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Reading Strategies Metacognitive Journal- Quiet Chapters 1-4 Strategy Predict: Make a smart guess about whats going

to happen next Quotation

But nowadays we tend to think that becoming more extroverted not only makes us more successful, but also makes us better people. (Cain 42)

My Response
In this quote Susan Cain introduced the idea that nowadays compared to the mid-century people want to be more extroverted because they feel that they will get better opportunities in life that way. I believe that Susan Cain will go into depth on this idea and will probably use a real life experience that she has encountered to explain it. She will talk about why humans feel that being louder, more outgoing and sometimes making rash, quick decisions is better than being conserved and thinking before speaking because they will have more success in the world and she will speak about how being extroverted is more ideal than introverted in our world today. The first thing that came to my mind when I read this quote was that I didnt know what the word sonorous meant, so I looked at it in context and predicted it meant he was confident in his speaking, or softly spoken, but just to be sure I clarified it by looking up the word in the dictionary. The true definition that I got was that it means a deep, resonating (echoing) sound. After clarifying the meaning of sonorous, I was able to better understand the subject Susan Cain was speaking about, and why he fit the HBS extroverted ideal. The man had a deep, echoing voice, meaning he would be able to overpower somebody elses opinion very easily in a group setting, she said he used his voice skillfully to, so I know that he was very confident in everything he said. While I read this quote I visualized a teenage boy who was somewhat geeky, who was dirty because he lived on a farm and who tried the best that he could at everything so that he didnt have to follow in his parents footsteps when he grew up. It reminded me of a story that I read, called Coat of Many Colours by Dolly Parton. The story about Dolly Partons life as a child, described how she was poor, she lived on a farm and didnt have very much except for her family, Dolly explained how she was born into a poverty-stricken family, but how she didnt mind because she still had everything she ever needed, like her winter coat. Dolly always tried her best at school and everything else that she did and eventually got into singing and acting, becoming a successful lady. Susan Cain said this about a student who goes to Harvard Business School. While preparing information for her book, Susan visited HBS in search of introverted students. She did this because it is known that most of the students who go there are extroverted and loud, because of the idea that extroverts are more successful in life. When I read this I just wanted to know why exactly the student would tell her it was going to be difficult to find a quiet, conserved student at Harvard, why it is so impossible

Clarify: Look closer when something is confusing

He has a sonorous voice, and uses it skillfully. (Cain 50)

Visualize: Imagine a picture or movie in your mind as you read

Skinny, unathletic, fretful, Dale is the son of a morally upright but perpetually bankrupt pig farmer. He respects his parents but dreads following in their poverty-stricken footsteps. (Cain 19)

Ask Questions: Ask questions to learn more

The student who wishes me luck in finding an introvert at HBS no doubt believes there are none to be found. (Cain 45)

Make Connections: Connect what youre reading to something else

Summarize: Retell what happened in the story so far

for an introvert to be successful in the world of business. This quote was written about a so called inspirational Hes leaping and beaming speaker named Tony Robbins. Tony Robbins leads and managing, somehow, to lectures about how to be successful in life, he speaks make eye contact with all about how you can bring out the inner you and 3,800 of us. The greeters jump use that to get where you want to go. Susan Cain, on rapturously in the aisles. Tony her journey of writing this book, decided to attend opens his arms wide, one of Tonys lectures to get a feel of what he was embracing us all. (Cain 36) really about, she wrote this part specifically about when she first arrived and walked into the banquet hall. She spoke of how Tony was all energy, and he tried to get everybody else to be just as energetic by making eye contact and having volunteers to pump up the crowd. This reminds me of a movie that I watched called Yes Man, about a man, whose life was falling apart because he didnt know how to balance work, with life and he couldnt find his inner self. The man gets talked into going to a lecture about saying yes more often and always being positive. The motivational speaker in the movie reminded me exactly of Tony from Quiet, he was just as well all energy and wanted to touch each and every persons life in a good and positive way. So far Susan has brought up one main idea, she has gone into detail about how extroversion is the ideal way of living in our world today. Throughout the first few chapters Susan has used several examples to support this point. First, she went back in time to the early 1900s and compared their personality ideal to our outgoing, upbeat ideal now by talking about old advertisements and the first successful businesses that started everything. Then she fast forwarded to the 21st century again and introduced us to extroverted types of people first by speaking of her visits to Harvard Business School and how she met up with the students there. Then Susan spoke of her attendance at the Tony Robbins lecture and what self-help and bringing out the you inside really meant. Lastly, Susan brought up religion, she wrote about how even in religion there were never many, and still are not many introverted types of people. In the bible she says, there were very few who did not stand up in front of many people to make differences, and in many churches today, you need to be extroverted and have your own strong opinions to feel comfortable going.

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