Mogadishu University Prospectus 2012

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Mogadishu University

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Mogadishu University
To w a rd s a b e t t e r f u t u re
Telephone: (252)-5-932454, (252)-1-223433, (252)-1-858479 Fax: (252)-1-216820 P.O. Box 104722-00101, Nairobi, Kenya Email address:,

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Mogadishu University A Message from the President Prof Dr. Ali Sheikh Ahmed Abubakar
am pleased to welcome you to Mogadishu University, which is one of the greatest achievements of the Somali people during the civil war. As the first private, non-profit university in Somalia after the collapse of the central government in 1991, Mogadishu University was opened with the vision to be the premier non-state university in Somalia dedicated to providing affordable and accessible high quality education. Currently, there are thousands of students who are pursuing their studies in different specializations. Besides, graduates of the university work in the public and private sectors all over Somalia and in many other countries as well. Some of the graduates have even received masters and PhD degrees and are now participating in reconstructing the war-torn country. Despite operating in a war-torn country for more than 15 years, MU has succeeded to become a member of five regional and international higher education organizations and signed bilateral agreements with many prestigious international universities. MU was also ranked by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities among the first 100 African universities. The university gained friends and received financial and academic support from many institutions and individuals. I would like to express my gratitude

to those who contributed in any way to the development of MU. The achievements of the university would not have been possible without the help of the Almighty Allah and the contribution of the committed professors, lecturers, dedicated administrators and staff members. Moreover these achievements could not have been contemplated without the role of the ambitious and determined students, who share a passion for knowledge and the resolve to succeed. On the other hand, all stated stakeholders of the university could not have accomplished their goals without the constant and huge support of the fathers, mothers and all community members. As we leap into the future, my message to you all is to be conscious of the responsibility entrusted upon you. Mogadishu University is more committed to aspire high with the aim of providing quality education. The university assures all that we will open for you new horizons to discover yourself, advance your talents and enrich your awareness to create a better future for you and your people. May Allah guide all our efforts.

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Table of Contents
Message from the President Vision and Mission Objectives University Profile Our Programs Undergraduate Programs 01. Faculty of Shari a & Law 02. Faculty of Education 02.1 Arabic Language 02.2 Islamic Studies 02.3 Social Sciences 02.4 Math & Physics 02.5 Biology and Chemistry 03. Faculty of Arts and Humanities 03.1 Arabic Language & Literature 03.2 English Language & Literature 03.3 History and Civilization 03.4 Geography 04. Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences 04.1 Department of Economics 04.2 Department of Business Administration 04.3 Department of Accounting 04.4 Department of Public Administration 04.5 Department of Banking and Finance 05 Faculty of Nursing & Health Science 05.1 Department of General Nursing 05.2 Department of Laboratory Science 2 4 6 9 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 06. Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology 06.1 Computer Science 06.2 Information Technology 07. Faculty of Political Science and Information 07.1 Department of Political Science 07.2 Department of Journalism and Media 32 32 33 34 35 35

Postgraduate Programs 37 I.Partnership Program with Omdurman Islamic University (Sudan) 37 1. Post-graduate Degree Program in Education 37 2. Post-graduate Program in Sharia 38 ll. Partnership Program with Open University of Malaysia 38 Masters of Business Administration (MBA) 39 Other Programs Professional Diplomas SCOTTPS Program Judicial Training Program Online Distance Learning (ODL) Community service and continuing education Institutes & Centers 1. Institute for Somali Studies (ISOS) 2. Center for Community Service & Continuing Education 3. Somali Center for Water & Environment 4. Center for Research & Development 5. Mother and Child Educational Care 41 41 41 41 41 45 49 49 49 49 49 49

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Mogadishu University
To be the premier non-state, non-profit university in Somalia, providing affordable and accessible high quality education attuned to national values.

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To instill hope in the Somali society impaired by civil war and collapsed state institutions, and revitalize community-based

Towards a b e tt e r future

initiatives. To educate and nurture generations of students committed to peace, good governance and community service. To encourage intellectual and scholarly development, foster openness to a wide range of ideas and strengthen cooperation with other nations. To integrate Islamic and social values, scientific knowledge, and technical skills required for sustainable development of Somalia.

