Service Marketing Internal Status Roll No. Name of Student Topic

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Service Marketing Internal status Roll No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Name of student Topic ppt Aandhale Sunil Abraham Ashwin John Awasthy Mohit Niraj Bhavsar Kiran Shivdas Balancing DD - Done Chavan Akshay Chandrakant Customer relationships - Done Dethe Rushikesh Doultani Kiran Ram Complaint handling & service recovery - Done Fazeel Ahmed K Jain Suresh Ramesh Jaiswal Neha Rakesh Karale Vishakha Bharat Malik Zeba Abdulmonayam Managing ppl in Service orgn - Done Maniyar Azaruddin Abdulgani Maurya Sushma Suresh Occhani Laveena Customer satisfaction & service quality - Done Pandey Khushboo Jitendra Pillai Devesh Balancing DD - Done Rampandi Rengaswami Rane Harshad Ulhas Salian Varun V Sawalkar Sagar Kushaba Sawalkar Sanjay Maruti Shinde Akshay M Shinde Shruti Navnath Customer relationships - Done Srivartava Arti Ravi Complaint handling & service recovery - Done Shukla Priya Yogendra Customer relationships - Done Siddiqui Mohammed Amjad Shabbir Hasan Complaint handling & service recovery - Done Sontakke Priyanka Chandrakant Complaint handling & service recovery - Done Syeda UmmeSalma safiuddin Tagade Ashish Anand Tandon Megha Sushil Managing ppl in Service orgn - Done Tankhiwala Prajakta Prabodh Complaint handling & service recovery - Done Thorat Rhutuja Sanjay Yadav Ravindra prasad Shyam Managing ppl in Service orgn - Done Yadav Tejasvi Omprakash Balancing DD - Done

Case study ppt


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