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Sociology of Education

Question: Why do you send your children to school? Solution: There are various reasons why we send our children to school. Among these are the following: 1. Mental development Schooling helps in mental development of a child. As a child goes to school, he is afforded the opportunity to work on problem solving skills, exercise their creativity and learn to use their imagination. This serves them well especially during their early childhood years when they begin to develop perception of colour, size, shapes and distance. Through the school, children would be able to learn comprehension, narrative skills and improve on their general thinking skill. 2. Social development The school as an agent of social change can transform a child immensely. They develop interpersonally through interaction with their peers and teachers. They learn to share with others and learn to be under the authority of their teachers and learn obedience. 3. Emotional development The school helps in developing the emotion of the child. Emotion plays an important role in the growth of a child and contributes to personal and social adjustment. The school provides a forum for counseling and guiding the child towards maturation of emotions at different stages of life at which they remain in school 4. Communication skill development

The interaction among age groups helps in developing communication skills in the child. The sights and sounds heard and seen or taught as part of their learning experiences help children in communications. Thats why there are children of early childhood years who are fluent in English language communication and comprehensions of their environments.

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