Analisis Dan Interpretasi Data: kll/IPBL 1

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Analisis dan interpretasi data


Ukuran Kecenderungan memusat (Measures of Central Tendency)

Min, Median, Mod


Ukuran memusat ialah ukuran yang menggambarkan skor tengah bagi sesuatu set data. Ukuran memusat ini termasuklah mod, median dan min.


Priscillas allowance is RM6 per week, and she wants to ask her parents to increase it. She surveyed other students in her class to see how much they get for an allowance. The results are shown below : RM15, RM0, RM5, RM10, RM3, RM4, RM10, RM6, RM5, RM10, RM0, RM6, RM8, RM8, RM15
kll/IPBL 4

3 kaedah umum : min, mod and median.


Min satu set data bermaksud purata Jumlahkan data dalam set dan dibahagi dengan dengan bilangan data dalam set Min =

15+0+5+10+3+4+10+6+5+10+0+6+8++8+15 15 = 105/15 =7 Min allowance ialah RM7 satu minggu



skor dengan frekuensi tertinggi
kll/IPBL 7

The mode of a set of data is the number(s) or item(s) that appear most often A line plot of the survey results can quickly give you the mode

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
kll/IPBL Mod adalah RM10 because RM10 berulang pada kerap 8


Skor tengah suatu set data
kll/IPBL 9

Nombor di tengah tengah satu set data apabila ianya disusun mengikut turutan Median ialah RM6, data ke 8












Darrells test scores for the first grading period are graphed on the line plot. How might he use the mean, mode or median of the data to describe his scores to his parents ? Is this statistic an accurate description ?
kll/IPBL 11

What is the mean of these numbers?

7, 10, 16

kll/IPBL 12

What is the mean of these numbers?

2, 9, 14, 27

kll/IPBL 13

What is the mean of these numbers?

1, 2, 7, 11, 19

kll/IPBL 14

What is the mean of these numbers?

26, 33, 41, 52

kll/IPBL 15

What is the median of these numbers?

16, 10, 7 7, 10, 16

kll/IPBL 16

What is the median of these numbers?

29, 8, 4, 11, 19 4, 8, 11, 19, 29

kll/IPBL 17

What is the median of these numbers?

31, 7, 2, 12, 14, 19 2, 7, 12, 14, 19, 31

12 + 14 = 26 2) 26


What is the median of these numbers?

53, 5, 81, 67, 25, 78 5, 25, 53, 67, 78, 81 60 53 + 67 = 120 2) 120
kll/IPBL 19

Which number is the mode?

29, 8, 4, 8, 19 4, 8, 8, 19, 29

kll/IPBL 20

Which number is the mode?

1, 2, 2, 9, 9, 4, 9, 10 1, 2, 2, 4, 9, 9, 9, 10

kll/IPBL 21

Adakah anda average student dalam kelas?
Meneroka dan mengenalpasti average student dalam kelas anda. average student dalam kelas anda mungkin berbeza dengan average student kelas lain.
kll/IPBL 22

Contoh soalan :
Apakah ketinggian anda dalam cm ? Apakah bulan anda dilahirkan? Apakah favor ice cream kegemaran anda? Apakah hobi anda? Apakah makanan kegemaran anda? Apakah saiz kasut anda? Apakah nombor kegemaran anda ? Berapakah bilangan adik beradik dalam keluarga anda ?



Divide into groups of two. Each group should take one of the questions and compile the data in frequency table or line plot Find the mean, mode and median for each question. Decide which one best describes each set of data and justify your choices.



Compile the results of all the groups. Choose an appropriate graph to display your data. Make a poster that describe the average student in the class



How Is the Information Gathered?

A survey is made.
Chocolate Vanilla
Strawberry Mint & Chip Rocky Road

1111 1 111
1111 1111 11 11

Bubble Gum



How Is the Information Presented?

Bar graph
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Chocolat Vanilla Strawberr Mint & C Rocky R Bubble G Students

Carta bar sesuai untuk - Membuat perbandingan antara kumpulan

How Is the Information Presented?

Pie chart

Untuk membuat perbandingan sebahagian dengan keseluruhan.

How Is the Information Presented?

Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint & Chip Rocky Road Bubble Gum

How many cheese order ? What is the average pizzas sold? What pizzas have same number ?



How Is the Information Presented?

