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War vs. peace Is war the best way to protect peace?

Im not so sure it is, because war doesnt just kill a huge number of human beings it also leave scars in the souls of the ones left alive. Alfred Nobel said that "Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses: on the day that two army corps can mutually annihilate each other in a second, all civilized nations will surely recoil with horror and disband their troops." I totally agree with this statement because the fact that a nation is well-equipped, organized and have a larger army doesnt prove they are right when it comes to the conflict from which the war started. As civilized people we are to solve our problems civilized and understand that a war just make them worse so therell be riots which could bring another war event though people would be happy that the last one just finished. I think that not only war represents a short-time solution; it isnt a solution at all. War breeds war. War does nothing but devours valuable resources and destroys precious lives for the sole purpose of perpetuating itself. War is a mechanism used by the ruling elites of the State to coerce and control the people, so it becomes essential that whenever one war is complete, another is instigated elsewhere so that the mechanism keeps running. Maybe some believe that a war is followed by peace, freedom and prosperity, but after war people are traumatized and hurting so there is no appropriate environment for them to create. As a consequence we dont evolve: there are no economic booms, scientific advancements or cultural progress. We have tried war, over and over again. I think we should give peace a chance and learn from the past so that all deaths that occurred for us has not been in vain. "Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom." Albert Einstein

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