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Colorectal carcinoma by colonoscopy in Jordan

Retrospective study 1996-2000
Al Bashir Hospital experience

Dr.K.Lutfi, W.Hamoudi, S.Yaqub, N.Ziyadat, W.Balker, H.Abu-Hasan,


Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterological unit

OBJECTIVES: A retrospective study of all the cases of colorectal

carcinoma diagnosed by colonoscopy in Al Bashir Hospital, between the
years 1996-2000
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: All the patients with colorectal
carcinoma diagnosed by colonoscopy and confirmed by histology. Main
.symptoms, age groups, distribution of CRC and histology were recorded
RESULTS: From 2330 colonoscopies done in between 1996-2000, 149
(6.3%) patients were diagnosed with colorectal carcinoma. 80 patients
(53.6%) were male, while 69 (46.3%) were female. The main affected age
group was between 61-70 years (26.8%), followed by patients between
51-60 years (24.6%), while the less affected group was those between
0-10 years (0.6%). Main symptoms were dominated by rectal bleeding
(33%) followed by constipation (31.5%), less frequent symptom was
recorded as bloody diarrhea (10.7%).Most affected area in the colon was
sigmoid colon (39.5%) followed by rectum (22.8%), while less affected
was anorectal area (1.3%). Adenocarcinomas were the most common
histological type (91.9%), while squamous cell carcinomas and
.(Melanocarcinomas were the less frequent histological types (0.60%
CONCLUSION: Our statistical results from this study are similar with
the western and European statistical data regarding male/female
distribution, age group incidence, main symptoms, distribution of CRC
.within the large intestine and histology

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