Graf Garis

Membuat perbandingan kumpulan yang sama dalam jangka masa yang berbeza, Mengkaji perubahan mengikut masa

1. For which of the following pairs of years the total exports from the three Companies together are equal? A.1995 and 1998 B.1996 and 1998 C.1997 and 1998 D.1995 and 1996

2. Average annual exports during the given period for Company Y is approximately what percent of the average annual exports for Company Z? A.87.12% B.89.64% C.91.21% D.93.33%View
3. In which year was the difference between the exports from Companies X and Y the minimum? A.1994 B.1995 C.1996 D.1997 4. What was the difference between the average exports of the three Companies in 1993 and the average exports in 1998? A.Rs. 15.33 crores B.Rs. 18.67 crores C.Rs. 20 crores D.Rs. 22.17
kll/IPBL 33

Pengiraan Ukuran Serakan : Varians dan Sisihan Piawai

(Measures of Spread Variance and Standard Deviation)

Ukuran serakan ialah ukuran yang menggambarkan darjah serakan bagi sesuatu set data/skor dari nilai mean Ukuran serakan taburan termasuklah
julat, varians dan sisihan piawai.



Histogram Poligon kekerapan




Histograms are usually used to present "continuous data or a group of numerical data (the numbers can take on any value in a certain range) A good example is weight and height.
kll/IPBL 37


Susun data dari nombor yang kecil hingga nombor terbesar

kll/IPBL 38










Frequency Polygon illustrate graphically how the values in the population of data are dispersed in the form of a



Normal distribution



Skewed distribution (Taburan Pesong)





Why is it called negative skew? Because the long "tail" is on the negative side of the peak. People sometimes say it is "skewed to the left" (the long tail is on the left hand side) The mean is also on the left of the peak.

The Normal Distribution has No Skew A Normal Distribution is not skewed. It is perfectly symmetrical. And the Mean is exactly at the peak.

Positive Skew And positive skew is when the long tail is on the positive side of the peak, Some people say it is "skewed to the right". The mean is on the right of the peak value.



Measure of Spread (Ukuran Serakan)

Standard Deviation is a number that describes how much data vary or spread out from its mean. Uses difference of each data value from the mean. The higher the number the more the data is spread out. The more spread apart the data, the higher the deviation

Standard Deviation (Sisihan Piawai)

Eg : Find the deviation from the mean for all the data values. 32, 41, 47, 53, 57 The sum of the deviations for a set of data is always 0 because the positive and negative values cancel each other

Variance & Standard deviation (Varians dan sisihan piawai)

This can be avoided by squaring each deviation, making all numbers positive An average of these deviations can now be found, it is called variance. VAriance = average squared deviation of values from mean

Standard deviation (S) = square root of the variance

From the above discussion, Deduce the formula of variance and standard deviation ?

Finding Standard Deviation

1. Find the mean, x

2. Find the difference of each data value from the mean xi x

3. Square each difference

xi x
n i 1

4. Sum all the squared values

x x

Untuk data berikut : Lakarkan histogram dan poligon kekerapan Hitungkan varians dan sisihan piawai 6, 8, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3 5, 5, 5, 6, 9, 9, 8, 7, 7



Exercise 1
Find the standard deviation for the frequency table below : value 2 3 4 5 Frequency 5 8 10 2

Exercise 2
The table below shows the grouped data for a science test. Calculate the standard deviation . Class Interval 40 44 45 49 50 54 55 59 Frequency f(x) 4 3 4 5

Group A score
90 100 70 50 40

Group B score
75 65 70 70 70

X 350
350 X 70 5

X 350
350 X 70 5

a) Compute the (i) variance (ii) standard deviation b) What do these values of variability say about students in grp A and B ? c) One of these group is said to be streamed by ability. Whish grp ?

Properties of standard deviation

When using standard deviation keep in mind the following properties. Standard deviation is never negative. Standard deviation is only used to measure spread or dispersion around the mean of a data set. Standard deviation is sensitive to outliers. A single outlier can raise the standard deviation and in turn, distort the picture of spread. For data with approximately the same mean, the greater the spread, the greater the standard deviation. If all values of a data set are the same, the standard deviation is zero (because each value is equal to the mean).

Make tables on a piece of paper 1st table : amount of money in the wallet/purse 2nd table : waist line Height of the classmates Weight of classmates

a) Group the amount according to suitable class intervals b) Draw frequency polygon c) Discuss the shape of curves obtained d) Calculate variance and standard deviation

Car Accidents
Highway fatalities account for more than 94% of all transportation deaths. There were an estimated 41,611 people killed in auto accidents in 1999. The total number of people killed in highway crashes in 2001 was 42,116 compared to 41,945 in 2000. An average of 114 people die each day in car crashes in the U.S. Find the standard deviation and the mean for this problem?

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