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Small-Group Time Planning Form

Originating Idea Childrens interest in doing things by themselves Materials Childrens shoes Curriculum Content
Social and Emotional Development: Sense of Competence

Opening Statement Read a book about Franklin and learning to tie his shoes.


What will children do? Earlier children will play with their shoes and unvelcro the straps Middle children will pull their socks on they will try to pull on their shoes Later children will pull on their socks they will unvelcro their shoes and put them on, attempting to get the Velcro straps down correctly

Strategies: How will you scaffold their learning? Model how to pull on socks model how to pull on shoes Model how to undo velcro

Strategies: Model how to pull on socks model how to pull on shoes Model how to undo Velcro

Strategies: Model how to pull on socks model how to pull on shoes Model how to undo 1elcro

warning and transition to next part of routine all children will either put on their shoes or have assistance putting on their shoes


Follow-up Ideas Have busy boards in the room that have zippers, latches, ties, etc.

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