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Module Mastery 2 Rubric

1 Showed little or no evidence

2 Showed Moderate evidence

3 Showed evidence with minimal expansion of the topic

4 Showed evidence while expanding on the topic Had 4 or more different variables presented with at least one other factor changed (like mitigation) Accurate information presented that showed knowledge of climate change Defended model was the best with in depth thought beyond grade level student is currently enrolled Showed evidence from models and at least one outside source with extensive elaboration


Did not create new models

Models had little relevance to question

Models were presented with at least 4 different variables

Information Presented

Little or no information presented

Minimal information presented

Information was presented and was mostly accurate and mostly answered the questions Defended why model was the best and presented at appropriate grade level which student is enrolled

Defended answer

Little or no defense

Minimal defense for using resource


Showed no evidence

Showed evidence from models, but no elaboration given

Showed evidence models with elaboration given

Total 16 pts

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