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MU was also ranked by the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities among the first 100 African universities

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Mogadishu University
Objectives Shared Values
shall contribute to solving the problems of humanity in general and the Somali society in particular. strengthening their abilities in analytical thinking.

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1 Bridging the Educational Gap

MU shall take a pioneering role in filling the educational gap created during the civil war to provide higher education opportunities for the young generations of Somalia.

6 Preserving National
Cultural Heritage MU shall contribute in preserving the cultural heritage of the Somali people and raise the awareness of the students and community by adopting an appropriate curriculum and carrying out creative cultural programs and activities.

4 Conducting Community
Education Programs MU shall contribute to the development of the society by encouraging community education through various training programs such as: workshops, seminars, symposiums, conferences, as well as courses in continuous education programs.

Committed to hard work, ethics and result oriented. Devoted to professionalism and excellence. Dedicated to Islamic values and decent national culture.

2 Producing an Educated Human

Resource MU shall give students an opportunity to pursue higher education and to specialize in various spheres of science and literature in response to the desperate needs of the country for educated human resources.

7 Cooperating with Other

Organizations MU shall foster collaboration with local, regional, and international institutions. Special attention will be given to promoting bilateral and multilateral cooperation with institutions of higher education.

3 Developing Scientific Knowledge

& Appropriate Technologies MU shall develop new scientific knowledge by focusing on research programs in priority areas, the results of which

5 Equipping Students with Better

Skills MU shall equip students with not only a mastery of a course of study, but also with practical skills through internship programs and field experiences, thus

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Developing Scientific Knowledge & Appropriate Technologies

MU shall develop new scientific knowledge by focusing on research programs in priority areas, the results of which shall contribute to solving the problems of humanity in general and the Somali society in particular.

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Un i ve r s i t y P r o f i l e
From Dream to Reality
fter the collapse of the central government in Somalia in 1991, the Somali National University was completely destroyed. The varsitys buildings, library, and equipments were completely ruined. The academic and administrative staff were killed, displaced or even migrated out of the country. Therefore, the hope for a new generation of Somalis to attain higher education was severely dashed and with it the future of the Somali nation. The people of Somalia, who were accustomed to free education from elementary level up to the university, were now faced with a new dilemma: their children were playing with bullets and bombs and joining organized clan militias. There were no public schools, and university and college facilities were occupied by displaced people and some were even converted into warehouses and business sites. The few remaining academics and professors were idle and unemployed. In that difficult context, the idea of establishing Mogadishu University emerged along with reviving basic education with the communitys help. The road to establish MU was the result of substantial planning, extensive traveling and fund-raising efforts from the year 1993 to 1997.

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In June 1993, the idea of establishing non-state university came about when a number of professors from the former Somali National University and other prominent Somali intellectuals met in Mogadishu to discuss the possibilities of reviving instruction for some faculties of the destroyed Somali National University. However, due to legal concerns, the group decided to form a non-profit and non-state institution for higher education under the name of University of Eastern Africa. The aim of that project was to provide opportunities for the students of the faculties of Islamic Studies and Languages to complete their course work. This initiative was founded in a privately-owned house located in the southern part of Mogadishu. However, the flares of the civil war had reached the university site and after a week of its opening, the warring militias looted all its properties including furniture, books, vehicles and documents. As a result, the project was temporarily suspended. In July 20, 1995, the same group convened again and concluded the priority was to form a National Institution for Private Education (NIPE) that would promote community-based education and develop further the idea of establishing a university by the year 2000. They also discussed the proposal of establishing Teachers Training Institute (TTI) proposed by one of the local NGOs. The rationale behind the idea of TTI was to meet the emerging need for

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qualified teachers for the newly established community schools all over the country. Finally, a committee under NIPE was formed to study the proposal and to report to the group in their next annual meeting. In the mean time, and with the help of community initiatives, hundreds of schools were opened including primary, intermediate, secondary and technical institutes. In 1995, the city of Mogadishu celebrated since the break-out of the war the graduation of the first 20 students from the Umul-Qura Secondary School, which was located in the district of Bondheere in Mogadishu. In August 9, 1996 the group met again and listened to reports and proposals of the designated committee. As a surprise to the group, the committee tabled a challenging proposal to establish a fully-fledged non-governmental university before the year 2000. The proposal received enthusiasm, support and acclamation of all founding members.

