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Execute o arquivo "pzn-nfst.

exe" e durante o jogo aperte:

F1-------------------Infinito N2O
F2-------------------Infinito Speedbreaker Time
F3-------------------Muito dinheiro
F4-------------------Get Massive Bounty (Career)
F5-------------------Get Massive Bounty (Pursuit)
F6-------------------No Car Heat
F7-------------------Be the Most Wanted
F8-------------------Never get Busted
F9-------------------Instant Cooldown
F10------------------Freeze Pursuit Time
F11------------------Set Pursuit Time to 45 Minutes
V--------------------Super fast acceleration
NUMPAD1--------------Sem policia
NUMPAD2--------------No Blown Engines
NUMPAD3------------- Milestone Completer
NUMPAD4--------------100 Police Vehicles Damaged
NUMPAD5--------------100 Police Vehicles Immobilized
NUMPAD6--------------100 Spike Strips dodged
NUMPAD7--------------100 Roadblocks dodged

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