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67 EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND CLINICAL FEATURES OF CROHN DISEASE IN THE REGION OF TRANSYLVANIA-ROMANIA Olimpia Chira*, Monica Marin**, D. Dejica***, M. Tantiu***, A. Chira***, A. Ban**, D. Dumitra**, L. Csergo**, Y. Waseem***. ‘Inst of Public Health, Health Services & Management, ** 3rd Medical Clinic, *** University of Medicine & Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania The aim of the study was to analyse the evolution of 18 patients with Crohn disease (CD) diagnosed during 1991-1996, in two gastroenterological departments. The annual incidence of CD varied between 0.05 and 0.1% of all hospitalised patients. ‘There was a slight predominance of males (F/M: 0.8); the mean age at diagnosis was 37.5 years. The onset was earlier than the 4th decade of age in 56% of patients. The urban inhabitants and educated persons predominated. Smoking habits were present in 1/3 of patients, There were no differences between smokers and non-smokers in relation to age of onset and clinical course. The extent of the disease was as follows: in 11% only terminal ileum, in 33% terminal ileum and proximal colon were involved, in 56% only colon was affected (only rectum in 22%). The severity was mild or moderate in 66% of patients and, marked in the rest. More than half of patients developed complications: intestinal obstruction (2), strictures (2), fistulae (4) and abscesses (2). All patients were treated with steroids and salazopyrine or mesalasine, but 1/3 needed surgical therapy. None of the patients died or developed malignancy. In our geographical area the incidence of Crohn disease is low. It seems to be more frequent in males; smoking habits are not prevalent. In the majority of patients the course is mild, but some developed recurrent complications, which needed surgical therapy.

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