In September 22, 1997, the dream of opening Mogadishu University became a reality and it was officially opened in a small room in the presence of four of the founding members and five teaching staff.

In that meeting, Mogadishu University as the name of the projected university, was approved. The preparatory committee was given full mandate to work towards opening the university. To explore further the idea, members of the committee visited many universities in Yemen, Jordan, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Sudan and Egypt. At the end of the trip, the committee was fully convinced of the feasibility of opening the university within a year and launched rigorous planning to meet the timeline schedule for opening Mogadishu University on 22 September 1997. In September 22, 1997, the dream of opening Mogadishu University became a reality and it was officially opened in a small room in the presence of four of the founding members and five teaching staff. The first campus of MU was located in the former Mohamud Ahmed Ali Secondary School at Yaaqshid District in Mogadishu. However, after a militia took over the university, MU moved to the newly-renovated Sinai Hotel at General Daud Street. Moreover, from 1998 2004, with the expansion of MU over the years, the university hired a number of buildings within Mogadishu to house different faculties, departments, the administration and centers. Finally, in the academic year 2005/2006, Mogadishu University moved to its new campus located in the outskirts of the capital, dubbed the University City. And in August 2, 2008, MU launched its new campus in Bosaso, Puntland.

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MU General Features
1. Nature of the University: Mogadishu University is a private and non-profit institution of higher education in Somalia. 2. Semester System: MU operates on a semester system based on credit hours. Duration of the undergraduate BA and BSC programs are four years (eight semesters). Summer courses are conducted by the Center for Community Service and Continuing Education. The Center not only focuses mainly on strengthening languages and general requirement subjects, but also conducts short training programs in the fields of management, Islamic law, peace promotion and community development issues. 3. Language Proficiency: Official languages of instruction at MU are Arabic and English. Thus, proficiency in these languages is compulsory for all students in order to prepare them to meet multitude challenges of the job market. Therefore, students of different faculties have to pass additional 12 credit hours of Arabic or English language depending on their language of instruction- in order to qualify for graduation.

4. Medium of Instruction: The medium of instructions of the university is either Arabic or English depending on the program or course. English is the main medium of instruction for the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, Faculty of Nursing and the science departments of the Faculty of Education. Arabic is the main medium of instruction for the Faculty of Sharia & Law, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, the arts department of the Faculty of Education and Faculty of Political Science & Journalism.

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Admission & Enrollment

Mogadishu University follows a non-discriminatory policy and admits students irrespective of their clan, gender, religion or political affiliation. The university treats all students equally and stands for the highest moral and academic standards. Admissions are done strictly on merit basis. Students submit required documents with their application that indicates their first and second choice of specialization to the Admission and Enrollment Office. After the admission test, students are placed either in their first choice or their second choice. This mainly depends on the number of students application that has been for the specific program and the availability of space in the different faculties and departments according to the annual plans of the university.


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Mogadishu University
General Requirements for Admission
Submitting all the required documents. Payment of the application fees. Passing entrance exams (written and oral). Placement into the selected faculty and specialization.

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Admission Test
The admission test is a general examination that aims to ensure academic qualification for the students since there is no standard system of secondary school certification in Somalia. This test is also used in the distribution of the students to the faculties according to a set specialization preferences. Besides, depending on the students grades on the entrance exams, they are placed in one of their selected specializations. Three factors affecting students admission Applied preference specialization of the student. The final result of the admission test. The average grades of the secondary school certificate.

Required Admission Documents:

The checklist of the required documents: Original secondary school certificate. Birth certificate. Certificate of good conduct. Certificate of good health. Six color photos (6x4) cm. Completed application form. Receipt of Payment of the registration fees. Passport copies for non-Somali students.



