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aLkr-tty''c(t 'wuutniis*n-*ru

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Qryoct , E:eNo'

: 02 of Pages

BUSI|'ESS LAW - II CODE: BB ' 404 SUBJECT PaperID z lC022ll

lNote : Pleasefill subject code and paper lD on OMRI

Maximurn Marks : 6{) Time : 03 Hours Instruction to Candidates: 1) Section- A is ComPulsorY. 2\ Attempt any Four questionsfrorn Section- B' Section- A gl) a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) i) j) DefineBill of exchange. DefineHundies. Define fire insurance. Define reinsurance. Define a bill of lading. Define sharecaPital. Define the term company. What is a Mernorandumof Association? meeting? What is a statutarY Who is a liquidator? Section- B (4 x l0: 40) e2) e3) instrument. Examineto what extenta minor can be aparty to a negotiable of a fire of the insurerundersucha contract? features What are the essential (10x2:20)

from Partnership? Q4) How companyis distinguished

M-20s ltssel


'Sharecapital' and its kinds?How canthe share capitalof a company QS) Define be reduced? CiOl Discussthe powersanddutiesof a directorof a companyunderthe companies Act, 1956. 87) entitled When can a companybe wound up by a courl?Who are the persons "to presenta petition for winding up of a companyby the court and what are in which eachmay presentthe petition? the circumstances



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