I hadn't drunk so much! If only I hadn't drunk so much!

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