Student ID card
After the admission the student will receive a student ID card from the university. This ID will be used to access the universitys campuses, classes and the library. Students should show it when requested and this ID is the property of the university.

In 1995, the city of Mogadishu celebrated since the break-out of the war the graduation of the first 20 students from the Umul-Qura Secondary School, which was located in the district of Bondheere in Mogadishu.

Cultural Week & Orientation

After the admission, students that have cleared with the Admission and Enrolment office will meet with the Students Affairs officers. The activities of the Student Affairs Office begin with the Cultural and Orientation week. It welcomes new students at the beginning

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of the academic year and provides them with information and guidance. The new students are invited to participate in a sevenday cultural week orientation that is held before the beginning of the first semester. This program welcomes new students to become acquainted with the university campus, library, and teaching and administrative staff. The orientation period introduces students to their academic programs, library and facilities. The student affairs office organizes seminars and workshops for students. The aim is to develop student leadership, moral reasoning, and social intelligence, besides catering for intellectual and social interactions in the students community. The office helps the students in all matters that students may have difficulty with, by providing information, guidance and counseling.

Financial Aid
Considering the financial difficulties of the students, the university offers a variety of scholarships to the students in accordance with a set of policies and procedures. These policies are aimed at promoting and encouraging academic excellence and competitiveness among students. Scholarships are offered by the university based on merit and also solicited scholarships offered by donor institutions and individuals 1. Scholarships are offered every year to the top students graduating from secondary schools. Educational networks within the country send their list of students who scored the highest cumulative grades in their respective secondary schools. 2. Scholarships are offered to the families who are unable to pay for more than one student. The purpose is to encourage such families and to provide a scholarship that is equal to 33% of fees for any two or more students from the same family. 3. An annual scholarship is offered to a student who scores the highest grades from each department. This annual scholarship is aimed to encourage competition among students in the university. 4. The Young Female Leadership Scholarship Program aims to increase the ratio of female enrollment in the university and to promote their leadership. 5. Special annual scholarship is offered for the students who

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Code of Conduct and Ethics

The University is committed to the ethical principles of scholastic honesty. Its members are expected to abide by the ethical standards both in their conduct and their exercise of responsibility towards other members of the university community. Any student who violates the code of conduct and ethics will be subject to sanctions up to and including dismissal from the university. Any student accused of a violation is granted an impartial hearing by designated committee.



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memorize the Quran. To receive this scholarship, an annual Quran competition is held and a number of students receive such scholarship sponsored by some individuals and charitable institutions. 6. The university solicits scholarships from the donor community and individuals worldwide. These scholarships are distributed to the students in accordance with their academic performances.

project is underway in association with the African Virtual University.

12 batches of students have already graduated from Mogadishu University since it was opened in 1997. Most of these alumni have received financial support and scholarships from a variety of sources. The university offers postgraduate scholarships for outstanding students who graduate from the university. This scholarship is received through collaborative agreements with other universities and aims to train teaching staff and professors of the university. These graduates are now working both within and outside the country. They all carry a sense of belonging for Mogadishu University and are united in the spirit of solidarity with the university.

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Academic Calendar
The academic year of Mogadishu University commences in the first week of September and ends in the third week of June every year. Two semesters of 18 weeks each make up the full academic year. Conventionally, students take two weeks of leave between the two semesters that gives them a break from the long semester study hours. The holiday starts in the third week of June and ends at the end of August. University facilities in all sites including the library, offices, etc. remain open for the teaching staff and students throughout the year.


Calendar for the Academic Year

Term Semester 1 Mid term Semester 2 Vacation Beginning 1st week of September 2nd week of January 1st week of February 2nd week of June Ending 2nd week of January 1st week of February 2nd week of June Last week of August

The library
The library of the University was established in 1997 and currently is located in the new campus of the university. There are more than 50,000 titles of books and publications. In addition, a virtual library

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Mogadishu University
University Requirements
University requirements are offered mostly in Arabic Language to strengthen bi-lingual police of the university/ this policy shall benefit particularly students enrolled in the departments where English is the medium of instruction. University Requirements consists of following (34) credit hours:
No 101 102 103 112 107 Subject Name Arabic language 1 Arabic Language-2 English 1 Introduction to economics Islamic civilization Credit hrs 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 34

