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Roll No. ...............:...... Total No.

of Questions : 071

a 4yor, *T]r^, oLLrortr/a.t wrt-!* MBA (Sem. -"3ra74tnf ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT SUBJECTCODE : MB - 661 PaperID : [C01181
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No.of Pages : 02

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60 Instruction to Candidates: - A is Compulsory. 1) Section - B. 2) AttemptanyFour questions from Section Section- A QI) a) b) c) d) e) 0 g) h) i) j) What areOD assumptions? Defineplanned change. What is systems theory? Differentiate groupandteam. between What arecareer anchors? Defineculture. Whatis politics? What areOD interventions? Whatarethe sources of socialpower? Whatdo you understand by inter-disciplinary natureof OD?

(10x 2: 20)


Section- B (4 x 10: 40) its distinguishing characteristics. Q2) DefineOD anddiscuss of an effectiveteam. Q3) Explainthe characteristics third partypeace makinginterventions. Q4) Describe relation in QS) Discussvarious issuesthat can arise in consultant-client organisation dovelopment activities. dealwith powerandpoliticsin an organisation? Q6) How canOD practitioners sfiengths. Q7) Explainthe futureof OD in light of its fundamental



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