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104 English 2

109 Scientific research & library


106 Current Affairs of Muslim World 114 110 111 113 105 World Geography Somali Studies African Studies Introduction to Management Islamic Culture & Contemporary Issue Total 108 Political System in Islam

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University Accreditation:
Mogadishu University is accredited by: International Association of Universities (IAU) and is listed in the International Handbook of Universities United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

University Regional & International Relationships

Cooperating with counterpart institutions is one of the objectives of Mogadishu University. As a result, MU is a full member in a number of regional and international higher education organizations and has established bilateral links with many universities in Africa, Asia, Europe and USA.

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Membership in Higher Education Organizations:

MU is an official and effective member in the following associations and organizations: Association of African Universities (AAU). Federation of Universities of Islamic Word (FUWI). Association of Arab Universities (AARU). International Universities Council (IUC). Association of Arab Private Institutions for Higher Education (AAPIHE). League of Islamic Universities (LIU). International Association of Universities (IAU)


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Mogadishu University

Our Programs

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01. Faculty of Shari a & Law

This faculty produces professional Islamic scholars well acquainted with the modern international legal system. These scholars will have the knowledge and training to become lawyers, judges, imams and Islamic educators. In combining Sharia & Law in one single specialization, the faculty aims to narrow the gap and conflict created between the secular and religious affairs in Muslim societies. Baccalaureate degree (B.A) in Sharia & Law shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (155) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 12 32 6 1 65 Credit Hrs 34 29 80 12 3 185

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02. Faculty of Education

This faculty contributes to the revival of quality education in Somalia. Education was one of the first faculties opened in 1997 and the plan was to meet the critical need for high quality teachers in the country. In addition, the faculty conducts all inclusive research programs according to the national needs. It consists of 5 departments. These are the Department of Arabic Language, Department of Islamic Studies, Department of Social Science, Department of Math & Physics and the Department of Biology & Chemistry.

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02.1 Arabic Language Baccalaureate Degree (B.A) in Arabic Language shall be offered to the student who successfully completes (158) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 11 28 6 1 60 Credit Hrs 34 36 73 12 3 158

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02.2 Islamic Studies Baccalaureate Degree (B.A) in Islamic Studies shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (162) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 11 30 6 1 62 Credit Hrs 34 36 77 12 3 162


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02.3 Social Sciences Baccalaureate Degree (B.A) in Social Science shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (160) credit hours in subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 11 25 6 1 57 Credit Hrs 34 36 75 12 3 160

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02.4 Math & Physics Baccalaureate Degree (B.Sc.) in Math and Physics shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (169) credit hours in the subject outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements No. of courses 14 11 28 2 6 1 62 Credit Hrs 34 36 78 6 12 3 169 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL


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02.5 Biology and Chemistry Baccalaureate Degree (B.Sc.) in Biology and Chemistry shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (171) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 11 29 3 6 1 64 Credit Hrs 34 36 77 9 12 3 171

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This faculty contributes to the revival of quality education in Somalia. Education was one of the first faculties opened in 1997 and the plan was to meet the critical need for high quality teachers in the country.

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03. Faculty of Arts and Humanities

This faculty is the corner stone of the university. The faculty offers its students a range of different programs that widens the scope of their thinking. It consists of 4 departments. These are Arabic Language & Literature, English Language & Literature, History and Civilization and Geography.

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03.1 Arabic Language & Literature Baccalaureate degree (BA) in Arts (Arabic Language & Literature) shall be conferred to the students who successfully complete (158) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 6 39 5 6 1 71 Credit Hrs 34 18 107 15 12 3 189

03.2 English Language & Literature Baccalaureate degree (BA) in Arts (English Language & Literature) shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (160) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. University Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 33 5 6 1 59 Credit Hrs 34 94 14 12 3 157

This faculty is the corner stone of the university. The faculty offers its students a range of different programs that widens the scope of their thinking.

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03.3 History and Civilization Baccalaureate degree (BA) in Arts (History and Civilization) shall be conferred on the student who successfully completes (156) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 6 27 8 6 1 62 Credit Hrs 34 18 81 24 12 3 172

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03.4 Geography Baccalaureate degree (BA) in Geography shall be conferred upon the student who successfully completes (169) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 6 33 6 6 1 66 Credit Hrs 34 18 99 18 12 3 184

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04. Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences

This faculty trains and produces qualified human resources who are well-versed in the fields of managements and economics. It consists of the Departments of Economics, Business Administration, public Administration and accounting.

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04.1 Department of Economics Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in economics shall be offered to students who successfully complete (178) credit hours as outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 19 17 4 6 1 61 Credit Hrs 34 57 51 12 12 3 169

04.2 Department of Business Administration Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in Business Administration shall be given to the students who successfully complete (173) credit hours as outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 19 18 4 6 1 62 Credit Hrs 34 57 57 12 12 3 175


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04.3 Department of Accounting Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in Accounting shall be conferred to the students who successfully complete (167) credit hours in the subjects as outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 19 18 5 6 1 63 Credit Hrs 34 57 51 15 12 3 172

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04.4 Department of Public Administration Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in Public Administration shall be conferred upon the students who successfully complete (173) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 19 18 4 6 1 62 Credit Hrs 34 57 54 12 12 3 172

04.5 Department of Banking and Finance Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in Banking and Finance shall be offered to students who successfully complete (182) credit hours as outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 18 23 4 6 1 66 Credit Hrs 34 52 69 12 12 3 182


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05 Faculty of Nursing & Health Science

The faculty trains and produces a new generation of highly-qualified and professional nurses. They will fill a big gap in the health sector that has been immensely devastated during the civil war. It offers a four year program in general nursing. 05.1 Department of General Nursing Baccalaureate Degree (B.Sc.) in Nursing shall be offered to students who successfully complete (211 of theoretical and practical) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 9 37 12 7 1 80 Credit Hrs 34 31 124 30 14 3 236

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05.2 Department of Laboratory Science Baccalaureate Degree (B.Sc.) in Laboratory Science shall be offered to students who successfully complete (212) of theoretical and practical) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 9 34 9 7 1 74 Credit Hrs 34 31 121 27 14 3 230


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06. Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology

This faculty produces graduates who are capable of facing the technological advancements of the new millennium, which are fuelled by the globalized world. Department of IT 06.1 Computer Science Baccalaureate Degree (B.Sc.) IT shall be offered to students who successfully complete (184) credit hours as outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 9 30 6 6 1 66 Credit Hrs 34 27 90 18 12 3 184


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06.2 Information Technology Baccalaureate Degree (B.Sc.) IT shall be offered to students who successfully complete (183) credit hours as outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 16 24 6 6 1 67 Credit Hrs 34 47 69 18 12 3 183

This faculty produces graduates who are capable of facing the technological advancements of the new millennium, which are fuelled by the globalized world.

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07. Faculty of Political Science and Information

The faculty of Political Science and Media trains new generation of specialists in the field of political science and mass media. It consists of two departments, namely: department of Political Science and department of Mass Media.

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07.1 Department of Political Science Baccalaureate Degree (BA) in Political Science shall be given to the students who successfully complete (159) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 12 21 6 6 1 60 Credit Hrs 34 36 61 18 12 3 164

07.2 Department of Journalism and Media BA Degree in journalism and Information shall be given to the students who successfully complete (169) credit hours in the subjects outlined below:
No. Type of the requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University Requirements Faculty Requirements Department Requirements Supportive Requirements Additional courses Graduation Thesis TOTAL No. of courses 14 12 21 6 6 1 60 Credit Hrs 34 36 61 18 12 3 164



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P OS T g r a d u a te P r o g r a m s
Post-graduate Programs
All post-graduate programs of the university are partnership programs with friendly universities. These programs are in the form of post-graduate diploma, masters degree and PhD. Currently, they constitute 10 specializations: four specializations in Education, two specializations in Sharia and four specializations in the management sciences. Following partnership programs are available for the aspirants of the graduate studies.

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I.Partnership Program with Omdurman Islamic University (Sudan)

1. Post-graduate Degree Program in Education
Omdurman University is one of the oldest universities in Sudan that was founded in 1901. It is oriented towards Islamic and Arabic studies. Mogadishu University and Omdurman Islamic University in Sudan signed an agreement in November 2001. The post-graduate studies in Education were started in January 2004 in collaboration with Omdurman University. The role of MU is to administer and host the program while the Omdurman Islamic University has the responsibility for all academic affairs such as admissions, providing lecturers, supervising thesis and offering degrees. This program is aimed to train teachers in three level programs: One year post-graduate diploma program in education, (2-

3) master degree in Education and a PhD program. In the diploma program admission is offered to the degree holders from any recognized universities. Masters of Education admission is offered to the holders of BA or BSc degree in Education and holders of Diploma in Education with good standing grades. Holders of Masters degree in the field of Education can enroll to the Omdurman PhD program. The following are the four areas of specializations at the Maters


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and PhD levels: 01. Curriculum Development. 02. Planning of Education. 03. Psychology of Education.

2. Post-graduate Program in Sharia

In the academic year 2006, MU and Omdurman launched postgraduate program in Sharia. This program is part of the protocol signed between the two universities earlier in 2001. It consists of all three levels of Diploma, MA level and PhD. Procedures of admissions is the same as the one stated in Educational program, though MA degree admission is offered to the graduate of the Sharia and Law from Mogadishu University and similar degrees from other universities. Graduates of this program will fill the positions in the public and private service as judges, lawyers, researchers of Islamic affairs, imams, legal advisors and so on. Post-graduate program in Sharia will produce Islamic scholars of higher caliber, capable of facing new challenges in the religious affairs in the Muslim society of Somalia. Following are the two areas of specializations at the masters and PhD level: 1. Usul al-Figh (Foundation of Jurisprudence) 2. Al-Fig al-Mugarin (Comparative Jurisprudence)


ll. Partnership Program with Open University of Malaysia

Open University of Malaysia or OUM is the 7th Malaysian private university. It is owned by a consortium of 11 Malaysian public universities. The main campus is located at Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In addition to this, there are more than 53 learning centers throughout Malaysia. The number of learners enrolled at the university has grown to almost 40,000. Almost 90 percent of the students are working adults. OUM- MBA program has international academic cooperation links

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with reputed universities in Europe and America. It offers many programs through e-Learning methodology. However, Mogadishu University only offers the MBA program. Other programs will be available as planned in later periods.

with the assistance of tutors at the university. This MBA program course requirement consists of 16 courses structured as follows: 10 core courses and 4 electives courses in the area of marketing, finance, human resource management and management information system. These four areas of specializations are available for the aspirants of the MBA program. In addiction to the above stated 14 courses, two project works should be completed in order for the student to graduate and receive an MBA degree. Graduates of this course specialize in one of the four areas: 1. Finance 2. Marketing 3. Human Resources management 4. Management Information system 5. Project management 6. Entrepreneurship

Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

As the number of graduates has been increasing yearly, particularly in the field of management and business administration, the need for postgraduate programs became a pressing demand. Furthermore, the increasing need of both the public and the private sectors for well-qualified people in business and administration has become a critical demand. To cope with this pressing need, MU introduced a masters degree in Business Administration in collaboration with the Open University of Malaysia. The objectives of the program are to enhance managerial competence, sharpen analytical and conceptual skill and improve employability and managerial career development. The program is challenging enough to provide cutting edge knowledge and competence to cope with the increasing demands of the job market. The program also offers a great chance to those who are not able to travel abroad for postgraduate studies. As the number of experts in business and administration increases, the development of the country becomes stronger and more competitive. The program is offered using online-Distance learning (ODL) and

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Professional Diplomas
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sharia Law Project Management Accounting Marketing Community health Nutrition Auxiliary Nursing Information Technology

Judicial Training Program

The judicial training project is a project aims to address the shortage of well-trained law professionals in Mogadishu through training and building the capacity of legal professionals in South-Central Somalia.

Online Distance Learning (ODL)

1. 2. 3. 3. Diploma Program in Financial Planning Research Methodology Conflict Resolution CISCO Networking Academy program Following are the courses in this program. 1. Fundamentals: IT Essentials (I)-PC Hardware & Software. IT Essentials (II)-Network Operating Systems 2. CCNA Courses 1 through 4 3. CCNP Courses 1 through 4 4. Wireless 5. Network Security

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Strengthening Capacity of Teacher Training in Primary and Secondary (SCOTTPS) is a program aims at to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in Somalia through improved quality of teacher training who can confidently and diligently discharge his/ her duties in any part of Somalia and the world. This two year training is undertaken within the broad national philosophy that aims to produce individuals with enriched moral, social and intellectual skills and attitudes necessary for the growth and survival of the individual and the Republic of Somalia.



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Comm u n i t y s e rv i ce a n d co n ti T n o w uairn d g s a ed bu e t cati t e r o f un t u r e

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Mogadishu University upholds community service as one its prime values. Students, faculty members, staff and also alumni are always involved in activities that contribute to the betterment of the larger society. The university is involved in holding capacity building and training workshops for both health-related and non-health institutions within the country. The Faculty of Nursing students and graduates continuously participate in assisting doctors in makeshift medical camps that lend a hand disadvantaged members of the Somali community. Mogadishu University also plays a significant role in lending a supporting hand to those affected by droughts and famine in Somalia. It has partnered with local and international humanitarian agencies, besides working closely with youth and civil society organizations to undertake voluntary service in favor of those affected by the harsh climate and famine. Members of staff, alumni and students also work with the universitys management in order to collect contributions that would help sustain projects for members of the society.

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Institutes &


1. Institute for Somali Studies (ISOS)
The Institute serves as a think tank to identify threats and suggest solutions on social, political, economic and environmental matters in Somalia. It is particularly interested in the post-conflict period of reconstruction and development in Somalia and the neighboring Horn of Africa region. ISOS thus collects information data, organizes conferences and workshops, accommodates foreign scholars, and cooperates with local, regional and international institutions, while producing educational films and documentaries.

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This is vital considering the prolonged drought that has hit Somalia, whose disastrous effects we have been witnessing at great length.

4. Center for Research & Development

The goal of this center is to provide the university with the capability of hosting institutional capacity-building training programs, seminars, conferences, workshops and symposiums. The center will play the role of a national center for training and professional development. Specifically, the centre will create a conducive environment for training public civil servants, private sector professionals and teachers. It will be a centre of excellence and will help all UN agencies and international NGOs to implement their programs more effectively and efficiently. In return, through the center, the university will also provide housing for researchers, visiting professors and residence for non- Somali lecturers.

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2. Center for Community Service & Continuing Education

The main motive of this center is to serve the community through education and raising awareness. The Center directly networks with the civil society organizations and provides short courses for continuing education purposes. Moreover, it organizes conferences and fosters relationships with community leaders and major organizations. The center also holds workshops for the community leaders to promote leadership and good governance.

5. Mother and Child Educational Care

Mother and Child Educational Care (MCEC) is a centre that works to prevent, advocate and promote the awareness of Somali women and children by putting emphasis on the following major areas: Providing educational programmes on FGM to the society as a whole so as to create a more open environment among Somalis in Somalia to discuss and combat FGM. Engaging the religious leaders, strong society leaders and other strong voices in the community as a key tool for opposing all evils and supporting all good deeds.

3. Somali Center for Water & Environment

In a civil war setting, water and environment are the first victims of indiscriminate destruction. Thus, the Center was established to work for the improvement of water and environment through research and development, and public education. It was established to counter the four factors that are endangering the Somali environment, namely: contamination and pollution of water and environment; recurrent droughts and occasional flooding; indiscriminate fishing and hunting of wild animals; and desertification, which is threatening farmlands.



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p r o s p e c t u s
Telephone: (252)-5-932454, (252)-1-223433, (252)-1-858479 Fax: (252)-1-216820 P.O. Box 104722-00101, Nairobi, Kenya Email address:,

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